
(له Boron نه مخ گرځېدلی)

بورون (په انگرېزي: Boron) له کیمیاوي عناصرو څخه یو دی چې په تناوبي جدول کې د B سمبول او ۵ اتمي شمېرې په وسیله ښودل شوی دی.

Boron,  5B
boron (β-rhombohedral)[۱]
عمومي خواص
Pronunciation /ˈbɔərɒn/
Allotropesα-, β-rhombohedral, β-tetragonal (and more)
Boron په دوراني جدول کې
Hydrogen (diatomic nonmetal)
Helium (noble gas)
Lithium (alkali metal)
Beryllium (alkaline earth metal)
Boron (metalloid)
Carbon (polyatomic nonmetal)
Nitrogen (diatomic nonmetal)
Oxygen (diatomic nonmetal)
Fluorine (diatomic nonmetal)
Neon (noble gas)
Sodium (alkali metal)
Magnesium (alkaline earth metal)
Aluminium (post-transition metal)
Silicon (metalloid)
Phosphorus (polyatomic nonmetal)
Sulfur (polyatomic nonmetal)
Chlorine (diatomic nonmetal)
Argon (noble gas)
Potassium (alkali metal)
Calcium (alkaline earth metal)
Scandium (transition metal)
Titanium (transition metal)
Vanadium (transition metal)
Chromium (transition metal)
Manganese (transition metal)
Iron (transition metal)
Cobalt (transition metal)
Nickel (transition metal)
Copper (transition metal)
Zinc (transition metal)
Gallium (post-transition metal)
Germanium (metalloid)
Arsenic (metalloid)
Selenium (polyatomic nonmetal)
Bromine (diatomic nonmetal)
Krypton (noble gas)
Rubidium (alkali metal)
Strontium (alkaline earth metal)
Yttrium (transition metal)
Zirconium (transition metal)
Niobium (transition metal)
Molybdenum (transition metal)
Technetium (transition metal)
Ruthenium (transition metal)
Rhodium (transition metal)
Palladium (transition metal)
Silver (transition metal)
Cadmium (transition metal)
Indium (post-transition metal)
Tin (post-transition metal)
Antimony (metalloid)
Tellurium (metalloid)
Iodine (diatomic nonmetal)
Xenon (noble gas)
Caesium (alkali metal)
Barium (alkaline earth metal)
Lanthanum (lanthanide)
Cerium (lanthanide)
Praseodymium (lanthanide)
Neodymium (lanthanide)
Promethium (lanthanide)
Samarium (lanthanide)
Europium (lanthanide)
Gadolinium (lanthanide)
Terbium (lanthanide)
Dysprosium (lanthanide)
Holmium (lanthanide)
Erbium (lanthanide)
Thulium (lanthanide)
Ytterbium (lanthanide)
Lutetium (lanthanide)
Hafnium (transition metal)
Tantalum (transition metal)
Tungsten (transition metal)
Rhenium (transition metal)
Osmium (transition metal)
Iridium (transition metal)
Platinum (transition metal)
Gold (transition metal)
Mercury (transition metal)
Thallium (post-transition metal)
Lead (post-transition metal)
Bismuth (post-transition metal)
Polonium (post-transition metal)
Astatine (metalloid)
Radon (noble gas)
Francium (alkali metal)
Radium (alkaline earth metal)
Actinium (actinide)
Thorium (actinide)
Protactinium (actinide)
Uranium (actinide)
Neptunium (actinide)
Plutonium (actinide)
Americium (actinide)
Curium (actinide)
Berkelium (actinide)
Californium (actinide)
Einsteinium (actinide)
Fermium (actinide)
Mendelevium (actinide)
Nobelium (actinide)
Lawrencium (actinide)
Rutherfordium (transition metal)
Dubnium (transition metal)
Seaborgium (transition metal)
Bohrium (transition metal)
Hassium (transition metal)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (transition metal)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (unknown chemical properties)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


اټومي شمیره (Z)5
گروپ, پیریودgroup 13 (boron group), period 2
Element category  metalloid
معياري اټومي وزن (Ar)
  • [10.806, 10.821][۲]
  • conventional: 10.81
Electron configuration[He] 2s2 2p1
Electrons per shell
2, 3
فزیکي خواص
حالت (at STP)جامد
دويلې کيدو ټکى2349 K ​(2076 °C, ​3769 °F)
يشنا ټکی4200 K ​(3927 °C, ​7101 °F)
Density when liquid, at m.p.2.08 g/cm3
Heat of fusion50.2 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization508 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity11.087 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 2348 2562 2822 3141 3545 4072
اټومي خواص
Oxidation states3, 2, 1, −1, −5[۳][۴] ​(a mildly acidic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 2.04
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 800.6 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 2427.1 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 3659.7 kJ/mol
  • (more)
Atomic radiusempirical: 90 pm
Covalent radius84±3 pm
Van der Waals radius192 pm
Crystal structurerhombohedral
Rhombohedral crystal structure for boron
Rhombohedral crystal structure for boron
Speed of sound thin rod16,200 m/s (at 20 °C)
Thermal expansionβ form: 5–7 µm/(m·K) (at 25 °C)[۵]
د تودوخې تېرېدنه27.4 W/(m·K)
Electrical resistivity~106 Ω·m (at 20 °C)
Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic[۶]
Magnetic susceptibility (χmol)−6.7·10−6 cm3/mol[۷]
Mohs hardness~9.5
CAS Number7440-42-8
DiscoveryJoseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thénard[۸] (30 June 1808)
First isolationHumphry Davy[۹] (9 July 1808)
Main isotopes of boron
آيسو­ټوپ Abun­dance نیم ژوند (t1/2) Decay mode Pro­duct
10B 20% stable[۱۰]
11B 80% stable[۱۰]
10B content may be as low as 19.1% and as high as 20.3% in natural samples. 11B is the remainder in such cases.[۱۱]
| references | in Wikidata







د استعمال ځایونه



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