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Module with helper functions for the Graph extension to display graphs and maps. From de:Modul:Graph.

Functions for templates


Creates a JSON object for <graph> to display charts. In the article namespace the template {{GraphChart}} should be used instead. See its page for use cases.


kleurenpallet van de grafiek, een lijst van kleuren door komma's gescheiden. De kleuren kunnen zijn: #rgb/#rrggbb/#aarrggbb of een Engelse CSS kleurennaam. Bij #aarrggbb geeft de aa het alpha channel aan, bijvoorbeeld FF=100% doorzichtig, 80=50% doorzichtig, etc.
toon horizontale annotatielabels bij annotatielijnen, bijvoorbeeld hAnnotationLabel = label1, label2, label3
toon horizontale annotatielijnen bij specifieke waarden, bijvoorbeeld hAnnotatonsLine=4, 5, 6
hoogte van de grafiek in pixels, bij de meeste grafieken de hoogte van de Y-as
Alleen geldig voor een taartdiagram, de binnenste straal in pixels om een donut diagram te maken.
interpolation method for line and area charts. It is recommended to use monotone for a monotone cubic interpolation – further supported values are listed at
show legend (only works in case of multiple data series)
line width for line charts or distance between the pie segments for pie charts. Setting to 0 with type=line creates a scatter plot.
different line widths may be defined for each series of data with csv, if set to 0 with "showSymbols" results with points graph, eg.: linewidths=1, 0, 5, 0.2
Additionally, output the y values as text. (Currently, only (non-stacked) bar and pie charts are supported.) The output can be configured used the following parameters provided as name1:value1, name2:value2:
show symbol on data point for line graphs, if number is provided it's size of symbol, default 2.5. may be defined for each series of data with csv, eg.: showSymbols=1, 2, 3, 4
if true symbol will be without fill (only stroke),
custom shape for symbol: circle, x, square, cross, diamond, triangle_up, triangle_down, triangle_right, triangle_left. May be defined for each series of data with csv, eg.: symbolsShape= circle, cross, square
if "x" symbol is used or option "symbolsNoFill" symbol stroke width, default 2.5
type of the chart: line for line charts, area for area charts, and rect for (column) bar charts, and pie for pie charts. Multiple series can stacked using the stacked prefix, e.g. stackedarea.
toon verticale annotatielabels bij annotatielijnen, bijvoorbeeld hAnnotationLabel = label1, label2, label3
toon verticale annotatielijnen bij specifieke waardes, bijvoorbeeld vAnnotatonsLine=4, 5, 6
breedte van de grafiek in pixels, bij de meeste grafieken de lengte van de x-as
the x-values as a comma-separated list
rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle. Recommended values are: -45, +45, -90, +90
xAxisMin, xAxisMax
minimum and maximum values of the x y axes (not yet supported for bar charts). These parameters can be used to invert the scale of a numeric axis by setting the lowest value to the Max and highest value to the Min.
xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat
changes the formatting of the axis labels. Supported values are listed at for numbers and for date/time. For example, the format % can be used to output percentages.
captions of the x axes
display grid lines on the x axes.
xType and yType
data types of the values, e.g. integer for integers, number for real numbers, date for dates (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD), and string for ordinal values (use string to prevent axis values from being repeated when there are only a few values).
xScaleType and yScaleType
scale types of the x and y axes, e.g. linear for linear scale (default), log for logarithmic scale and sqrt for square root scale.
y or y1, y2, …
the y-values for one or several data series, respectively. For pie charts y2 denotes the radiuses of the corresponding sectors.
yAxisMin, and yAxisMax
minimum and maximum values of the y axes (not yet supported for bar charts). These parameters can be used to invert the scale of a numeric axis by setting the lowest value to the Max and highest value to the Min.
captions of the y axes
y1Title, y2Title, …
defines the label of the respective data series in the legend
display grid lines on the y axes.
format JSON object for better legibility

Template wrappers

The functions mapWrapper and chartWrapper are wrappers to pass all parameters of the calling template to the respective map and chart functions.

Note: In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics. However, when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead. {{#invoke:Graph|function_wrapper_name}}