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PHP Notice: Undefined offset in wikimedia/remex-html when rendering rest.php error page
Closed, ResolvedPublicPRODUCTION ERROR


[{reqId}] {exception_url}   PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1634118181
from /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/remex-html/src/TreeBuilder/CachingStack.php(235)
#0 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/remex-html/src/TreeBuilder/CachingStack.php(235): MWExceptionHandler::handleError(integer, string, string, integer, array)
#1 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/remex-html/src/TreeBuilder/TreeBuilder.php(178): Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\CachingStack->push(Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\Element)
#2 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/remex-html/src/TreeBuilder/Dispatcher.php(345): Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\TreeBuilder->startDocument(Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Tokenizer\Tokenizer, string, string)
#3 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/remex-html/src/Tokenizer/Tokenizer.php(172): Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\Dispatcher->startDocument(Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Tokenizer\Tokenizer, string, string)
#4 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/tidy/RemexDriver.php(84): Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Tokenizer\Tokenizer->execute(array)
#5 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/parser/Parser.php(1703): MediaWiki\Tidy\RemexDriver->tidy(string, array)
#6 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/parser/Parser.php(656): Parser->internalParseHalfParsed(string, boolean, boolean)
#7 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(1312): Parser->parse(string, Title, ParserOptions, boolean)
#8 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/language/Message.php(1334): MessageCache->parse(string, Title, boolean, boolean, Language)
#9 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/language/Message.php(931): Message->parseText(string)
#10 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/language/Message.php(983): Message->format(string)
#11 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/skins/Skin.php(698): Message->parse()
#12 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/skins/SkinMustache.php(74): Skin->printSource()
#13 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/skins/Vector/includes/SkinVector.php(380): SkinMustache->getTemplateData()
#14 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/skins/SkinMustache.php(56): SkinVector->getTemplateData()
#15 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/skins/Vector/includes/SkinVector.php(327): SkinMustache->generateHTML()
#16 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/skins/SkinTemplate.php(144): SkinVector->generateHTML()
#17 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/OutputPage.php(2669): SkinTemplate->outputPage()
#18 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/exception/MWExceptionRenderer.php(158): OutputPage->output()
#19 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/exception/MWExceptionRenderer.php(77): MWExceptionRenderer::reportHTML(Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException)
#20 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php(107): MWExceptionRenderer::output(Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException, integer)
#21 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php(202): MWExceptionHandler::report(Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException)
#22 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php(170): MWExceptionHandler::handleException(Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException, string)
#23 [internal function]: MWExceptionHandler::handleUncaughtException(Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException)
#24 {main}


Request URL

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Resolved MoritzMuehlenhoff
Resolved MoritzMuehlenhoff
Resolved Gilles
Resolved Cmjohnson
ResolvedRequest Cmjohnson
Declined Gilles

Event Timeline

Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 21 2021, 10:15 PM
Arlolra moved this task from Needs Triage to Bugs & Crashers on the Parsoid board.
Arlolra added a project: Excimer.
Arlolra subscribed.

This is kind of interesting here because the crasher isn't in Parsoid but in trying to generate the output page for the exception handler in MediaWiki.

We have a "The maximum execution time of 60 seconds was exceeded" firing during the parse,

from /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/request-timeout/src/Detail/ExcimerTimerWrapper.php(97)
#0 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/request-timeout/src/Detail/ExcimerTimerWrapper.php(72): Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\Detail\ExcimerTimerWrapper->onTimeout(integer)
#1 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Config/Env.php(424): Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\Detail\ExcimerTimerWrapper->Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\Detail\{closure}(integer)
#2 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Wt2Html/Grammar.php(61): Wikimedia\Parsoid\Config\Env->getSiteConfig()
#3 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/wikipeg/src/PEGParserBase.php(287): Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\Grammar->initialize()
#4 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Wt2Html/Grammar.php(14788): Wikimedia\WikiPEG\PEGParserBase->initInternal(string, array)
#5 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Wt2Html/PegTokenizer.php(169): Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\Grammar->parse(string, array)
#6 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Wt2Html/PegTokenizer.php(196): Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\PegTokenizer->tokenizeSync(string, array)
#7 /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.3/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Wt2Html/PegTokenizer.php(237): Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\PegTokenizer->tokenizeAs(string, string, boolean)

and then when the skin tries to use Remex when displaying a message, it seems to be corrupted.

