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Waste management

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Dis be bola truck wey dey pick bola regularly for wanna municipal neighborhood everyday for Stockholm Sweden inside.
mannas wey dey pick waste dey burn e-waste for agbogbloshie, site wey near Accra for Ghana dey process large volumes of yanki electronic waste. De pickers dey burn de plastics wey dey the materials top
dis be containers wey be for consumer waste collection wey dey Gdansk University of Technology
dis be plant wey dey recycle waste to energy for waste wey dem no dey take go yanki

Waste management or waste disposal de include some processes and actions wey Dem dey need to manage waste from its inception to en final disposal. Edey include de collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste, dis San dey add monitoring and regulation of de waste management process and waste-related laws, technologies, and economic mechanisms.

Waste go fit be solid, liquid, or gases and each type get different methods wey we go fit dispose and den manage. Waste management de deal with all types of waste, wey dey include, industrial, biological, household, municipal, organic, biomedical, radioactive wastes. for some cases, waste go fit pose threat to human health. Health issues dey associate with de entire process of waste management. Health issues go fit also arise indirectly or directly: directly through de handling of solid waste, and indirectly through de consumption of water, soil, and food.[1] We dey produce waste through human activity, for example, de extraction and processing of raw materials. We dey want waste management for reduce de adverse effects of waste for human health en top, de environment, planetary resources, and aesthetics.

The aim of waste management is to reduce the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment and human health. A big part of waste management dey deal with municipal solid waste, wey dey come by industrial, commercial, and household activity.

Waste management practices no be uniform for countries inside (developed and developing nations); regions (urban and rural areas), and residential and industrial sectors go fit take different approaches.

Proper management of waste make important for building sustainable and liveable cities, but ebe challenge for many developing countries and cities. some report don found that effective waste management is relatively expensive, usually comprising 20%–50% of municipal budgets. Before one go fit operate this essential municipal service edey require integrated systems that are efficient, sustainable, and socially supported. A large portion of waste management practices dey deal with municipal solid waste (MSW) which be de bulk of de waste that is created by household, industrial, and commercial activity. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), municipal solid waste for reach approximately 3.4 Gt by 2050; however, policies and lawmaking go fit reduce the amount of waste produced for different areas and cities of the world. Measures of waste management include measures for integrated techno-economic mechanisms of a circular economy, effective disposal facilities, export and import control and optimal sustainable design of products wey dem dey produce.

In de first systematic review of de scientific evidence around global waste, its management, and de impact wey eget for human health and life, authors don conclude say about a fourth of all de municipal solid terrestrial waste is not collected and another fourth dem dey mismanage after collection, often being burned in open and uncontrolled fires – or close to one billion tons per year when combined. Dem also found that broad priority areas each lack a "high-quality research base", partly due to de absence of "substantial research funding", wey motivate scientists often require. Electronic waste (ewaste) dey include discarded computer monitors, motherboards, mobile phones and chargers, compact discs (CDs), headphones, television sets, air conditioners and refrigerators. According to the Global E-waste Monitor 2017, India dey generate ~ 2 million tonnes (Mte) of e-waste annually and dem dey fifth among de e-waste producing countries, after de United States, dePeople's Republic of China, Japan and Germany.

Effective 'Waste Management' dey involve de practice of '7R' - 'R'efuse, 'R'educe', 'R'euse, 'R'epair, 'R'epurpose, 'R'ecycle and 'R'ecover. for these '7R's, de first two ('Refuse' and 'Reduce') don dey relate to de non-creation of waste - by refusing to buy non-essential products and by reducing consumption. De next two ('Reuse' and 'Repair') don dey mean say we for increase the usage of the existing product, with or without de substitution of certain parts of de product. 'Repurpose' and 'Recycle' dey involve maximum usage of de materials wey dem dey take do de product, and 'Recover' is be de least preferred and least efficient waste management practice wey dey involve de recovery of embedded energy in for de waste material. For example, burning de waste to produce heat (and electricity from heat). Certain non-biodegradable products are also dumped away as 'Disposal', and this is not a "waste-'management'" practice.

Principles of waste management

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Diagram of the waste hierarchy

Waste hierarchy

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De waste hierarchy dey refers to de "3 Rs" Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, which dey classifies waste management strategies according to demma desirability in terms of waste minimisationwaste hierarchy be de bedrock of most waste minimization strategies. De aim of the waste hierarchy be say Dem for extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of end waste; see: resource recovery. Dem dey represent de waste heirarchy as a pyramid secof de basic premise be that policies for promote measures wey go prevent de generation of waste. De next step or preferred action be say Dem for seek alternative uses for de waste wey Dem generate, i.e., by re-use.De next is recycling wey de include composting. Following this step is material recovery and waste-to-energy. De final action be disposal, for landfills or through incineration without energy recovery. Dis last step be de final resort for waste wey Dem no prevente, diverte, or recover. [<span title="This citation requires a reference to the specific page or range of pages in which the material appears. (November 2016)">page<span typeof="mw:Entity"> </span>needed</span>]waste hierarchy represents the progression of a product or material through the sequential stages of the pyramid of waste management. The hierarchy represents the latter parts of the life-cycle for each product.

Life-cycle of a product

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  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :0