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Bibliyografi[modifye | modifye kòd]

  • Bender N. & Hirt N., Did Turkish Van cats lose their fear of water? Forschungspraktikum Evolutionsökologie, University of Bern, Bern 2002.
  • Maniscalco F., Il nuoto nel mondo greco romano, Naples 1993.
  • Mehl H., Antike Schwimmkunst, Munchen 1927.
  • Schuster G., Smits W. & Ullal J., Thinkers of the Jungle. Tandem Verlag 2008.

Referans[modifye | modifye kòd]

Lyen deyò[modifye | modifye kòd]

  •, Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Information from Seattle Children's Hospital and the Washington State Drowning Prevention Network
  •, Swimming Injuries and Illnesses
  •, Overview of 150 historical and less known swimming-strokes