Talk:Islam and violence/NewMaterial

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Barrasita in topic 1943

Highlighted dates


Some highlighted dates in timeline of violence by Islam. From its early days till post WW2, 622-1946

Early Islam - 622-634


1.) The killing of Abu Afak 2.) The killing of Asma Marwan 3.) Attack upon the Banu Qaynuqa Jews 4.) The killing of Kab Ashraf 5.) The killing of Ibn Sunayna. 6.) Attack against the Banu Nadir Jews 7.) The killing of the Shepherd 8.) Massacre of the Banu Qurayza Jews 9.) The torture killing of Kinana 10.) The killing of a slave Wife and Mother 11.) The slaying of an old woman from Banu Fazara 12.) The killing of Abdullah Khatal and his Daughter 13.) The attack upon Tabuk [1]

October, 680


The Shia [Shiite] Martyrdom

It began on the morning of 3 October, 680 CE. Some link it to the "Roots of terror: suicide, martyrdom, self-redemption and Islam." [2]

Cordoba revolt (Muslim Spain) by Christians, put down by massacres for three days.

Many of the insurgents were crucified, as prescribed in the Koran (5:33): "The revolt in Cordova of 818 was crushed by three days of massacres and pillage.[3]



Massacre in Cordoba, Andalusia, Muslim Spain, 1011

In Fez (Morocco) in 1033, between five and six thousand Jews lost their lives in the hands of Muslims.[3][4]



Pogrom in Fez, Morocco, 1033

In a 1033 pogrom in Fez, thousands of Jews were murdered[3] [4]

and the women were dragged off into slavery. When the liberal Almoravids came to power in 1062, conditions for Jews improved, but when the Almohades took over in the middle of the 12th century Jews were forced to embrace Islam or emigrate. It was during that time that Jews were forced to wear a particular costume a precursor of the Jewish badge. After the ouster of the Almohades in the 14th century the situation of Jews stabilized. [5]

December, 1066


Granada massacre of Jews by Muslims, Andalusia Spain

The 1066 Granada massacre took place on December 30, 1066 (9 Tevet 4827), when a Muslim mob stormed the royal palace in Granada, crucified Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacred most of the Jewish population of the city. "More than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day." According to Bernard Lewis, the massacre is "usually ascribed to a reaction among the Muslim population against a powerful and ostentatious Jewish vizier." Bernard Lewis writes:

Particularly instructive in this respect is an ancient Anti-Semitic poem of Abu Ishaq, written in Granada in 1066. This poem, which is said to be instrumental in provoking the anti-Jewish outbreak of that year, contains these specific lines: :Do not consider it a breach of faith to kill them, the breach of faith would be to let them carry on.

They have violated our covenant with them, so how can you be held guilty against the violators?
How can they have any pact when we are obscure and they are prominent?
Now we are humble, beside them, as if we were wrong and they were right!


Lewis continues: "Diatribes such as Abu Ishaq's and massacres such as that in Granada in 1066 are of rare occurrence in Islamic history." Rabbi Abraham ibn Daud, in his historical work Sefer ha-Kabbalah, similarly writes of Joseph: "...he became haughty to the point of destruction; the Philistine (Berber) nobles grew jealous of him, until he was murdered...." Walter Laqueur characterizes this episode as a pogrom: "Jews could not as a rule attain public office (as usual there were exceptions), and there were occasional pogroms, such as in Granada in 1066."

