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Rywka Lipszyc

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Rywka Bajla Lipszyc (fīftīene hærfestmōnaþ 1929 – 1945swingan) is to Polish-Hebrēisc geong mægþ þe writan to āgen yerīmbōc þrāg in þæt naca ghetto in þæt Eallbærnet in Polaland. hēo survived deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau strengþu æcer þā in to wendan to Gross-Rosen strengþu æcer and hæst weorc to þæt subcamp in Christianstadt. hēo and survived to dēaþ mearc to Bergen-Belsen, and lived to seon sēo hæfene thither in ēastermōnaþ 1945. ofer- seoc to wesan wendan, hēo is giefan to læcehus to Niendorf, hwæder þæt boc of sēo līf gearu.

sēo yerīmbōc, smyltnes of 112 leaf, is writan betweonan þrie winterfylleþ 1943 and 12 ēastermōnaþ 1944 in þæt polisc spræc. Translated to Englisc in Malgorzata Markoff and annotated in Ewa Wiatr, hit is onhlidan to þæt forma cierr in pæt Geanlæhte Rīcu American in ær 2014, sum 70 gēar æfter hit is writan.

Rywka is þæt ealdor of feower bearn of Jakub (Yankel) Lipszyc and Sara Mariem (þegen Miriam) snaw Zelewer. Ye faru is hæft to þæt brūn ghetto in naca æfter þæt Þēodisc infaru of Polaland. sēo mōdor þegen cared to þæt bearn an æfter sēo wer and Rywka's fæder steorfan on twēgen se ærra līþa 1941, æfter to Þēodisc swingan in þæt Stræt. þegen hē steorfan on eahta se æfterra līþa 1942 of lungen adl and hungor.

Rywka is deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau strengþu æcer in weōdmōnaþ 1944, in mid sēo sweostor Cypora and þrie cousins: Estusia (Esther), Hanusia (blostm), and Minia (hwæl). Cypora is druncen in cuman. Rywka is adon to weorc mid þæt wīf gebod. foran of þæt Russland forhēafod, hēo is sendan mid sēo þrie cousins to Gross-Rosen and hæft to Christianstadt in Krzystkowice, an of seofon subcamps to cwene hæft fram Polaland, Ungerland, Francland, Niðerland and Belgium delfan anti-tank wiþertalu. fram thither, hēo is wendan and on to dēaþ mearc to Bergen-Belsen strengþu æcer, hwæder hēo is freo in mid Esther and hwæl on fīftīene ēastermōnaþ 1945, þynne and seoc.

in se æfterra līþa 1945, Rywka Lipszyc is giefan fram þæt niwe Bergen-Belsen gefær læcehus to þæt wod folc, in þæt faru æcer in Lübeck, to læcehus in Niendorf, Þēodiscland, ofer- seoc to wesan wendan æghwylc helpan. Ye wunian leaf mid sēo nama on hit astemnian in þæt ūtlende weg pleoh is to DP wrītan boc fram tēn hærfestmōnaþ 1945. na mæl of Rywka's dēaþ habban wesan astemnian, ac heh to hwæl Boier's 1955 mæl (hwæl fram Rywka's yerīmbōc), se is hwæder hēo steorfan to ieldu 16.