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Since wikis originated in the culture of DesignPattern?s and PatternLanguages and then were adapted to WikiPedia, it became easy to talk about wikis as a CollaborativeHypermedium to organize knowledge and human understanding.

However, many OnlineCommunities function this way, though with different means.

SocialBookmarking sites help collect our findings online and discover similar resources found by other people.

On RedDit?, particularly the political subreddits, I've noticed people use the anonymity and the culture of Reddit to test their thoughts and feelings out in a public forum where they will be immediately contested. It's a relatively safe place to develop one's internal understanding of the world without any fear that people will take it (too) seriously.

While some have lamented that BloggingIsSadneess?, truthfully, blogging has shown plenty of value to people. An OnlineDiary provides a place for someone to write out their thoughts and feelings, but in a community of people who can also support or add to their experiences. For blogs that are educational, they serve to collect and organize and entertain knowledge and understanding for the audience.

Twitter is an immediate way to yell at the clouds. And while probably that isn't healthy, you quickly find that other people are yelling with you, which can validate your (negative) emotions.

PodCast?s and vlogs are often conversations, either in reality with an interlocutor or imagined with TheAudience and provide a salon environment to express and create a social understanding.

That really shouldn't surprise that all OnlineCommunities may lead to an OrganizedMind. After all, communication is how humans check and correct their thinking.

However, returning back to some media, like wikis or personal blogs or MindMaps, we use these hypermedia to represent and map out our thoughts so that we can both preserve them, organize them, and come to understand, correct, and improve our own thinking and truthfully feelings.

In an age of InformationOverload, building more aggressive information organization systems, perhaps globally (like WikiPedia and SocialBookmarking sites), may be the most productive way to come to an OrganizedMind. The people who can more quickly sift through the PhonyFlood of fake news and garbage to discern what is actual knowledge and wisdom can rely on their thinking and conclusions with more confidence, and therefore have less anxiety.

Since anxiety is a common shared experience, it makes social and emotional sense to work on these projects in communion with others. Hence, an OnlineCommunity can build an OrganizedMind.



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