1263 - 1328


The 'Godfather of Islamic Fundamentalism'

Ibn Taymiyyah, or Taq ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah, is regarded as the Godfather of Islamic Fundamentalism's, he lived from 1263 to 1328. His name by birth was Ahmad ibn Abdul-Halim ibn Abdas-Salaam. Maududi borrowed extensively from Taymiyyah's writings. [7]



The Bahmani sultans and the genocide on Indians

Every new invader of India made (often literally) his hills of Hindu skulls. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100000 Hindus every year. In 1399, Teimur killed 100,000 captives in a single day. [8][9]



Fez Massacre - 1465 Morocco

In 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman --what was seen as-- in "an offensive manner." The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco. [10] some six thousand Jews were murdered in 1033." and massacres look place again in 1276 and 1465. [4]

February 24, 1568


Islamic Massacre of 30,000 Indians - after battle for Chitod

Mogul Empire's atrocities on Indians, The Islamic Akbar is said to have ordered the massacre of 'about 30000' Hindu prisoners in 1568, after the battle of Chitod. [11][12][13] [14][15][16][17][18]

July 1625 [and the 1700's]


Sally Rovers incident, at the height of North African Arab Muslim pirates' crimes against Christians, mainly British, Barbary pirates - Britain's 200-year jihad.[19] [20] [21] [22] [23]



The San'a expulsion of Jews in Yemen

In that year the country returned to the Shi'ite rule of the Zaydi imams, and the legitimacy of Jewish presence in Yemen came under an attack which culminated in 1680 with the expulsion of the Jews from San'a and central Yemen [24]



The 1660 massacre of Jews in Safed, Israel-Palestine

To buy off the Muslim attackers, Jews had to borrow money from rich Muslims at compound interest, under threats of further attacks if they failed to repay." When the Jewish community of its holy city of Safed was "massacred in 1660," and the town "destroyed by Arabs," only one Jew managed to escape. [25] [26][27]



Rise of Whabbism

Wahhabism is an extremist, puritanical, and violent movement that emerged, with the pretension of "reforming" Islam, in the central area of Arabia in the 18th century. It was founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who formed an alliance with the house of Saud, in which religious authority is maintained by the descendants of al-Wahhab and political power is held by the descendants of al-Saud: This is the Wahhabi-Saudi axis, which continues to rule today. [28]

April, 1790


Tetouan Pogrom, Morocco

As the new ruler (Mawlay Yazid) entered the city of Tetouan, he commanded that all the Jews should be gathered and imprisoned in a house, meanwhile permitting the Moors to rob all their homes and cellars, which they obeyed with their own particular ferocity. Thus, they stripped all the Jews and their wives of all the clothes which they had on their body with the greatest violence, so that these unfortunates not only had to watch all their belongings being stolen, but also had to bear the greatest injury to their honor...

But on top of this, their bestiality showed itself to such an extent that they stripped the Jewesses of their clothes, forthwith satisfied their desires with them, and then threw them naked into the streets.




Jihad in Africa (Mali)

In either 1810 or 1818 (the exact date is uncertain), an Islamic fighter led a jihad against the Muslim chiefs in Masina; later the jihad expanded to include the Bambara. Seku Ahmadu established an austere Muslim empire ruled from the newly built city. [31] In 1861 Toucouleur conqueror El Hadj Umar Tall took Ségou from its Bambara rulers and launched a fresh jihad down river against the Massina. Jihad was a religious war fought from 1810 to 1818 in what is now the Mopti Region of Mali. [32]



1) The Safed plunder.

2) The massacre in Hebron, pillaging, looting, killing/rapes, in Jerusalem.

Pogrom - massacre, "plunder," by Arab-Muslims on Jews in Safed, it went on for 33 days. [33] [34] [35] It was incited by a self proclaimed Islamic "prophet" who envisioned the massacre to which he agitated to.[36]</ref>

The attacks in Hebron, Jerusalem, that year.

In 1834, Egyptian soldiers massacred Jews in Hebron on the way of putting down a Muslim rebellion, local Muslims go on rampage, pillaging, rape, killing, looting in Jerusalem at that same era. [27][37][38]



Massacre of Jews in Meshed Iran followed by forced conversion of the survivors [39]



Damascus Blood Libel [40][10][39]

1840 - 1860


The Massacres of the Khilafah

Khilafah massacres from 1840-1860. In 1847, Muslim forces massacred 30000 members of the Assyrian Christian community. "A good example of State complicity by the Khilafah in massacres of Christians begun by individual Muslims occurred in Lebanon and Syria in 1860." [41] The massacre was succeeded by another in 1896. [42]

