I'm an administrator here on Wikimedia Commons, but also on Swedish Wikipedia, Swedish Wiktionary, Swedish Wikibooks, Swedish Wikiquote, Swedish Wikinews (and Swedish Wikitravel). On Wikinews, I'm also a bureaucrat.

My name is almost always Väsk. On English WP I used the name "Bag" (an English translation of Väska), but changed it after some time. I have got accounts on Danish WP, French WP, English WP, Norwegian WP (where I call myself Väska), German WP, English and Swedish Wikinews, Wikisource, Meta and more, I think.

I upload most of my new images on Commons, although my own gallery is still on Swedish Wikipedia. You can see it on sv:Användare:Väsk/Galleri. All together it will soon be 500 images, but there is however hundreds more of interest waiting to be uploaded.

Gallery | Unmoved

Upload from Flickr | Geocoding: Lund untagged Lund tagged

Notes to self


Churches to be uploaded:

