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Subscript text

{{Creator}} creates an infobox to be customized on Creator: namespace pages and used on File and Category namespace pages. See Commons:Creator for guidelines on how to use Creator namespace.

Important: You can use this link to create the template immediately with the Wikidata id. If there are no data on Wikidata it's better that you create a new id on this wiki filling it with related data (the same with you want to make the creator template) and then use this new id with the Creator possible or the suggested link.

The template automatically sets the following categories: Creator templates

This template will categorize categories transcluding it and matching "Homecat" field into Category:Creator template home categories.
This template will categorize some creator infobox pages it into sub-categories of Category:Creator template maintenance.


 |Name              =
 |Alternative names =
 |Sortkey           =
 |Birthdate         =
 |Deathdate         =
 |Birthloc          =
 |Deathloc          =
 |Workperiod        =
 |Workloc           =
 |Image             =
 |Homecat           =
 |Nationality       =
 |Gender            =
 |Occupation        =
 |Linkback          =
 |Wikidata          =
 |Authority         =
 |Option            =

When creating a new Creator page copy, you can click on "preload a creator template". You can also paste and fill the text below into your new page:

 | Name              = NAME SURNAME
 | Alternative names = 
 | Nationality       = 
 | Gender            = <!-- male / female -->
 | Occupation        =  
 | Description       = 
 | Birthdate         = 
 | Birthloc          = 
 | Deathdate         = 
 | Deathloc          = 
 | Workperiod        = 
 | Workloc           = 
 | Image             = 
 | Sortkey           = SURNAME, NAME 
 | Homecat           = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
 | Option            = {{{1|}}} <!-- Do not modify -->
 | Linkback          = {{subst:FULLPAGENAME}}
 | Authority         = <!-- {{Authority control|GND=|VIAF=|LCCN=|ULAN=|bare=1}} -->
 | Wikidata          = 

Below are some suggestions on how to fill the parameters. In general keep it short and use language independent terms if possible. Avoid translating of names and places and use links to Wikipedia or a gallery which will have translations or interwiki links to articles in other languages.

Template parameters

NameNameName of the creator in the "Name Surname" format which will be shown in the uncollapsed part of the template (most of the time name should be the same as page name).

Things to do:

  • Provide single most commonly used version of the name in English literature or use {{LangSwitch}} to provide language specific versions (see below). English Wikipedia can be used as a guide to choose name.
  • Provide links to Wikipedia articles and/or Commons galleries - this is important to avoid disambiguation problems and to allow users to easily find more information about the creator.
    • Template automatically tries to add links to Commons gallery if one exists. If no gallery with that name exists try linking to one or more Wikipedias instead.
    • Best solution is to use {{LangSwitch}} to show the name in user's own language and provide link to an article in user's wikipedia. This approach is especially encouraged for names where original name does not use Latin alphabet. See here for more info.
    • If there are no Wikipedia or Wikisource articles to link to, then the reference where the information comes from by providing a link in the "Description" field should be added.
  • In case of the names like "Name Surname the Elder" or "Name Surname the Younger" use {{Name}} template with elder/younger options.
  • Creator template tries to automatically add lifespan years after creator's name, based on "birthdate" and "deathdate" parameters if they are in ISO 8601 format. Lifespan years can be also provided using "birthyear" and "deathyear" parameters, but if those are not known, then one could add years or century when the creator was active directly following the name.

Do not:

  • List multiple versions of the name here - place those in "Alternative names" section
  • Use Language templates - those can be used in "Alternative names" section if different versions are used in different languages
  • Use links to wikisource articles - use "Wikisource" parameter instead