There's a similar weirdness here T254210#7208515

Krinkle subscribed.

If I understand correctly, you suspect that the execution timeout interrupted work where Parsoid was interacting with a Remex instance. And then later when MediaWiki renders the error page for this execution timeout, and rendering an interface message which is then tidied with Remex, fails because the same Remex instance is used which is corrupt. I think I got this wrong since it seems odd that the same Remex state would be shared across content parse and interface message, and across Parsoid and MW core.

Some ideas:

  • Consider use of a "critical section" (provided by MediaWikiServices, via wikimedia/request-timeout lib, powered by php-excimer in production). These allow you to defer timeout exceptions a little bit, especially around during quick operations that need to be kept atomic.
  • Or, a catch statement high-up in Parsoid that would perform some kind of emergency clean up before letting the exception propagate to the outside.
  • Or, ensure Parsoid has its own Remex instance, which would naturally mean that when a fatal error happens and the Parser/Parsoid invocation is discarded in favour of an error page, that anything used there is naturally not reachable or re-used (assuming no global state binding it back together).
  • Or, ensure core has its own instance.

Untagging Excimer since this isn't an issue with the php-excimer library itself. For help with critical sections, core message tidying, or rest.php error page handling; I'd recommend tagging Platform Engineering.

Krinkle renamed this task from PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1634118181 to PHP Notice: Undefined offset in wikimedia/remex-html when rendering rest.php error page.Nov 4 2021, 9:04 PM

I think I got this wrong since it seems odd that the state Remex state would be shared across content and interface message, and across Parsoid and MW core.

Right, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I suspect this is memory corruption.

Change 736929 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tim Starling; author: Tim Starling):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add shorttimeout option to X-Wikimedia-Debug

Change 736929 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add shorttimeout option to X-Wikimedia-Debug

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-11-04T23:51:02Z] <tstarling@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: XWD timeout testing T293568 (duration: 00m 54s)

I did 100 timeout requests against production with the shorttimeout option. Nothing obvious went wrong, all responses have length 17447, nothing in error.log, nothing in exception-json.log except the timeouts.

The notice message indicates that one of the scope arrays ($allScopes, $nonTableScopes, $listScopes, $buttonScopes or $selectOnly) became corrupted. These are private static properties which are meant to be constant. Nothing ever assigns to them. So it's highly unlikely that the problem is a lack of exception safety in RemexHtml.

One possibility is a PHP VM bug. These arrays are returned by getScopeTypesToStack() into a temporary variable which is used for foreach. Perhaps there is a critical section for interrupt handling during function return that causes the VM stack slot holding the return value to act like a dangling pointer.

It might be interesting to patch Excimer to work like a breakpoint instead of like a timeout. We could unconditionally set EG(vm_interrupt)=1 in the handler, causing the interrupt function to fire every time, then call back into userspace when the opline matches a constant value.

I filed T295105 in case it is helpful as another example. But, that could be merged into this.

It might be interesting to patch Excimer to work like a breakpoint instead of like a timeout. We could unconditionally set EG(vm_interrupt)=1 in the handler, causing the interrupt function to fire every time, then call back into userspace when the opline matches a constant value.

That doesn't work because it goes into an infinite tail call loop waiting for EG(vm_interrupt) to become 0 again before moving on to the next op.

