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Redaktor:Ivan Klinec/Knihy/Futurologia

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Verzia z 09:18, 25. apríl 2014, ktorú vytvoril Ivan Klinec (diskusia | príspevky)
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Futurologia[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

Veda o budúcnosti[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

Patricia Aburdeneová
Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Roy Amara
The Arlington Institute
Robert Ayres
Thomas Barnett
Gerald Barney
Don Beck
Daniel Bell
Tom Bell
Wendell Bell
James Charles Bennett
Nick Bostrom
John Brockman
Vannevar Bush
Luigi Cavalli-Sforza
Joseph Coates
Edward Cornish
Christopher Cowan
Norman Dalkey
James A. Dewar
Peter Diamandis
Eric Drexler
Freeman Dyson
Douglas Engelbart
Robert Ettinger
Extropy Institute
Ossip K. Flechtheim
Foundation For the Future News
Jay Wright Forrester
George Friedman
Buckminster Fuller
Future Survey
The Futurist
Newt Gingrich
Jerome C. Glenn
Global Business Network
Michel Godet
Theodore Gordon
Olaf Helmer
Hazel Hendersonová
Hudson Institute
Barry Hughes
James Hughes
Humanity 3000 News
Arthur Jensen
Robert Jungk
Herman Kahn
Kevin Kelly
Walter Kistler
Ray Kurzweil
Timothy Leary
Stanisław Lem
Barbara Marxová Hubbardová
Jonedži Masuda
Marshall McLuhan
Michal Marien
Max More
Ramez Naam
Nadácia pre budúcnosť
John Naisbitt
James Ogilvy
Gerard Kitchen O’Neill
Aurelio Peccei
John Petersen
František Petrášek
RAND Corporation
John Ratcliffe
Ed Regis
Jeremy Rifkin
Rímsky klub
Anders Sandberg
Vincent Sarich
Peter Schwartz
Alvin Toffler
Heidi Tofflerová
Vernor Vinge
Natasha Vita-More
Robert Zubrin
Ernst Ulrich von Weiszäcker
Norbert Wiener
Ken Wilber
Edward Osborne Wilson
Toffler Associates
World Future Society
World Futures Studies Federation
World Transhumanist Association