In 1842, Muslims engaged in the following massacre: Badr Khan Bey, A Hakkari Kurdish Amir, combined with other Kurdish forces led by Nurallah, attacked the Assyrians, intending to burn, kill, destroy, and, if possible, exterminate the Assyrians race from the mountains. The fierce Kurds destroyed and burned whatever came within their reach. An indiscriminate massacre took place. The women were brought before the Amir and murdered in cold blood. The following incident illustrates the revolting barbarity: the aged mother of Mar Shimun, the Patriarch of the Church of the East, was seized by them, and after having practiced on her the most abominable atrocities, they cut her body into two parts and threw it into the river Zab, exclaiming, "go and carry to your accursed son the intelligence that the same fate awaits him." Nearly ten thousand Assyrians were massacred, and as large a number of woman and children were taken captive, most of whom were sent to Jezirah to be sold as slaves, to be bestowed as presents upon the influential Muslims. [43]



The April Uprising

In 1876 the Bulgarians staged a rebellion, Ottoman forces responded with a brutal massacre in what quickly became known as "the Bulgarian horrors." By 1912, as new Balkan alliances were formed in opposition to Ottoman rule, the Turks again responded with massacre. [44] The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response pp. 160-162, Peter Balakian, 2004[48]</ref> The Islamic Turks massacre 25,000 Bulgarian Christians, some claim, 100,000. Sixty to seventy villages were burned.[45]

Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro and some other European lands which had been under Ottoman rule declared their independence from Turkish rule, and tried to align themselves with Austra-Hungary. The Turks were outraged, and sent extra troops to the Balkans. Between 1909–12, Turks massacred (at least) 25000 Bulgarian, Kosovar and Serbian citizens, in addition to the number of casualties inflicted during the actual fighting of the war. [46]

Historian states that "During that span of about five hundred years, the Christians of the Balkans, the majority of whom were Slavs, lived under Ottoman Muslim rule, and were accorded the traditional Ottoman treatment of those of infidel status. The Balkan Christians, were subjected tio heavy taxation, arbitrary violence, political disenfranchisement, and cultural oppression; some of whom converted to Islam." [44]

Opposing view: The Ottoman reprisals to the so-called Bulgarian horrors, received great publicity in Europe where only the Bulgarian side of the story was known. Estimates of the actual number of Bulgarians killed in the suppression of this revolt vary: the Ottoman figure is 3,100; the British, 12,000: the American, 15,000: and the Bulgarian, from 30,000 to 100,000.[47]



A Jihad in Sudan and in Egypt

What is called the "First Jihad", in 1880, Muslim fighter raised the banner of holy war, and thousands of warriors flocked. "The Mahdi's army crushed forces dispatched from British (controlled) Egypt." [48] The Mahdi proclaimed a jihad, or holy war, against the Turkiyah. [49]

March, 1886


First mass Arab attack on a Jewish 'settlement,' Petach Tikva, Israel-Palestine. [50][51][52][53]



Hamidian massacres of Armenians by the Ottoman empire.

The Hamidian Armenian Massacres in 1894-1896 were the first near-genocidal series of atrocities committed against the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire.[54][55] Estimates of those killed range widely, anywhere between 100,000 and 30,000, with thousands more maimed or rendered homeless. [56]



Settat and Taza pogrom, Morocco

Prior to the 1830 French occupation of Morocco, thousands of inoffensive Jews were brutually attacked in different parts of the country by hostile tribesmen and uncontrolled soldiery including in Settat and Taza 1903. [57][58][59]



Greek Genocide

1,400,000 Victims by the Muslim Turks.

