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English: calculated diagram of soil with model formula (van Genuchten, 1980) [1]
Deutsch: Der Saugdruck von Sand, Schluff, Lehm und Ton. Neu berechnetes Diagramm verschiedener Bodenarten mit Modelldaten gemäß van Genuchten, 1980
Quelle Eigenes Werk
Urheber FMoeckel, DufterKunde
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Andere Versionen Wrc.jpg
W3C-validity not checked.

Van Genuchten model of soil water retention ( – relative soil water content, – soil matric potential):


Parameter List
Soil Soil
Ss Sand 0.043019 0.370687 0.087424 1.57535 0.36522
Uu Silt 0 0.421256 0.003405 1.34475 0.25637
Lu Loam-Silt 0 0.421217 0.013345 1.12614 0.11201
Tt Clay 0 0.550541 0.006812 1.08155 0.07540
GNU Octave source code
function van_genuchten()
	%* Encdoing: UTF-8.
	%* Written by DufterKunde
	%  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:DufterKunde
	%  to produce a corrected version of
	%  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wrc.svg .
	%  It is supposed to be run in GNU octave 4.0,
	%  but it should also work with older versions of octave as well.
	%  Only minor changes are needed to make it run with Matlab.
	%* The plot shows the matric potential Psi_m
	%  of different types of soil as a function of the
	%  relative soil water content theta.
	%  It is based on the equation and parameters from
	%  {{cite web
	%  | url=https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Boden/Netzwerke/Adhocag/Downloads/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf
	%  | title=Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung
	%  | accessdate=2015-07-29
	%  | author=Ad-hoc-AG Boden
	%  | coauthors=
	%  | date=2004-09-17
	%  | format=PDF, 242 KiB
	%  | publisher=Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR
	%  | language=German
	%  }}
	%  theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)/(1 + (alpha*(-psi))^n)^m
	%  with
	%  m     = 1 - 1/n .
	%* Ss = Sand, Uu = Silt, Lu = Loam-Silt, Tt = Clay.
	%* Compliance of the output with the svg-standard validated by:
	%  https://validator.w3.org/
	%  and practical functionality tested with
	%  - Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 40.0,
	%  - Chromium 43.0.2357.130 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)
	%  - eog (“Eye of Gnome”) 3.14.4,
	%  - Inkscape 0.91 r13725, and
	%  - SVG Check: https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgcheck/ (rsvg 2.36.1).
	% parameters:
	pF         = [  0     6];
	N          = 10*diff(pF) + 1;
	psi        = -logspace(pF(1),pF(2),N);
	x          = [  0     0.55];
	y          = pF;
	X          = [ 70   550   ];
	Y          = [390   30   ];
	DY         = diff(Y)/diff(y);
	Tick       =   8;
	tick       =   6;
	lgnd_wdth  =  95;
	lgnd_hght  = 120;
	lgnd_strk  =  35;
	lgnd_pad   =   4;
	lgnd_Pad   =  12;
	today      = clock();
	% Sand:
	theta_r_ss = 0.043019;
	theta_s_ss = 0.370687;
	alpha_ss   = 0.087424;
	n_ss       = 1.57535;
	theta_ss   = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_ss, theta_s_ss, alpha_ss, n_ss);
	% Silt:
	theta_r_uu = 0;
	theta_s_uu = 0.421256;
	alpha_uu   = 0.003405;
	n_uu       = 1.34475;
	theta_uu   = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_uu, theta_s_uu, alpha_uu, n_uu);
	% Loam-Silt:
	theta_r_lu = 0;
	theta_s_lu = 0.421217;
	alpha_lu   = 0.013345;
	n_lu       = 1.12614;
	theta_lu   = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_lu, theta_s_lu, alpha_lu, n_lu);
	% Clay:
	theta_r_tt = 0;
	theta_s_tt = 0.550541;
	alpha_tt   = 0.006812;
	n_tt       = 1.08155;
	theta_tt   = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_tt, theta_s_tt, alpha_tt, n_tt);
	% generate svg-file:
	fid        = fopen ("Wrc.svg","w");
	fprintf(fid,["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n", ...
	             "<svg\n", ...
	             "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n", ...
	             "width=\"600\" height=\"450\"\n", ...
	             "\t<title>Water Retention Curves</title>\n"]);
	             "\t\t* This is a corrected version of\n",...
	             "\t\t  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wrc.svg\n",...
	             "\t\t  generated by DufterKunde\n",...
	             "\t\t  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:DufterKunde\n",...
	             "\t\t  on %i-%02i-%02i.\n",...
	             "\t\t* The plot shows the matric potential Psi_m\n",...
	             "\t\t  of different types of soil as a function of the\n",...
	             "\t\t  relative soil water content theta.\n",...
	             "\t\t  It is based on the equation and parameters from\n",...
	             "\t\t  {{cite web\n",...
	             "\t\t  | url=https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Boden/Netzwerke/Adhocag/Downloads/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf\n",...
	             "\t\t  | title=Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung\n",...
	             "\t\t  | accessdate=2015-07-29\n",...
	             "\t\t  | author=Ad-hoc-AG Boden\n",...
	             "\t\t  | coauthors=\n",...
	             "\t\t  | date=2004-09-17\n",...
	             "\t\t  | format=PDF, 242 KiB\n",...
	             "\t\t  | publisher=Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR\n",...
	             "\t\t  | language=German\n",...
	             "\t\t  }}\n",...
	             "\t\t  theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)/(1 + (alpha*(-psi))^n)^m\n",...
