Here naverokê

Ferrox Nêmetpur

Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
Guhartoya 12:02, 3 kanûna paşîn 2024 ya ji aliyê Balyozbot (gotûbêj | beşdarî) (Bot: +{{Kontrola otorîteyê}} (bnr. gotûbêjê)) ve
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Ferrox Nêmetpur
Jidayikbûn17ê Avrêla 1965an
Bane,  Îran
Zimanê nivîsinêKurdi Sorani
Şêweyê wejêyîRoman

Ferrox Nêmetpur, nivîskarekî kurd e. Di sala 1965'an de li bajarê Baneyê, li Rojhilata Kurdistanê hatiye dinê.

Berhem[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]

  • The traveling Swallows—novel -- (1998), Sardam
  • Afternoon in The City—short stories -- (2007) Sardam
  • World’s most Beautiful Day—short stories -- (2009) Ministry of culture
  • Years of Dreaming—novel -- (2010) Ministry of culture
  • The Nights of Aroma and Travels—short stories -- (2012) Ministry of culture
  • With the whispers of the leaves—short stories -- (2013) Azady
  • Five travels, One picture—novel -- (2013) Azady
  • The wounded Bird, the admired Fish—novel -- (2014) Mang
  • Tomato’s and Pyramids—short storie --
  • The Big fault—novel -- (2015)
  • Flaming apples—short stories -- (2015)
  • Shoresh' story—novel -- (2016)
  • Dracula and the travel to the east , short stories -- (2016)
  • dirty spot—novel -- (2016)
  • History of the leader—novel -- (2016)
  • The vain imagination—novel -- (2018)
  • The key set—short stories -- (2018)
  • Homeland speaks by vind—short stories -- (2018)

Çavkanî[biguhêre | çavkaniyê biguhêre]