  • Corresponds to the Wikidata label and sitelink
Alternative namesAlternative namesAll other variants of the name, pseudonyms, etc. Language variation could be added here too if the name in native language differs from English version. Do not use it to provide interwiki links - place them in a gallery linked from Name or on a Wikipedia page. Use template {{Name}} to indicate that name is a birth, legal or pseudonym.
  • Corresponds to the Wikidata aliases.
  • emptyoptional
    SortkeySortkeySortkey of the name
  • Not sure yet how to do this with Wikidata.
  • emptyrequired
    BirthdateBirthdateDate of birth. Recommended format:
  • Date in ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DD", or "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY", e.g. "2006-01-15" for "15 January 2006". This allows automatic localisation of the displayed date, and also display of the lifespan period after the name.
  • In case the date is not known precisely please use {{Other date}} or {{Lifetime date}} templates.
  • For authors living in countries using Julian calendar, like 19th century Russian artists, please consider using dates in "{{other date|Julian|1863-02-17|1863-03-01}}" format to distinguish between dates in Julian and Gregorian calendar.
  • Not recommended format:

    • Do not use Language templates in this section, like {{en|2006-01-15}}.
    • Use of {{Date}} is not encouraged, since we can not extract year from that string, use "Birthyear" parameter if you do.
    • {{Other date}} and {{Lifetime date}} templates can be nested to create more complicated phrases. Nesting with more than 2 levels often exceeds expansion depth limit and should be avoided.


    BirthyearBirthyearyear of birth in YYYY format.
    Note: Only needed if birthdate is not in ISO 8601 format — which is when {{Other date}}, {{Lifetime date}} or similar templates are used. Used to show the lifespan years in the top line.


