blob: 7f87603bb8845341412b45f3013e9194e1846bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- V V PR NP -->
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<!-- ^nom<NP><sg>{^Weermag<n><sg>$}$ ^verb<V>{^hê<vbhaver><pres>$}$ ^verb_participle<V>{^ge$^baklei<vblex><inf>$}$ ^det_nom<NP>{^’n<det><ind><sg>$ ^guerrilla<n><sg>$}$ ^nom<NP><sg>{^veldtog<n><sg>$}$ ^rel<REL><PRN>{^watter<rel><an>$}$ -->
<!-- SN V V SN SN REL -->
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