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Háu mitákuyepi! Aŋpétu líla wašté! Aŋpétu Tȟokáhe, Čhaŋpȟá Sápa Wí 29, 2024

Wikipedia oyúblaye 303 Lakȟótiya yuhá.

See also the list of vital articles, a list of articles that every wiki should have.

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Oyáte: Húŋkpapȟa · Itázipčho · Mnikȟówožu · Oglála · Oóhenuŋpa · Sičháŋǧu · Sihásapa
Makȟówapi: Čhaŋkpé Ópi · Sičháŋǧu Oyáŋke · Ȟesápa · Wazí Aháŋhaŋ Oyáŋke
Lakȟól wóčhekiye: Heyókȟa · Iktómi · Íya · Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka
Itȟáŋčhaŋ: Maȟpíya Lúta · Siŋté Glešká · Tȟašúŋke Kȟokípȟapi · Tȟašúŋke Witkó · Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake · Wašíču Tȟašúŋke
Okíčhize: Čhaŋkpé Ópi wičhákasotapi


Čhápa · Igmú · Igmútȟaŋka · Iktómi · Khéya · Khúkhuše · Kimímela · Maǧášapa · Mnikhúkhuše · Phutéwokič’u · Pȟahíŋ · Pȟasúhetȟuŋ . Pispíza · Ptegléška · Ptéȟčaka · Šúŋka · Šúŋkawakȟáŋ · Šuŋgmánitu · Šuŋgmánitu tȟáŋka · Tȟahúhaŋska · Wahíŋheya · Waŋblí · Ziŋtkála


Eháŋni Spayóla Makȟóčhe · Iyášiča Makȟóčhe · Khéya Wíta · Mnináblaska . Mílahaŋska Tȟamákȟočhe · Spaóla Makȟóčhe · Šagláša Makȟóčhe · Uŋčíyapi Makȟóčhe · Wašíču Ikčéka Makȟóčhe · Íŋyaŋ Woslál Háŋ


Aǧúyapi · Kȟáŋta · Omníča · Tȟaspáŋ · Tȟaspáŋzi


Aŋpétu · Blé · Haŋhépi · Haŋwí · Ȟé · Íŋyaŋ · Obláye · Pȟeží · P’ó · Wakpála · Wakpá · Wičháȟpi ·


Eháŋni wóyakapi wóuŋspe · Iyápi wóuŋspe · Makȟówapi · Tȟawáčhiŋ wóuŋspe · Wanáȟča wóuŋspe · Wičháȟpi wóuŋspe · Wíyawa wóuŋspe · Wóksape wóuŋspe


Háŋpa · Haŋpíkčeka · Huŋyákȟuŋ · Ištámaza · Napíŋkpa · Nitéhepi · Ógle · Uŋzóǧe · Wapȟóštaŋ


Čhaŋkpé · Čhaŋté · Čheží · Čhuwí · · · · Híŋ · · Huhú · Í · Ikpí · Istó · Išpá · Ištá · Ité · Kȟáŋ · Napsú · Napé · Nasúla · Natá · Núŋǧe · Pȟé · Pȟehíŋ · Pȟóǧe · ·


Čháŋškopa · Sitȟápa · Tȟab’ápȟapi · Tȟabnákȟapapi · Tȟabškátapi

This is a Wikipedia project to be written in Lakota. All articles should be written in the male form of the language (for consistency). If you know the language, feel free to start writing articles about anything. However, it will all need translation. To the left are some suggestions as to articles to be written. To create an article, click on its red-link. If you do not see a red link for the article you would like to create, enter the name of the article after "Wp/lkt/" in the Oyúblaye kaǧa yo input box to the left and click the button underneath it.

On this wikipedia we use the Standard Lakota Orthography (SLO) used in the New Lakota Dictionary (NLO) and as described here. Also visit www.lakotadictionary.org for more information on how to write Lakota.
Also notice that Lakota lacks a lot of words for modern civilisation, so it’s recommended to start writing about subjects that do not need special vocabulary, things of everyday life or traditional Lakota subjects, etc.

What is Lakota?
Lakota or (lakota: Lakȟótiyapi) is a Siouan language, closely related to languages such as Dakota and Assiniboine. It is spoken by around 6,000 people, mainly in North Dakota and South Dakota in the United States.