	             "\t\t  with\n",...
	             "\t\t  m     = 1 - 1/n .\n",...
	             "\t\t* Ss = Sand, Uu = Silt, Lu = Loam-Silt, Tt = Clay.\n",...
	             "\t\t* This svg-file has been generated line-by-line\n",...
	             "\t\t  by a GNU Octave function.\n",...
	             "\t\t* Compliance with the svg standard validated by:\n",...
	             "\t\t  https://validator.w3.org/\n",...
	             "\t\t  and practical functionality tested with\n",...
	             "\t\t  - Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 40.0,\n",...
	             "\t\t  - Chromium 43.0.2357.130 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)\n",...
	             "\t\t  - eog (“Eye of Gnome”) 3.14.4,\n",...
	             "\t\t  - Inkscape 0.91 r13725, and\n",...
	             "\t\t  - SVG Check: https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgcheck/ (rsvg 2.36.1).\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t<g shape-rendering=\"geometricPrecision\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\">\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- horizontal grid lines: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g stroke=\"#c0c0c0\">\n");
	for k = (pF(1) + 1) : (pF(2) - 1)
		Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- actual graph data: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"3\">\n");
	write_svg_dat(fid,psi(1:end-10),theta_ss(1:end-10),x,y,X,Y,"0000ff","Ss = Sand");
	write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_uu,x,y,X,Y,"ff0000","Uu = Silt");
	write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_lu,x,y,X,Y,"00ff00","Lu = Loam-Silt");
	write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_tt,x,y,X,Y,"b000b0","Tt = Clay");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- ticks on x-axis: -->\n");
	for k = [0.1 : 0.1 : 0.5]
		X_grid = X(1) + k * diff(X)/diff(x)
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%5.2f,%i %5.2f,%i\"/>\n",...
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%5.2f,%i %5.2f,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- major ticks on y-axis: -->\n");
	for k = (pF(1) + 1) : (pF(2) - 1 )
		Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY;
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- minor log-ticks on left y-axis: -->\n");
	for k = pF(1) : (pF(2) - 1)
		for m = 2 : 9
			y_grid = Y(1) + ( k + log10(m) ) * DY;
			fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%5.2f %i,%5.2f\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- legend: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,["\t\t<rect x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" width=\"%i\" " ,...
	             "height=\"%i\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"white\"/>\n"],...
	Y_lgnd = Y(2)+1.5*Tick + [0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5]/4*lgnd_hght
	X_lgnd = [X(2)-lgnd_wdth-lgnd_pad X(2)-lgnd_wdth-lgnd_pad+lgnd_strk];
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"3\">\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#0000ff\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#ff0000\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#00ff00\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#b000b0\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- axis-box: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,["\t\t<polygon points=\"%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i %i,%i\" ",...
	             "fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"/>\n"],...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- text: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"black\" font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"24\">\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- x-axis annotation: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\" font-style=\"italic\">θ</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\">0</text>\n",...
	for k = [0.1 : 0.1 : 0.5]
		X_grid = X(1) + k * diff(X)/diff(x);
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\">%3.1f</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- y-axis annotation: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"end\">p</text>\n",...
	        -mean(Y)+ 7,593);
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-style=\"italic\">F</text>\n",...
	        -mean(Y)+ 7,593);
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"end\" font-style=\"italic\">–ψ</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">m</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\">/ hPa</text>\n",...
	        -mean(Y)   ,19);
	for k = pF(1) : pF(2)
		Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY;
		if ( k < 0 )
			fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"end\">–</text>\n",...
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">%i</text>\n",...
		fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"end\">10</text>\n",...
		if ( k >= 0 )
			fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">%i</text>\n",...
			fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">–%i</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- legend: -->\n");
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Ss</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Uu</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Lu</text>\n",...
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Tt</text>\n",...

