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រហស្សនាម: វាលប្រើស
កូអរដោនេ: 11°7′N 107°11′E / 11.117°N 107.183°E / 11.117; 107.183Coordinates: 11°7′N 107°11′E / 11.117°N 107.183°E / 11.117; 107.183
Country កម្ពុជាក្រោម
 • សរុប៥៩០៧.២ គម2 (២២៨០.៨ ម៉ាយ ការ)
ប្រជាជន (2011)[១]
 • សរុប២,៦៦៥,១០០
 • ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់5
 • សន្ទភាព០.០០០៤៥/km2 (០.០០១២/sq mi)
 • Ethnicitiesចាម ខ្មែរក្រោម ម៉ុងតាញ៉ា
ល្វែងម៉ោងICT (ម.ស.ស.+7)
Calling code61

វាលប្រើស ជាពាក្យដែលខ្មែរក្រោមប្រែចេញពីពាក្យយួនថា ដុងណាយ (Đồng Nai) ។ ពាក្យដើមរបស់ខ្មែរហៅថា ដូនណៃ ហើយយួនបានហៅ តាមខ្មែរភាសាខ្មែរមិនបាន ក៏ហៅផ្ដួលទៅជា ភាសាយួនថា ដុងណាយដែលមានន័យថា វាលប្រើស ទៅវិញ ។ ខេត្តនេះឈ្មោះជាភាសាខ្មែរថា ដូនណៃ ឬ តំបន់ ដូនណៃ

ឈ្មោះ ខេត្តដូនណៃ មានរៀបរាប់នៅក្នុងសៀវភៅ ពង្សាវតារខ្មែរ ក្នុងសម័យ “ផែនដីព្រះស្រីសុរិយោទ័យ” ដូចខាងក្រោមនេះ៖

“ព្រះស្រីសុរិយោទ័យ ជាព្រះរាជបុត្រ នៃ ព្រះនរាយណ៍រាជាធិរាជ។ ទ្រង់ឡើងសោយរាជ្យសម្បត្តិក្នុងឆ្នាំរកានពស័ក ព.ស. ២០២១ គ.ដ ១៤៧៧ ក្នុងព្រះជន្មាយុ២៦ ព្រះវស្សា ទ្រង់ព្រះនាមជា ព្រះរាជឱង្ការ ព្រះស្រីសុរិយោទ័យរាជាធិរាជរាមា បរមបពិត្រ ។ លុះបានឡើងសោយរាជ្យស្រេចហើយ ព្រះអង្គក៏ស្ដេចតែងតាំង ចៅហ្វាយស្រុកឲ្យទៅរក្សាខេត្តតាំងពី ខេត្តសៀមបូក ខេត្តសម្បុក ខេត្តសម្បូណ៌ ខេត្តក្រចេះ ខេត្តឆ្លូង ខេត្តត្បូង ខេត្តបាសាន ខេត្តទទឹងថ្ងៃ ខេត្តព្រៃវែង ខេត្តបាភ្នំ ខេត្តរំដួល ខេត្តស្វាយទាប ខេត្តរោងដំរី ខេត្តព្រៃនគរ ខេត្តលង់ហោរ ខេត្តជើងបាដែង រៀងទៅទល់នឹងនគរចាម នោះបានទៅខាងព្រះបាទស្រីសុរិយោទ័យទាំងអស់ ។ អស់មុខមន្ត្រី ខាងនគរចតុម្មុខ ស្រុកភ្នំពេញនោះ ឃើញព្រះមហាក្សត្រទាំងពីរព្រះអង្គ ពីត្រើយខាងលិច និង ត្រើយខាងជើង សុទ្ធតែទ្រង់រាជ្យទាំងអស់ ព្រះកិត្តិយសក៏ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់វិសេសជាងម្ចាស់ របស់ខ្លួន ក៏ចូលទៅក្រាបបង្គំទូល អញ្ជើញព្រះធម្មរាជាឲ្យស្ដេចឡើងសោយរាជសម្បត្តិ។ ព្រះធម្មរាជា ព្រះអង្គពុំព្រមទទួល អញ្ជើញតាមសេចក្ដីសុំ របស់មុខមន្ត្រីនោះទេ។ ស្ដេចគ្រាន់តែរក្សា អាណាខេត្ត តាំងពីខេត្ត ខេត្តសំរោងទង ខេត្តបាទី ខេត្តលើកដែក ខេត្តទ្រាំង ខេត្តបន្ទាយមាស ខេត្តថ្ពង ខេត្តបាសាក់ ខេត្តបាវៀ ខេត្តពាម ខេត្តកោះស្លាកែត (គឺស្រុកលើកដែកសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ) ខេត្តកំពត ខេត្តកំពង់សោម ខេត្តព្រះត្រពាំង ខេត្តក្រមួនស ខេត្តដូនណៃ រៀងទៅទល់ នឹងសមុទ្រនេះត្រូវបានមកព្រះធម្មរាជាទាំងអស់។

