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Geþofted Rīcu American

Fram Wikipǣdian
Revision as of 21:16, 14 Mædmonað 2019 by Gottistgut (motung | forðunga)

Þā Geþoftedan Rīcu American, þæs rihtnama Confederate States of America ƿæs, (ēac hātte Confederacy (se Geþoftscipe), þā Confederate States, and se CSA) ƿæs rīce þe fram þǣm 1861. gēare ōþ þæt 1865. ƿēold ofer endleofon sūðernum Americaniscum rīcum þāra Geāndena Rīca American, þe cȳðdon hiera sundorrīcehād, and þæt Americanisc Ingefeoht cende.

In his scortan tīman ƿæs þes geþoftscipe in ƿīge mid þǣm norþernum rīcum þa abād āþfæst in þǣm Geānedum Rīcum American. His hēafodstōl ƿæs æt Richmond on Uirginie and his ān Foresittend ƿæs Jefferson Davis.

Þǣr þæt Americanisce Ingefeoht endode þǣrin hæfde þā Geānedan Rīcu American sīge, þǣr endodon ēac se Geþoftscipe and ƿurdon his rīcu dǣlas þāra Geāndena Rīca.