    DeathdateDeathdateDate of death. See Birthdate for details. One can use CanScan2 to find all the files using creator templates of authors who died less than 70 years ago and incorrectly using {{PD-old}} license.
  • Corresponds to date of death (P570) in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    DeathyearDeathyearyear of death in YYYY format. See Birthyear for details.
  • Corresponds to date of death (P570) in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    BirthlocBirth locationBirth location: usually a city name with a link to the location's page:
  • Template automatically places location inside {{city|city-name}} template which works as a lookup table connecting multiple spellings of cities to autotranslated city templates, its own translations or to the Commons galleries. If no suitable links are found then string is unchanged.
  • One can use Wikidata Q-codes
  • One can use one of autotranslated city templates (see Category:Multilingual tags: Locations). Those templates show the city name in the language of the viewer and provide links to the wikipedia pages in that language.
  • One can also use direct links to a gallery or Wikipedia article
  • Use {{RelativeLocation}} for relative locations, like "A near B".
  • Avoid using Language templates, like {{de|Paris}}, or {{LangSwitch}} template.
  • Avoid using {{LangSwitch}}. Add language variations to {{City}}.
  • Corresponds to place of birth (P19) in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    DeathlocDeath locationDeath location. See Birthloc for details.
  • Corresponds to place of death (P20) in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    WorkperiodWork periodTime period when the creator was active. Use {{Other date}} if needed.
  • Corresponds to d:Property:P2031 and d:Property:P2032 in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    WorklocWork locationLocation(s) where the creator was active. See Birthloc for details.
  • Corresponds to work location (P937) in Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    ImageImageImage of the creator. Self-portraits are preferable. One can use CatScan2 to find all the creator templates without images used within files which are in the Category:Self-portraits.
  • Corresponds to image (P18) in Wikidata. Be careful, might contain a work by or an image of the author. Need to add some smart logic or better: Create a new more specific property.
  • emptyoptional
    HomecatThe Homecat parameter adds a category to the creator template, which will then be included in the list of articles in that category. Please do not add additional categories (like [[Category:Name Surname]]) to creator templates, since these will then be added to all the files and categories that use the template. Find pages with homecat issues:
  • Biographical categories transcluding {{Creator}} template which are not home categories: [1]
  • Corresponds to P910 (topic's main category) on Wikidata
  • emptyrequired
    NationalityHome nation of the person that determines nationality; not necessarily the same as country of birth, place of residence nor place of death. See {{Nationality}} and {{CountryAdjective}} for supported values. Dual nationalities are allowed, separate nationalities with "/".
  • Corresponds to country of citizenship (P27) on Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    GenderWhether the individual is male or female (set the parameter to male, female, m or f accordingly). Used as input to {{NationAndOccupation}}.
  • Corresponds to sex or gender (P21) on Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    OccupationEnglish name of the profession. Multiple professions have to be separated by "/". For example "painter / photographer". See {{Occupation}} for supported values. Pages using unsupported values will be listed in Category:Pages using Occupation template with incorrect parameters.
  • Corresponds to occupation (P106) on Wikidata
  • emptyoptional
    DescriptionAdditional description of the person, if needed. Possible uses:
  • listing relationships to other historical figures. Please use {{Kinship}} template.
  • Corresponds to Wikidata item description.
  • emptyoptional
    Linkbackname of specialized Creator: page used to provide a link back to it. If provided, then an icon will be shown in the top line after the name. Clicking this icon will bring user to the proper Creator: page.
  • Internal, nothing on Wikidata. We could use Commons Creator page (P1472) for sanity checking.
  • emptyrequired
    Wikisourcelink to related Wikisource page(s), mostly useful for writers. Use "s:pl:Autor:Adam Mickiewicz" notation. eg.: |Wikisource=s:pl:Autor:Adam Mickiewicz. Please use {{LangSwitch}} if author was writing in several languages, for example "|Wikisource = {{LangSwitch|en=s:en:Author:Joseph Conrad|fr=s:fr:Auteur:Joseph_Conrad|pl=s:pl:Autor:Joseph Conrad}}"
  • Corresponds to Wikidata item description.
  • emptyoptional
    Wikiquotelink to related Wikiquote page(s). See Wikisource parameter for details, on how to use it.
  • Corresponds to Wikidata sitelink description.
  • emptyoptional
    Wikidatalink to related Wikidata page(s). Enter the item name without enclosing brackets, eg.: |Wikidata=Q41406.
  • That's the item where we're grabbing al the Wikidata information from
  • emptyoptional
    AuthorityAuthority control data displayed using a call to {{Authority control|...|bare=1}}. Find pages with authority control issues:
  • Creator templates with {{Authority control}} template without "bare=1" option [2]
  • Creator home categories with {{Authority control}} added to both category and creator template[3]
  • Creator home categories with {{Authority control}} added to the category instead creator template [4]
  • All of above plus other issues[5]
  • Wikidata part is handled in the authority control template
  • emptyoptional
    TypeAllows tagging and categorizing of unusual creator templates:
    commons userFor people directly contributing to Commons, aka Commons users. For templates of this type only minimal parameter validation will be performed.Category:User creator templates
    corporationcompany or any other formally organized groupCategory:Corporate creator templates
    groupgroup of individuals, but not a corporation. For instance an artistic school or a group of individuals that closely collaborated together in such a way that each individual's contribution is difficult to appreciate (e.g. Creator:Limbourg Brothers)Category:Group creator templates
    stubTag as stub if providing very incomplete information. This option will show a message that this is a stub and only minimal parameter validation will be performed. Category:Creator template stubs
    persondefault type
    • No corrosponding Wikidata property.
    ImgWidthImage width in pixels. Most templates do not need to use this parameter, but some exceptionally voluminous templates might look better with larger images (100<ImgWidth<150). Also templates with image and very little info could use smaller image (70<ImgWidth<100).100optional
    ReferencesLinks and other references used for creators without Wikipedia articles. Just as in Wikipedia all the data in this template should be verifiable. In most of the cases people already have articles in Wikipedia or Wikisource (in English or other languages) linked to by links in "Name" and "Wikisource" fields. However on a rare occasion that such article does not exist, please use "Reference" parameter to add references and or links to pages where the information come from.emptyoptional
    OptionVariable to be passed from creator page. Available options are: "workshop of", "circle of", "school of", "or follower", "or workshop", "and workshop", "attributed to", "after", "formerly attributed to", "follower of", "manner of", and "near". These options will add those phrases to the author's name in the user's language.emptyrequired
    Template data
    <templatedata>JSON</templatedata> ./. {{TemplateBox}}

    TemplateData is a way to store information about template parameters (the description of those and of the whole template) for both humans and machines. It is used by VisualEditor and possibly other tools like Upload Wizard.

    Existing template documentation
    At Wikimedia Commons, it is recommended to use {{TemplateBox}} with either ‎useTemplateData=1 or ‎useTemplateData=only on the ‎/doc subpage and transcluding it with {{Documentation}} into the template. ‎<nowiki>-tags can be wrapped around the arguments, if required, to avoid templates being expanded.