Đồng Nai (listen ) is a province in the Southeast region of Vietnam, located east and northeast of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). The largest city in Đồng Nai is Biên Hòa. Prior to Vietnamese colonization, the area was part of Cambodia up until 1627. The area was known as Kâmpéap Srêkatrey​ or កំពង់ស្រកាត្រី in Khmer.


Đồng Nai is divided into the following districts:

The city of Biên Hòa is its own municipality.


Đồng Nai is situated in southeastern Vietnam and bordered by: Bình Thuận, Lâm Đồng, Bình Dương and Bình Phước, Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu, and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Đồng Nai province has an advanced traffic system with many backbone national roads crossing, such as: National route 1A, national route 20, National route 51, North–South railway lines; Located adjacent to the Saigon Port and Tan Son Nhat International Airport, it offers many advantages to economic activities in the area. Its location is very important for the development of the Southern economic main hub and a junction of the South Eastern and Tây Nguyên Highland.

Đồng Nai Province is based essentially on the system of lakes, dams and rivers, of which Trị An Lake with 323 km² and over 60 rivers, rivulets and canals are very favorable for the development of a number of aquatic products: raft bred fish and shrimp. Nam Cát Tiên prohibited forest that has been recognized as the international bio reservation zone located on the north of Đồng Nai. From the mountainous area, Đồng Nai River, an inland waterway, flows southeast through Biên Hòa City, Ho Chi Minh City, and villages along its way. This river plays an important role on supplying fresh water for the whole area.


Đồng Nai lies in the monsoon tropical zone and is affected by the north-east and south-west monsoon. It is also put under the influence of Pacific Ocean tropic atmosphere between April and October. Climate is cloven in two distinct seasons. The rainy season lasts from March or April to November and the dry season from December to March or April of the following year. Average temperature goes between 23.9-29.0C, much lower than standard level of the tropical regions (26-30C). Its rainfall is quite high with 1,500 - 2,700mm.

On average, the weather is sunny for 4 - 9.5 hours a day and does not exceed 11.5 hours per day, even on the hottest and sunniest days. Total rainy days within a year are between 120–170 days (standard level of tropical region is 150–160 days) with total rainfall of some 1,500 - 2,750mm. The average humidity is around 80 - 82% and humidity in the dry season is 10 - 12% lower than that of the rainy season. The humidity is inconsiderably differential among the areas.

Đồng Nai Province's weather with regular sunshine, rain and high humidity equally found in the localities facilitates agricultural production and development of industry and cultural and tourism activities.


Đồng Nai is plentiful with forest resources, granite mine, construction stone, clay, kaolin, puzzolan, sand, gravel, etc.


Đồng Nai is one of Vietnam's most populous provinces (ranked 5) with a population of 2,665,100 in 2011.[១] Its population has been growing rapidly in recent years, mainly driven by migrant workers coming to the province to work in factories. Population growth was 1.95% in 2005, between 2.5% from 2008 to 2010 and 3.5% in 2011. Net migration contributed 2.2% to this figure.[១] Đồng Nai is second only to Bình Dương Province in both population growth and net migration.

The population of Đồng Nai is primarily the dominant Kinh (Viet) ethnicity, although there are residents of the Chinese, Nùng, Tay, and Cham minorities.


