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Spēonisc Ingewinn

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Revision as of 19:15, 24 Eastermonað 2018 by Birdofadozentides (motung | forðunga)
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Byrneƿægn þāra Irmenfolces Ƿeroda

Se Spēonisca Ingeƿinn ƿurdon gefohten of 1936 to 1939 on Ispanie betƿēonum þā Cyneƿīsefolgendum, þāra trōð ƿæs mid þǣre Ōðran Spēoniscan Cyneƿīsan mid Unrīcendum hiera geðoftum, ƿið þā Þēodfolgendas gelǣd be Francisco Franco Heretōga.

Yspania ƿæs in þissum geƿinne be niede bedæled ðan feahton sƿylca herigas for ƿeald in þǣm lande. Spain was thus left militarily and politically divided. Þā Þēodfolgendas onfangen ƿæpnas and ƿigan of Germanie and of Italie and þā Cyneƿīsefolgenda healf afang fultum of þǣm Gemōtscipelicum lēodƿearde of þǣre Sofietan Gesamnunge and of Mexico, and ēac fultum of geoguð of fyrðrum landum.

Endlice geƿonnen þā Þēodfolgendas sige, and Franco ricsode on Spēnum sƿa Caudillo (se is 'Lædtēoƿ') þǣm niehstum 36 ƿintrum, of Ēastermōnaþ 1939 oð his dēaþ in Blotmōnaþ 1975.