User:محمد بوعلام عصامي

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water palms and sunset
           New Sincerity
                       Culture for Peace & Justice

I'm simple web-logger, hippy man in new hippism, simple man in simple life.. I like the simplicity is the mother of beauty, it's my philosophy of life...

My philosophy

  • Liberal, Democrat, Agnostic
  • live and let live.. "Laissez faire et laissez passer" "let it do, let go.. and life goes on...
  • I'm simple web-logger, simple man in simple life.. The simplicity is the mother of beauty, it's my philosophy of life...

about me

My name is "Mohamed Boualam" My cosmopolitan nickname is "Simo Boualam boubanner issamy", Boualam refers to integrity and honesty, Asceticism and temperance... as Shepherd's Banner or Bonderas in Spanish language.. Banner of humanity, culture, coexistence love and justice, human rights and my human rights are my holiest things in my life. Here as bohemian, as volunteer, i do not have nothing to say, just I find myself in some categories, environment and nature, (environmentalism and Greenpeace)..under my principal "Culture for Peace&Justice" new sincerity for humanity, better life.. no one should be left behind.

love, sacrifice, volunteering for huaminity culture of coexistence, respect, human rights are my religion. so i choose this words from 1194 as poem as one of my principals in my life

Some of my blogs and pages

This user has created a global account and the main one is on Wikipedia (ar).
Babel user information
ar-N هذا المستخدم لغته الأم هي العربية.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances intermédiaires en français.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language
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