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Uiteindelijk krijg je een Welcome op de Poolse Wikipedia bericht. Succes. Hortensja (dyskusja) 21:07, 4 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz

Themaweek Polen 2013


Hello, I am very glad to see an information about Themaweek Polen 2013. That's fantastic idea! I wrote some propositions of articles here. If I have a free time at next days I will try to write much. Just tell me should I make some categories on this list or just write? I was trying to make some order (You will see - places, Jewish, Warsaw, history, people, etc.), but I am not sure is it clear enough. Anyway, all idea is great and the idea to start at 11th of November is so nice. Dank je wel! TR (dyskusja) 00:27, 6 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz

Hello TR, thank you so much for your message and the suggestions! I've created that subpage to make it easier for Polish Wikipedians to add topics to the list. I'll transfer everything to the list on the Dutch Wikipedia before the theme week starts. Categories might make that easier for me. :) The order isn't entirely clear as of now, but I don't think that's really a problem. Thanks again, Mathonius (dyskusja) 18:58, 6 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz
Maybe a simple flag map of Poland?

The idea of Themaweek Polen 2013 in November is great! I really appreciate it as well as your message and your worries about the logo. But don't worry about our discussion here. It just a small talk between users, nothing serious... I hope you are not offended by our discussion too. All the best and many new articles about Poland durnig the week, Blackfish (dyskusja) 23:21, 6 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz

I don't think Mathonius is offended, but the creator(s) perhaps. Remember the rule assume good faith Kind regards,  Klaas|Z4␟V10:21, 7 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz
Thank you, Blackfish! It's difficult for me, as an outsider who's also unable to read Polish texts, to assess exactly how badly this logo is perceived by the Polish Wikipedia community. I think it's important to prevent any controversy just to be sure, even if the criticism might not be super serious. We're currently discussing the possibility of a new logo. I personally like your idea of a flag map! :) Best regards, Mathonius (dyskusja) 11:02, 7 lis 2013 (CET)Odpowiedz