In 1913, sixteen thousand Greek inhabitants of Eastern Thrace were atrociously murdered by the Turks. On May 27 1914, the Muslims ordered that all Christians leave the town of Pergamum within two hours. [60]

During the years 1914-1923, the indigenous Greek minority of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey's predecessor, was subjected to a centrally-organized, premeditated and systematic policy of annihilation, perpetrated by two consecutive governments; the Committee for Union and Progress, later better known as the Young Turks, and the nationalist Kemalists led by Mustafa Kemal 'Atat?rk'. A lethal combination of labor brigades, internal deportations and massacres conducted throughout Anatolian Turkey resulted in the death of 1,400,000 Greeks.[61]

At the Hellenic Genocide (as it is called by the Greeks) most of the victims were massacred between 1895 and 1955. Also Serbs, and Bulgarians in Europe, were systematically massacred. [62]

In 2001, the "Greek genocide" decree angered Turks. Turkish officials have formally complained about a decree passed by the Greek parliament that accuses Turkey of genocide.[63]



Massacre, genocide of Assyrians by the Turks Ottoman empire. [64] [65][66] [67]

Within the First World War in the territory of Ottoman Turkey where were living about 1 million Assyrians with common language, culture and national traditions. Together with 1,5 million Armenians have been brutally killed and tortured from 500 to 750 thousand Assyrians. Although in the 19th century several massacres against Assyrians took place none matched the brutality of the genocide of 1915. In 1911, the Young Turk "Committee for Unity and Progress" declared its goal to "Turkify" all subjects. This implementation of the Pan-Turkic program and ideology can be described as the "dark Period" of ethnic and religious "cleansing" of the Assyrians , Greeks and Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.[68]

Some estimates that "Since 630 A.D., the coming of Islam, Assyrians have suffered 33 genocides at the hands of Muslims—an average of one every 40 years." [69]



Armenian Genocide

1.5 Million Armenian Christians massacred[70][71]

An increasing number of countries are recognizing the Armenian genocide as the first genocide of the 20th century.[72]

The Islamic religious motifs were extensively researched. Six thousand four hundred Armenian children, young girls, and women from Yozgad, were decamped by their Turkish captors at a promontory some distance from the city... ...of 282 Christian churches transformed into mosques; of 21 Protestant preachers and 170 Gregorian (Armenian) priests who were, after enduring unspeakable tortures, murdered on their refusal to accept Islam. [73]

From the slamic holy war themes in the massacre:

Attack them from every side. Whenever you meet them, kill them. Quicken the failing proclamation of the Unity by the fire of your rifles and cannon, and by the blows of your swords and knives. cause the minarets and mountains and wildernesses to resound once more with the cry. "Allah! Allah!" Jihad! Jihad! Oh, Moslems, blow the trumpet everywhere, of people of the Unity. The great God is ordering you to fight with your foes everywhere.'[74]


"Kill them: God will punish them in your hand and put them to shame; and ye will overcome them. He will rejoice the hearts of believers, and take away the wrath from the hearts unbelievers." (Text of the Koran.) ...Jihad! Jihad! Oh, Moslems... [75]

Historian reminds that the British consul Henry Barnham, who oversaw Aintrab and Birecik in Aleppo Province, made it clear in his account how powerfully the killing of Armenians was motivated by Islamic fanaticism and a jihad mentality:

The Butchers and the tanners, with sleeves tucked up to the shoulders, armed with clubs and cleavers, cut down the Christians, with cries of "Allahu Akbar! ... ...Muslim clerucs played a perpetual role in the massacring of Armenians; imams and softas would often rally the mob by chanting prayers; and mosques were often used as places to mobilize crowds, especially during Friday prayers. Christians were murdered in the name of Allah... [44]

In 2007, three were arrested in Turkey for murder of Journalist Hrant Dink, who was outspoken on Turks' genocide of Armenians. Dink was one of the most prominent voices of Turkey's Armenian community.[72]</ref>[76]

The fascist Arab-Islamic leader of Palestine Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti who was given sole religious and secular auhtority and vast unsupervised funds by the British in the early 1920s, was known for his ideological hatred of Jews and formenting mass violence against them from 1920, culminating in thee Great Revolt of 1936-39, also leading deadly terror against his Arab-Palestinian opponents, and affirmation of Nazi genocide of Jews. It was suggested that "a key additional factor in the grand mufti's experience may well have been the Armenian genocide . While training in the Ottoman Military Academy in Constantinople from late 1914 to mid-1915, Haj Amin must have been aware of the deportations and mass murders of Christian Armenians both in Constantinople and within the army itself." [77]