    Newly created template documentation and imports
    Another option, especially for imported templates, or for users with JSON experience, is placing raw ‎<templatedata>-tags into the Wikitext of the template, as described in various Wikipediae.

    There is an ongoing discussion about that matter. Feel invited to comment if you are experienced in either way, your time permits and if you like to share your opinion or to make a suggestion.

    Wikipedia's help about TemplateDataCommons-specific information

    {{Creator}} creates an infobox to be customized on Creator: namespace pages and used on File and Category namespace pages. See „Commons:Creator” for guidelines on how to use Creator namespace.

    Template parameters

    This template prefers block formatting of parameters.

    Alternative namesAlternative names

    All other variants of the name, [[w:Pseudonym|pseudonyms]], etc. Language variation could be added here too if the name in native language differs from English version. Do not use it to provide interwiki links - place them in a gallery linked from '''Name''' or on a Wikipedia page. Use template [[:Template:Name|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Name&#125;&#125;</span>]] to indicate that name is a birth, legal or pseudonym.

    • Corresponds to the Wikidata aliases.


    [[:en:Authority control|Authority control]] data displayed using a call to {{[[Template:Authority control|Authority control]]&#124;...&#124;bare=1}}. <small>Find pages with authority control issues:

  • Creator templates with [[:Template:Authority control|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Authority control&#125;&#125;</span>]] template without "bare=1" option [http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&depth=1&ns%5b100%5d=1&templates_yes=Creator%0D%0AAuthority+control+tag%3A+stand-alone&doit=1]
  • Creator home categories with [[:Template:Authority control|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Authority control&#125;&#125;</span>]] added to both category and creator template[http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&depth=1&ns%5b14%5d=1=1&templates_yes=Authority+control+tag%3A+bare%0D%0AAuthority+control+tag%3A+stand-alone&doit=1]
  • Creator home categories with [[:Template:Authority control|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Authority control&#125;&#125;</span>]] added to the category instead creator template [http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&depth=1&ns%5b14%5d=1&templates_yes=Creator%0D%0AAuthority+control+tag%3A+stand-alone&doit=1]
  • All of above plus other issues[http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&depth=1&ns%5b14%5d=1&ns%5b100%5d=1&templates_yes=Creator%0D%0AAuthority+control+tag%3A+stand-alone&doit=1]</small>
  • Wikidata part is handled in the authority control template

  • Unknownoptional

    Birthdate of the artist, preferably in the ISO YYYY-MM-DD format

    Birth locationBirthloc

    Birth location: usually a city name with a link to the location's page


    Year of birth in YYYY format (Only needed if birthdate is not in ISO format


    Date of death. See '''Birthdate''' for details. <small>One can use [http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&templates_yes=Works+of+authors+who+died+less+than+65+years+ago%0D%0APD-old CanScan2] to find all the files using creator templates of authors who died less than 70 years ago and incorrectly using [[:Template:PD-old|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;PD-old&#125;&#125;</span>]] license.</small>

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Property:P570|date of death (P570)]] in Wikidata

  • Stringoptional
    Death locationDeathloc

    Death location. See '''Birthloc''' for details.

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Property:P20|place of death (P20)]] in Wikidata

  • Stringoptional

    year of death in YYYY format. See '''Birthyear''' for details.

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Property:P570|date of death (P570)]] in Wikidata

  • Numberoptional

    Additional description of the person, if needed. Possible uses:

  • listing relationships to other historical figures. Please use [[:Template:Kinship|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Kinship&#125;&#125;</span>]] template.
  • Corresponds to Wikidata item description.

  • Unknownoptional

    Whether the individual is male or female (set the parameter to ''male'', ''female'', ''m'' or ''f'' accordingly). Used as input to {{[[Template:NationAndOccupation|NationAndOccupation]]}}.