That doesn't work because it goes into an infinite tail call loop

So I patched PHP 8.0 to not do that, then I was able to reproduce the warning "Undefined array key "p"" by throwing an exception from CachingStack::push() at an oparray offset of 53, which is the fetch of HTMLData::NS_HTML on line 247. After the exception is thrown, ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION_SPEC_HANDLER() frees the result of the throwing opcode, which is the temporary variable T7, but since the fetch has not been executed, T7 still holds self::$predicateMap, which was loaded on line 240. The array is freed and self::$predicateMap becomes a dangling pointer.

nikic's overview of the PHP 7 VM says:

The case of the result operand is more tricky, because the answer here changed between PHP 7.1 and 7.2: In PHP 7.1 the instruction was responsible for freeing the result in case of an exception. In PHP 7.2 it is automatically freed (and the instruction is responsible for making sure the result is always populated).

Throwing an exception from zend_interrupt_function apparently prevents the result from being populated.

Minimal test case:


class C {
	public static $cond = 1;
	public static $a;

C::$a = [ C::$cond ]; // make countable zval

function go() {
	while ( true ) {
		$cond = C::$cond;
		// T1 = FETCH_STATIC_PROP_R string("a") string("C")
		// FREE T1
		// JMPZ CV0($cond) 0000
		if ( $cond )
			// T1 = FETCH_STATIC_PROP_R string("a") string("C")
			// (not executed but T1 freed)

pcntl_async_signals( true );
pcntl_signal( SIGUSR1, function () {
	throw new Exception( 'ping' );
} );
while ( true ) {
	try {
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {}

Run with opcache.enable_cli=1 since the tmpvar sharing is introduced by the optimizer. With stock PHP 8.0.12 it segfaults after receiving about 4 SIGUSR1 signals.

I tried moving the opline assignment in ZEND_VM_JMP() to after the interrupt check, but in e.g. ZEND_JMPNZ, the opline has already been incremented by the time ZEND_VM_JMP() is called. It would be necessary to change how conditional jumps work somewhat.

I tried moving the interrupt check out of ZEND_VM_SET_OPCODE(), instead putting it at the top of every JMP* handler. The idea is that if an interrupt is executed, the handler will return early without incrementing opline, so the same handler will be re-entered. The complication with this idea is that smart branches do not enter the jump handlers, they make their own call to ZEND_VM_SET_OPCODE(). A few other things call ZEND_VM_SET_OPCODE() and would need to get special handling, for example ZEND_DO_ICALL.

The general idea is that userspace code should never be executed unless EX(opline) points to an opline which has been fully executed, or at least has initialised its return value.

So it turns out that Dmitry and Nikic were working on the same problem simultaneously, and a fix was just committed. I confirmed that can be cleanly applied to PHP 7.4, and it fixes the reduced test case. After applying the fix, I was able to send 600 timeout exceptions to Parsoid without it segfaulting or aborting, when compiled in debug mode with AddressSanitizer. Before the fix, it segfaulted after handling 5 timeouts.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff I would suggest applying that commit to PHP 7.4 in production, so that we will get the fix as PHP 7.4 is rolled out. I don't think it's urgent enough to backport to 7.2.

In PHP git master there is a remaining issue which caused AddressSanitizer to detect a use-after-free in debug_backtrace_get_args() after about 50 timeouts.

Talked with Moritz, I'll take care of cherry-picking the patch for 7.4.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-11-15T21:21:57Z] <legoktm> uploaded php7.4_7.4.25-1+wmf2+buster1_amd64.changes to apt.wm.o with patch for T293568

Change 739005 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm; author: Legoktm):

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] Rebuild PHP 7.4 images for T293568 patch

Change 739005 merged by Legoktm:

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] Rebuild PHP 7.4 images for T293568 patch

The 7.4 packages have been updated (7.4.25-1+wmf2+buster1 is the correct version), I rebuilt the Docker images and upgraded deployment-mediawiki12 in the beta cluster.

I guess this should be left open and blocked on T271736: Migrate WMF production from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4?

Jdforrester-WMF assigned this task to Legoktm.
Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

The 7.4 packages have been updated (7.4.25-1+wmf2+buster1 is the correct version), I rebuilt the Docker images and upgraded deployment-mediawiki12 in the beta cluster.

I guess this should be left open and blocked on T271736: Migrate WMF production from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4?

T271736 is now complete, so this is Resolved.