Some analyze that the Nazis were inspired by the Armenian genocide. The Turks used primitive gas chambers and developed other murderous templates that were later adopted by the Nazis. [78]



Arab riots, Massacres, Pogroms on Jews in Israel / Palestine.[79]

On february 1920, the pogroms by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem were orchestrated by two young Arab Muslim supremacists, (Hag') Haj Amin al-Husseini [who later on became the Mufti] at that time served in the British army's intelligence and Aref al-Aref. A Hebron Muslim Sheik shouted: "Whoever has a stick, a gun' a knife or stone, shall go and exterminate the Jews, And in ecstasy screamed: "Adbachu Al Yahud" ['Kill the Jews!']. [80] Amin el-Husseini was using his considerable wealth and growing power to incite the masses. [81] Due to Haj Amin's overt role in instigating the pogrom, the British arrested him. [10][82]

Arab pogroms were launched against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936-1939.[83]

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 1920 to 1966, Arab terrorists murdered 1513 Jewish residents of British Mandatory Palestine. [84]



The Moplah rebellion (also known as the Mopla riots) was a British-Muslim and Hindu-Muslim "conflict" in (Malabar) Kerala that occurred in 1921

There were clashes that provoked arsonists who took to the street, burning and destroying government property. At first, the focus was on the British, but then it turned into a jihad[85][86] against Hindus. [87] A wave of large number of killings, massive forced conversions to Islam swept the region.[88][89]

In Aug. 1921 the most serious of many unpardonable deeds of violence broke out. The Malabar country in Madras is occupied by 2,000,000 Hindus and about 1,000,000 Moplahs, an ignorant Mahommedan peasantry of mixed Arab and Indian decsent with an evil reputation for outbreaks of fanaticism. Among the latter the Khilafat excitement spread like wildfire... and attempted wholesale the forcible conversion of the Hindus to Islam. [90]

Moplah Fanatics Massacre is primarily understood the arose religious fanaticism and from the intense hatred of tic Moplahs, or Mohammedans of Arab descent, writes the New York Times.[91]

The second declaration of jihad was made by the Khilafat Committee and several Muslim groups in 1920s when the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished, consequent upon the defeat of Turkey. It resulted from the agitation carried out by two Muslim organizations, the Khuddam-i-Kaaba (servants of the Mecca Shrine) and the Central Khilafat Committee. The Moplahs of Malabar were suddenly carried off their feet by this proclamation of jihad by the Khilafat Committee. They resorted to large scale violence which was supposed to be a rebellion against the British Government. As a rebellion against the British Government the jihad could be understandable but what shocked most people was the horrid treatment meted out by the Moplahs to the Hindus of Malabar, in this Jihad. [92]

Pundits account that the "Moplah massacre was one of the most gruesome acts of murder by the Muslims rivaled only by the Razakars in Hyderabad in 47, and the ethnic cleansing in Pakistan and Bangladesh after partition." [93]



The 'Muslim Brotherhood' - founded

In 1928, Hassan al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a rigidly conservative and highly secretive Egyptian-based organization dedicated to resurrecting a Muslim empire. According to al-Banna, "It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."[94] The Muslim Brotherhood, also called Muslim Brethren (jamiat al-Ikhwan al-muslimun, literally Society of Muslim Brothers), it opposes secular tendencies of Islamic nations and wants return to the precepts of the Qur'an, and rejection of Western influences. [10] Al Bana was Born out of the extreme Muslim right wing's desire to counter the ideology of modernization, the Brotherhood's platform included a strict interpretation of the Koran (Quran) that glorified suicidal violence. Along with Al Banna, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj-al Amin Al-Husseini was also an enormously influencial Muslim leader of the time. Together, the two created a powerful and popular Islamist party by classically appealing to fundamentalist Islamic principals while blaming the world's problems on the Jews. [95] Al-Banna also gave the group the motto it still uses today: "Allah is our purpose, the Prophet our leader, the Quran our constitution, jihad our way and dying for God our supreme objective." The 9/11 Commission Report states the Brotherhood's influence on Osama bin Laden and on Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman responsible for the 1993 attack on the WTC. [94][96] An important aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology is the sanctioning of Jihad such as the 2004 fatwa issued by Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi making it a religious obligation of Muslims to abduct and kill U.S. citizens in Iraq. [10]

