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Wikipedia leet

Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is another alphabet for the English language that is used mostly on the internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t. It is used a lot on the internet in forums, chat rooms and online games.

It comes from the word "elite" which means "better than everyone else". Leet is mostly used for English, but can also be used with other languages including French, Spanish and German.


Leetspeak is a mixture of words (mostly computer-related) spelled incorrectly intentionally, usually coming from typographical errors (e.g. the becomes t3h). The words of leetspeak are usually put together to create a dialect (small language). This dialect is used in some places for funniness. l33tspeak uses numbers, ASCII symbols, and diacritics together to make symbols that look like Latin letters. For example, in the name "David" would translate in 13375|>34|< as |)/-\\/1|).

1337 Alphabet Examples

Note: Most of the time it is only the vowels that are changed and then usually only they are replaced by numbers; therefore, it is unusual to see someone use the leet alphabet to spell out a whole word (although there are common exceptions, namely 1337). Please note as these are only examples; these are not mandatory for leetspeak, which is not officially defined anywhere, like most slangs.

  • A: 4, /-\, /_\, @, /\
  • B: 8,|3, 13, |}, |:, |8, 18, 6, |B
  • C: <, {, [, (
  • D: |>, |), |}, |]
  • E: 3
  • F: |=, ph, |#
  • G: [, -, [+, 6
  • H: |-|, [-], {-}, |=|, [=], {=}
  • I: 1, |
  • J: _|, _/, _7, _)
  • K: |<, 1<
  • L: |_, |, 1, 7
  • M: |\/|, ^^, /\/\, []\/][, []V[], ][\\//][, //., .\\
  • N: |\|, /\/, /V, ][\\][
  • O: 0, (), [], {}
  • P: |o, |O, |> (sometimes confused with a D), |*, |°, |D
  • Q: O_, 9, (,),
  • R: |2, 12, .-, |^
  • S: 5, $, §
  • T: 7, +, 7`, '|'
  • U: |_|, \_\, /_/, \_/, (_)
  • V: \/
  • W: \/\/, (/\), \^/, |/\|, \X/, ][1][, \\', '//
  • X: %, *, ><, }{, )(
  • Y: `/, ¥
  • Z: 2, 7_, >_

Numbers for letters

  • 1 --- L, I (I is more often shown as |, and sometimes as ][)
  • 2 --- R, Z (not common)
  • 3 --- E
  • 4 --- A
  • 5 --- S
  • 6 --- b, G (not common)
  • 7 --- T, L
  • 8 --- B
  • 9 --- G
  • 0 --- O (occasionally shown as ())

Intentional misspelling

When people write in leet, they spell some words wrong all the time. They might do this to laugh at new people who do not write words with their keyboards well, or might just be making fun of English's pronunciation or spelling.

  • bai --- bye
  • carp --- crap
  • ceak --- cake
  • nd --- and
  • d00d --- dude
  • form --- from
  • guise --- guys
  • h4x or h4x0rz --- hacks (see vocabulary entry hax)
  • hai --- hi
  • j00 --- you
  • kewl --- cool
  • liek --- like
  • mastah --- master
  • max0r --- max. or maximum
  • OMG --- oh my god (variations such as OMFG and OMGG are also common)
  • own or pwn --- see vocabulary entry own
  • PMGZ--- OMG with a p and a z
  • ZPMG--- OMG originally rushed. Typo P instead of O and hitting Z when shift is pressed.
  • OLO --- LOL (LOL stands for laugh out loud)
  • ph34 --- fear
  • powwah --- power
  • pr0n --- porn
  • t3h --- the (see vocabulary entry: "teh")
  • secks --- sex
  • wen --- when
  • wat/whut/wut --- what
  • winnar --- winner
  • u --- you
  • r --- are

Leet vocabulary

  • leet, l33t, 1337, 31337 --- elite
  • l@ym --- laughing at your momma
  • ftw, 4tw --- for the win,when something is successful or desirable. Could also vary into vulgar messages such as "fuck the world".
  • hax, h4x --- hacks
  • haxor, hax0r, h4x0r, haxzor --- "hacker", cheater (note: also often spelled with two x's)
  • joo, j00 --- you or Jew
  • meh m3h --- can mean me or oh well. Used to show undecidedness, unworriedness or often as a sign that the user has nothing to say
  • newbie, noob, n00b, n00b13, nooblet, nub, newb, nubbins --- new, newcomer or new (player), used more often as an insult. Thought to originate from new boy, new-blood, or new in business.
  • boon or b00n --- more derogatory term than noob with the same insult intended.
  • own, ownage, 0wn, pwn, pwnage --- own means to be superior or better than someone, the past tense is "pwnt"
  • OMGWTF --- Oh my god, what the fuck?
  • phear, ph34r, ph33r --- fear
  • rox0r, r0xorz --- rock, to be amazing or excellent
  • secks, sechs --- sex
  • c3n50red --- censored
  • teh, t3h --- "the"
  • woot, w00t --- Thought to originate from We Own the Other Team. It is used to show celebration or happiness.
  • wtf --- what the fuck
  • wth --- what the hell
  • ZoMG!!!11! --- "Oh My God"
  • P00nd- Another use of pwn, not to be confused with pr0n.
  • Pr0n- Porn (pornography)
  • QQ - cry/complain (eyes with tears) or the shortcut to close Warcraft II[1]
  • L2<blank> - Learn to <blank>. Often used as L2P (learn to play).
  • O RLY - "oh, really?" often responded to by YARLY. Also can be accompanied by an ASCII art image of an owl.
  • YARLY - "yeah, really!" often used as response to ORLY
  • NOWAI - "no way!" often used as a response to YARLY
  • pew pew - shooting, often used in the phrase more pew pew less QQ, meaning, more shooting less crying/complaining
  • GG - good game, this can also be used in a condenscending manner.
  • noobcannon, N00BC4NN0N - Noobtube, a weapon in a video game that is either over-powered, or requires little skill to use.
  • PWN4G3 N008 - Pwnage noob

Wrong grammar

When a person writes in English the person must follow English rules, but most of the time people who write in leet do not use these rules. When they write in leet they try to write it in a special way, so that it is very different from English.

"l33t is teh suck!" (meaning: 'leet sucks') shows that in leet people can use their own rules, and not use the English rules. A lot of times adjectives (describing words) are turned into nouns. The leet word "teh" (the) is also often placed in front of verbs, as in "I teh pwnd j00" (meaning I the owned you, meaning: I beat you badly). another example might be I 4m t3h pwnage!!!!11!!11 (meaning I am the best!)

Leet speakers may also speak normally but without the vowels. Fr xmpl nmbr 1 u cn tll it wrks.= For example number one you can tell it works.


Because some words are too long for use in games they have been written how they sound.. Here's a quick guide:

  • pwn --- own, pawn or powne
  • x or xx (as in haxxorz or haxorz) --- an x followed by a z. In this example, hackzorz would be pronunciation
  • R0fz --- rolling on floor screaming, pronounced rawfs

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