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Propery:P21|sex or gender (P21)]] on Wikidata

  • Unknownoptional

    The Homecat parameter adds a category to the creator template, which will then be included in the list of articles in that category. Please do ''not'' add additional categories (like [[Category:Name Surname]]) to creator templates, since these will then be added to all the files and categories that use the template. <small>Find pages with homecat issues:

  • Biographical categories transcluding [[:Template:Creator|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Creator&#125;&#125;</span>]] template which are not home categories: [http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php?language=commons&project=wikimedia&categories=people_by_name&negcats=Creator_template_home_categories&ns%5b14%5d=1&templates_yes=Creator]</small>
  • Corresponds to [[:d:Propery:P910|P910 (topic's main category)]] on Wikidata

  • Unknownrequired

    Image of the creator. Self-portraits are preferable.


    Image width in pixels. Most templates do not need to use this parameter, but some exceptionally voluminous templates might look better with larger images (100<ImgWidth<150). Also templates with image and very little info could use smaller image (70<ImgWidth<100).


    name of [[:Category:Creator templates|specialized Creator: page]] used to provide a link back to it. If provided, then an icon [[File:Icons-mini-icon link.gif]] will be shown in the top line after the name. Clicking this icon will bring user to the proper Creator: page.

  • Internal, nothing on Wikidata. We could use [[:d:Property:P1472|Commons Creator page (P1472)]] for sanity checking.

  • Unknownrequired

    Name of the creator in the "Name Surname" format


    Home nation of the person that determines nationality; not necessarily the same as country of birth, place of residence nor place of death. See [[:Template:Nationality|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Nationality&#125;&#125;</span>]] and [[:Template:CountryAdjective|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;CountryAdjective&#125;&#125;</span>]] for supported values. Dual nationalities are allowed, separate nationalities with "/".

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Propery:P27|country of citizenship (P27)]] on Wikidata

  • Unknownoptional

    English name of the [[w:Profession|profession]]. Multiple professions have to be separated by "/". For example "painter / photographer". See [[:Template:Occupation|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;Occupation&#125;&#125;</span>]] for supported values. Pages using unsupported values will be listed in [[:Category:Pages using Occupation template with incorrect parameters]].

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Propery:P106|occupation (P106)]] on Wikidata

  • Unknownoptional

    Variable to be passed from creator page. Available options are: "workshop of", "circle of", "school of", "or follower", "or workshop", "and workshop", "attributed to", "after", "formerly attributed to", "follower of", "manner of", and "near". These options will add those phrases to the author's name in the user's language.


    Links and other references used for creators without Wikipedia articles. Just as in Wikipedia all the data in this template should be [[:en:Wikipedia:Verifiability|verifiable]]. In most of the cases people already have articles in Wikipedia or Wikisource (in English or other languages) linked to by links in "Name" and "Wikisource" fields. However on a rare occasion that such article does not exist, please use "Reference" parameter to add references and or links to pages where the information come from.


    Sortkey of the name

  • Not sure yet how to do this with Wikidata.

  • Stringrequired

    Allows tagging and categorizing of unusual creator templates:

    <table border> <tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th><th>Category</th></tr> <tr><td>commons user</td><td>For people directly contributing to Commons, aka Commons [[:Category:Users|users]]. For templates of this type only minimal parameter validation will be performed.</td><td>[[:Category:User creator templates]]</td></tr> <tr><td>corporation</td><td>company or any other formally organized group</td><td>[[:Category:Corporate creator templates]]</td></tr> <tr><td>group</td><td>group of individuals, but not a corporation. For instance an artistic school or a group of individuals that closely collaborated together in such a way that each individual's contribution is difficult to appreciate (e.g. [[:Creator:Limbourg Brothers]])</td><td>[[:Category:Group creator templates]]</td></tr> <tr><td>stub</td><td>Tag as [[:en:Wikipedia:Stub|stub]] if providing very incomplete information. This option will show a message that this is a stub and only minimal parameter validation will be performed. </td><td>[[:Category:Creator template stubs]]</td></tr> <tr><td>person</td><td>default type</td><td></td></tr> </table>

    • No corrosponding Wikidata property.


    link to related Wikidata page(s). Enter the item name without enclosing brackets, eg.: <tt>|Wikidata=Q41406</tt>.