The BBC explaines how the roots of Jihad and the origins of Bin Laden's concept of jihad can be traced back to two early 20th century figures, who started powerful Islamic revivalist movements in response to colonialism and its aftermath. One is that of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the 1950s Sayed Qutb, a prominent member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, took the arguments of al-Banna and Maududi a stage further. For Qutb, all non-Muslims were infidels - even the so-called "people of the book", the Christians and Jews - and he predicted an eventual clash of civilisations between Islam and the west. Qutb inspired a whole generation of Islamists, including Ayatollah Khomeini. His ideology was widely accepted in the Muslim world after his death and post Arab defeat at thre 1967 war. [97]

By Russia, the Muslim Brotherhood is listed among 17 groups as "terrorist organisations" by US government,[98] Russia,[99] and Egypt where they started to perform terrorist attacks, now banned by that governement.[100].

Scholar states that in "The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe," that its real goal is to extend Islamic law Sharia throughout Europe and the United States.[101]

Contemporary Islamism, holds that Islam is now under attack, and therefore -experts explain-

Jihad is now a war of defense, and as such has become not only a collective duty but an individual duty without restrictions or limitations. That is, to the Islamists, Jihad is a total, all-encompassing duty to be carried out by all Muslims – men and women, young and old. All infidels, without exception, are to be fought and annihilated, and no weapons or types of warfare are barred. Furthermore, according to them, current Muslim rulers allied with the West are considered apostates and infidels.

One major ideological influence in Islamist thought was Sayyid Qutb. Qutb, an Egyptian, was the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. He was convicted of treason for plotting to assassinate Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Nasser and was executed in 1966. He wrote extensively on a wide range of Islamic issues. According to Qutb, "There are two parties in all the world: the Party of Allah and the Party of Satan – the Party of Allah which stands under the banner of Allah and bears his insignia, and the Party of Satan, which includes every community, group, race, and individual that does not stand under the banner of Allah."


In the "Holy land foundation" case of the Palestinian Arab al-Arian's involvment in funding terror organization, the Muslim Brotherhood's papers detailed plan to seize U.S. The Group's takeover plot emerged when revealed a handful of classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists' ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover. Terrorism researchers said "the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law," paving its way via a plot to form "a complex network of seemingly benign Muslim organizations whose real job, according to the (U.S.) government, was to spread militant propaganda and raise money." The Muslim Brotherhood created some American Muslim groups and sought influence in others, many of which are listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case, such as CAIR. [103]

On a website devoted to Ramadhan, the Muslim Brotherhood posted a series of articles by Dr. Ahmad 'Abd Al-Khaleq about Al-Walaa Wa'l-Baraa, an Islamic doctrine which, in its fundamentalist interpretation, stipulates absolute allegiance to the community of Muslims and total rejection of non-Muslims and of Muslims who have strayed from the path of Islam.

In his articles, the writer argues that according to this principle, a Muslim can come closer to Allah by hating all non-Muslims - Christians, Jews, atheists, or polytheists - and by waging jihad against them in every possible manner.


Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood has a long-standing war on the West. From 1948 until the 1970s it engaged in assassinations and terrorism in Egypt, and has indoctrinated many who went on to commit acts of terror. [105] Muslim Brotherhood's supreme guide issued the statement that Al Qaeda's "Bin Laden is a Jihad Fighter." [106]

The accused mastermind of the 9/11 terror massacre, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was raised in Kuwait and joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 16.[107] [108]

August 1929


The '1929 Hebron Massacre[109][110]' pogrom[111] the 'ethnic cleansing'[112] attack upon innocent, [mostly non- Zionist, religious] Jews by Arab Muslims in Israel / Palestine long before that "occupation" was invented. Agitated by the Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini the brutality was accompanied with cries of 'Itbach al Yahud' (kill the Jews)[113]

August, 1933


The Simele massacre (Simel), Iraq, the massacre and ethnic cleansing by The Iraqi government, by Arab and Kurdish Muslim masses on Christian Assyrians, indigenous people.

an estimated 3,000 Assyrians were systematically targeted by the Iraqi government[114] to cleanse the Assyrian race."[115]

From the British document of the time:<bockquote>Simel Massacre.. The culmination of the indiscriminate action against Assyrian men, regardless of party or guilt... Between the 8th and 10th August, widespread looting, raiding and burning of Assyrian villages in the Simel, Dohuk and Al Qosh areas had been in progress... Both Kurds and Arabs of the Shammar and Jabur tribes were implicated.[116]

For years the scars in the north remained unhealed. The surviving Assyrians were described as,"spiritless, cowed, and apprehensive." while the Kurds and Arabs were hideously inflamed. [117]

April 19, 1936


The Jaffa Massacre, inspired by the Mufti, Arab rioters attacked Jaffa and killed 16 Jews.[118][119]

In September 1937, following the July report by the Peel Commission, the violent tactics resumed. Armed Arab terrorism, under the direction of the Arab Higher Committee, was used for both; to attack the Jews and to suppress Arab opponents. This campaign of violence continued through 1938 and then tapered off, ending in early 1939. Researchers conclude about the terrible toll: "Eighty Jews were murdered by terrorist acts during the labor strike, and a total of 415 Jewish deaths were recorded during the whole 1936-1939 Arab Revolt period." [120]

Onslaught of Arab Terror, 1936:

April 15, 1936: 2 Jews in Tulkarm killed by Arabs. April 19: 9 Jews in Jaffa killed by Arabs. April 20: 5 Jews in Jaffa killed by Arabs. April 22: Jewish woman in Jaffa killed by Arabs. April 26: Jewish houses in Nazareth and Beit Shean burned by Arabs. April 26: An Arab mob beats up Jewish boy in Jerusalem. April 28: 4 Jewish farm workers in Migdal injured by Arabs. April 29: Arabs burn down a Jewish forest in Balfouriya. April 29: Arab mob forms in Jerusalem, but British police break it up before Jews harmed. May 1: 2 Jews in Haifa killed by Arabs. May 3: Arab mob burns down Jewish timber yard in Haifa. May 4: Jewish orchards in Mishmar Ha-Emek burned by Arabs. May 4: Arabs destroy 200 acres of wheat in Ramat David. May 5: 500 orange trees uprooted in Tel Mond by Arabs. May 7: Arabs fire on Jewish bus in Beit Dagan. May 10: Arabs burn crops and haystacks in Givat Ada. May 10: Arabs uproot newly planted olive grove in Zikhron Yaakov. May 11: Arabs burn Jewish crops in Ramat David. May 12: Arabs burn threshing floor in Zikhron Yaakov. May 13: 2 elderly Jews murdered by Arabs in Old City. May 13: Jewish shops in Haifa stoned by Arabs. May 13: More orchards burned in Mishmar Ha-Emek. May 16: 3 Jews in Jerusalem shot dead by Arabs while coming out of a cinema. May 19: Arabs kill a Jew in the Old City of Jerusalem. May 20: 2 Jews wounded during Arab attack on bus. May 24: Arabs severely wound a Jewish guard at Majd el Krum.

