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  • Finesser som aktiveras via användarinställningarna
    • Cat-a-lot: A tool that helps with moving multiple files between categories or adding categories to search results. [documentation / talk] 
    • HotCatd Easily add / remove / change a category on a page, with name suggestions. [documentation / example / talk] 
    • Gallery Details: Adds a link in the toolbox to display galleries and categories (and Newimages and Search result pages) with extensive details from file description pages and links to easily mark an image without source, etc. If Pretty log is activated, it also works on Log pages. [documentation / talk] 
    • Place categories above content, but below image on file description pages.  Ändrar placeringen av kategorier i användargränssnittet
    • Add a link to category pages to search for the category name with the option "-incategory". This excludes files already in the category (doesn't work if the category was added by a template). [talk]