  • That's the item where we're grabbing al the Wikidata information from

  • Unknownoptional

    link to related Wikiquote page(s). See '''Wikisource''' parameter for details, on how to use it.

  • Corresponds to Wikidata sitelink description.

  • Unknownoptional

    link to related Wikisource page(s), mostly useful for writers. Use "[[s:pl:Autor:Adam Mickiewicz]]" notation. eg.: <tt>|Wikisource=s:pl:Autor:Adam Mickiewicz</tt>. Please use [[:Template:LangSwitch|<span style="font-family:monospace,monospace;">&#123;&#123;LangSwitch&#125;&#125;</span>]] if author was writing in several languages, for example <tt>"|Wikisource = {{LangSwitch|en=s:en:Author:Joseph Conrad|fr=s:fr:Auteur:Joseph_Conrad|pl=s:pl:Autor:Joseph Conrad}}"</tt>

  • Corresponds to Wikidata item description.

  • Unknownoptional
    Work locationWorkloc

    Location(s) where the creator was active. See '''Birthloc''' for details.

  • Corresponds to [[:d:Property:P937|work location (P937)]] in Wikidata

  • Stringoptional
    Work periodWorkperiod

    Time period when the creator was active.


    Additional information

    The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Creator namespace

    The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

    Relies on:
    {{NationAndOccupation}}, {{Authority control}}, {{Name}}, {{City}}, {{ISOdate}}, {{ISOyear}}

    See also


    This template is localized by utilizing MediaWiki namespace messages. These can be translated at translatewiki.net (current translations).


    Creator:Paul Cézanne, rendered as

    Paul Cézanne  (1839–1906)  wikidata:Q35548 s:fr:Auteur:Paul Cézanne q:en:Paul Cézanne
    Paul Cézanne
    Description French painter, printmaker, lithographer and drawer
    Date of birth/death 19 January 1839 Edit this at Wikidata 22 October 1906 Edit this at Wikidata
    Location of birth/death Aix-en-Provence Aix-en-Provence
    Work location
    Authority file
    creator QS:P170,Q35548

    has source code:

     | Workloc           = {{Paris}}, {{city|Auvers-sur-Oise}}, {{Aix-en-Provence}}, {{Marseille}}
     | Wikidata          = Q35548
     | Option            = {{{1|}}}

    Creator:Viktor Vasnetsov, rendered as

    Viktor Vasnetsov  (1848–1926)  wikidata:Q204138 s:ru:Виктор Михайлович Васнецов q:ru:Виктоp Михайлович Васнецов
    Viktor Vasnetsov
    Alternative names
    Description Russian-Soviet painter, architect and postage stamp designer
    Date of birth/death 15 May 1848 (3 May 1848 in Julian calendar) 23 June 1926
    Location of birth/death Lop’jal in Vyatka Governorate Moscow
    Work location
    Authority file
    creator QS:P170,Q204138

    has source code:

     | Alternative names = {{en|1=[[:en:Viktor Vasnetsov|Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov]]}} {{de|1=[[:de:Wiktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow|Wiktor Michailowitsch Wasnezow]]}} {{ru|1=[[:ru:Васнецов, Виктор Михайлович|Виктор Михайлович Васнецов]]}}
     | Birthdate         = {{other date|Julian|1848-05-15|1848-05-03}}
     | Birthloc          = {{RelativeLocation|{{LangSwitch|en=Lop’jal|mk=Лопјал|ru=Лопьял|uk=Лоп'ял}}|in|{{city|Vyatka Province}}}}
     | Deathdate         = 1926-06-23
     | Workloc           = {{Moscow}}, {{Kiev}}
     | Linkback          = Creator:Viktor Vasnetsov
     | Wikidata          = Q204138
     | Option            = {{{1|}}}

    Template Tags

    This template adds several template tags (empty templates which can be traced) to images meeting some criteria:

    All of them are used for maintenance tasks. They are a little like real hidden categories.


    It's possible to generate creator templates based on data from Wikidata. See creator from wikidata. You first have to search Wikidata and input the Wikidata Q id in the tool.