Đồng Nai has made significant progress in upgrading its transport infrastructure, especially roads. National highways in the province have a total length of 244.5 km and have been improved and widened up to level 1 and 2 standards (National Highway No 5 and 6) or up to third grade like National Highway No 20 to Da Lat. The total roads system in the province is 3.339 kilometers long, of which almost 700 kilometers are tar roads. All communes and wards are connected to the road network.

Under scheme in the near future, highways to Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Province and Ho Chi Minh City, a railway connecting Biên Hòa to Vũng Tàu, upgraded provincial roads No 726 and connecting national highway No 20 and No 1 with national highway No 51 will create a complete system, promoting socioeconomic development in the province and region.

A new airport, Long Thanh International Airport, is planned for construction in Long Thanh district, Đồng Nai, approximately 40 km northeast of Ho Chi Minh City. Upon completion, it will handle international flights in place of Tan Son Nhat International Airport, which will serve domestic flights.


Đồng Nai is one of Vietnam's main manufacturing centers and one of the most developed provinces.


Despite its strong focus on industrial development, Đồng Nai still has a substantial agricultural sector. Agricultural land accounts for 47% of the province's area as of 2011, a total of 277,600ha.[១] This is lower than in other provinces in the Southeast region, except for Ho Chi Minh City. Cereals were grown on 118,600ha in 2011, an area that has been decreasing gradually in recent years, from 139,300ha in 2005.[១] Output of rice has however remained stable and was at 335,200t in 2011. The province also produced 305,300t of maize, making it the largest producer of maize outside the country's mountainous regions and contributing 6.3% to the national maize output.[១] Đồng Nai also produced 619,700t of sugar cane (3.5% of the national output), sweet potatoes and cassava.[១]

Đồng Nai is the largest livestock producer among Vietnam's provinces and plans to further invest in the sector.[២] The government reserved 15,000ha for livestock farming in 2012, mostly for poultry and pigs.[៣] In 2011 there were 1.33 million pigs and 10.655 million poultry.[១] Despite not being located along the coast, Đồng Nai produced 41,600t of fishery products in 2011. Over 90% of this was produced in 33,500ha of aquaculture farms.[១] This makes Đồng Nai the largest aquaculture producer outside the Mekong Delta.


Đồng Nai is one of Vietnam's main manufacturing centers. It has attracted 9.1% of FDI into Vietnam by 2011, an accumulated US$ 18.2 billion, the fourth largest after Ho Chi Minh City, Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Province and Hanoi.[១] Industrial gross output in 2011 was VND 314 trillion, 10.6% of the national value.[១] It has received a broad range of FDI projects, including a Bosch auto component plant,[៤] a Toshiba motor plant,[៥] a PepsiCo beverage factory,[៦] a Posco steel plant,[៧] and a Nestlé coffee factory.[៨]

External links[កែប្រែ]


  1. ១,០០ ១,០១ ១,០២ ១,០៣ ១,០៤ ១,០៥ ១,០៦ ១,០៧ ១,០៨ ១,០៩ ១,១០ General Statistics Office (2012): Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam 2011. Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi
  2. "Dong Nai invests in livestock". Viet Nam News. 1 December 2012. http://vietnamnews.vn/Agriculture/233520/dong-nai-invests-in-livestock.html។ បានយកមក 1 December 2012. 
  3. "Dong Nai sets aside 15,000 hectares for livestock farming". Saigon Times. 15 October 2012. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/other/26050/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
  4. "Bosch opens auto component plant in Dong Nai". Saigon Times. 16 April 2011. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/investment/16401/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
  5. "Toshiba opens industrial motors plant in Dong Nai". Saigon Times. 24 September 2010. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/corporate/12747/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
  6. "PepsiCo opens new beverage factory in Dong Nai". Saigon Times. 15 March 2012. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/corporate/22398/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
  7. "Posco opens stainless steel mill in Dong Nai". Saigon Times. 8 March 2012. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/corporate/22271/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
  8. "Nestlé builds coffee plant in Dong Nai". Saigon Times. 10 August 2011. http://english.thesaigontimes.vn/Home/business/corporate/18624/។ បានយកមក 21 November 2012. 
