Please apply for a bot flag before you start making any edits - Wikipedia:Prośby o flagę bota. roo72 Dyskusja 04:36, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz

No... Granting bot flags has been stopped until new methods of granting them have been developed. --Szczepan talk 04:37, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz
I was just running a test. I've removed this language from my list already until this has been resolved. If I have the community's say so, I would put in a request at meta for getting a bot flag on here. Please message me at simple:User:Razorflame with an answer. Darkicebot (dyskusja) 18:50, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz
Because there are active bureaucrats on plwiki, the request should be made here - as you have done already - not on Meta. --Szczepan talk 19:30, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz
I know that. I haven't made it on meta. And I did make a request on here? Anyways, please let me know the result of the test at simple:User talk:Razorflame please. Darkicebot (dyskusja) 20:14, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz
I'm sorry for the last changes this bot has made. I thought I removed this language from my list, but it turns out that I didn't. I now know for a fact that I have removed this language until further notice. Darkicebot (dyskusja) 21:39, 1 sty 2008 (CET)Odpowiedz

STOP. roo72 (dyskusja) 00:55, 1 sty 2009 (CET)Odpowiedz

The bot has been blocked for 6 hours now. Please, do NOT run it again without having applied for the flag here. Maire 01:02, 1 sty 2009 (CET)Odpowiedz