function theta = theta_vg(psi, theta_r, theta_s, alpha, n)
	% van Genuchten equation
	m = 1 - 1/n
	theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)./(1 + (alpha*(-psi)).^n).^m;

function write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta,x,y,X,Y,cl,name)
	Y_dat = ( log10(-psi) - y(1) )*diff(Y)/diff(y) + Y(1);
	X_dat = ( theta       - x(1) )*diff(X)/diff(x) + X(1);
	fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#%s\" points=\"",cl);
	for	k = 1 : (length(psi) - 1)
		fprintf(fid,"%4.2f,%i ",X_dat(k),Y_dat(k));


  1. Ad-hoc-AG Boden (2004-09-17). Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung (in German) (PDF, 242 KiB). Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved on 2015-07-29.


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in die Gemeinfreiheit entlassen durch den Rechteinhaber<\/a>"}},"text\/plain":{"de":{"P6216":"in die Gemeinfreiheit entlassen durch den Rechteinhaber"}}}}" class="wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup-P6216 oo-ui-layout oo-ui-panelLayout oo-ui-panelLayout-framed">
in die Gemeinfreiheit entlassen durch den Rechteinhaber<\/a>"}},"text\/plain":{"de":{"P275":"in die Gemeinfreiheit entlassen durch den Rechteinhaber"}}}}" class="wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup-P275 oo-ui-layout oo-ui-panelLayout oo-ui-panelLayout-framed">
durch Hochlader\/in erstelltes Original<\/a>"}},"text\/plain":{"de":{"P7482":"durch Hochlader\/in erstelltes Original"}}}}" class="wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup wbmi-entityview-statementsGroup-P7482 oo-ui-layout oo-ui-panelLayout oo-ui-panelLayout-framed">



Klicke auf einen Zeitpunkt, um diese Version zu laden.

Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell15:18, 17. Aug. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:18, 17. Aug. 2015600 × 450 (11 KB)DufterKundeMinor source code clean-up.
15:44, 14. Aug. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:44, 14. Aug. 2015600 × 450 (10 KB)DufterKundeRestricted to a more realistic range of matric potential / pF-values. (Unfortunately, the original source does not mention in which intervals the model is valid.)
17:17, 13. Aug. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 17:17, 13. Aug. 2015600 × 450 (14 KB)DufterKundeThe original file was based on a wrong equation due to a typo (see File talk:Wrc.svg#Plots seem to be based on wrong equation). This has been discussed with and confirmed by the original author User:FMoeckel~commonswiki via e-mail. The new SVG...
07:22, 7. Apr. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 07:22, 7. Apr. 2011512 × 405 (27 KB)Trex2001resized font
13:41, 6. Apr. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:41, 6. Apr. 2011512 × 404 (26 KB)Trex2001redone in SVG (was embedded bitmap before)
13:25, 6. Apr. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:25, 6. Apr. 2011512 × 724 (179 KB)Trex2001Reverted to version as of 16:07, 9 January 2010
13:16, 6. Apr. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:16, 6. Apr. 2011512 × 378 (180 KB)Trex2001cropped
18:07, 9. Jan. 2010Vorschaubild der Version vom 18:07, 9. Jan. 2010512 × 724 (179 KB)FMoeckel~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=calculated diagram of soil with model formula (van Genuchten, 1980) <ref>[www.bgr.de/saf_boden/adhocag/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf]</ref>}} {{de|1=neu berechnetes Diagramm verschiedener Bodenarten mit Modelldaten gemäß va

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