May 25: Arabs kill a Jew at Hebrew University [121]



Large scale massacres on the Kurds in Turkey.[122]

October 2, 1938


The Tiberias Massacre, Tiberias, Israel - "Palestine"

The Tiberias massacre took place on October 2, 1938 during the 1936–1939 Arab "revolt" in 'Palestine', in the city of Tiberias (today part of the State of Israel). Arabs murdered twenty Jews -among them 11 children- in Tiberias after infiltrating the Kiryat Shmuel settlement. [123]

It occured in the old Jewish quarter of Tiberias. The Arabs stabbed, shot and burned their victims. The New York Times described the organized rampage:

New York Times article about the Tiberias massacre.

Not since the riots of 1929, when Arabs fell on Jewish men, most of whom were rabbinical students, as well as women and children, in the ancient towns of Hebron and Safed, has there been in Palestine such a slaughter as the attack of last night. The main synagogue of the town was destroyed by fire, and the district offices, the police station and the British police billet were fired on.

The attack apparently was well organized, since the Arab gang, before descending on Tiberias, cut all telephone communications. Coming in two parties from opposite directions at a given signal, which was a whistle blown from the hills surrounding the town, the firing began simultaneously in all quarters...

...The bandits rushed to the central synagogue and, finding there a beadle named Jacob Zaltz, killed him and then set the building afire...

...the Arabs broke in and stabbed and burned to death Mr. Kabin [an elderly American Jew who had recently come to Palestine] and his sister...

From there the bandits went on to the house of Joshua Ben Arieh, where they stabbed and burned to death Joshua, his wife and one son, and then shot dead his infant son. In the same house three children of Shlomo Leimer, aged 8, 10, and 12, were stabbed and burned to death. Proceeding farther, the Arabs broke into the house of Shimon Mizrahi, where they killed his wife and five children, ranging in ages from 1 to 12 years, and then set fire to the house.... [124]


In that year, Arab armed bands were roaming from village to village, swooping on lonely police outposts, isolated Jewish settlements, railway stations or anything else offering a tempting target. [126]

June 1941


The 'Farhud' pogrom on Jews in Iraq -inspired by the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini- by a mob led by Al-Muthanna club's al-Futuwwa[10] Arab-Islamic Fascist paramilitary group. [127] Iraqi soldiers were among the first attackers. Jews were killed randomly, hundreds were injured, women and children were raped in front of their relatives, babies crushed...[128]

The Farhud, the Mufti inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq, 1941, took place Sunday and Monday, June 1st and 2nd 1941.[129] The two days of murder, looting, rape and mutilation, shattered this ancient community’s self-confidence, and swiftly led to the exodus of over 90 percent of Iraqi Jewry.[130]

November 21, 1941


Arab Muslim leader the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini [of 'Palestine'] meets with Adolph Hitler [131][132]

Prior to the meeting. In June 1940 the Mufti offered his services to the Nazi Reich government. In 1941, he went to Berlin via Tehran, where he explained to the German ambassador, Ettel, his plan to bring all Arabs under the banner of Pan-Arabism over to the side of the Axis. (25 June 1942). Here he came out unconditionally for the "final solution" of the Jewish question," calling on the Germans to wipe out all Jews, "not even sparing the children." [133]

In November 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti's requests for his empowerment. [134]

From a description "The Mufti of Berlin"

...the Palestinian wartime leader "was one of the worst and fanatical fascists and anti-Semites," .... He intervened with the Nazis to prevent the escape to Palestine of thousands of European Jews, who were sent instead to the death camps. He also conspired with the Nazis to bring the Holocaust to Palestine. The mufti "invented a new form of Jew-hatred by recasting it in an Islamic mold," according to German scholar Matthias Küntzel. The mufti's fusion of European anti-Semtism—particularly the genocidal variety—with Koranic views of Jewish wickedness has become the hallmark of Islamists world-wide, from al Qaeda to Hamas and Hezbollah. During his time in Berlin, the mufti ran the Nazis' Arab-language propaganda radio program, which incited Muslims in the Mideast to "kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion." Among the many listeners was also the man later known as Ayatollah Khomeini, who used to tune in to Radio Berlin every evening, according to Amir Taheri's biography of the Iranian leader. Khomeini's disciple Mahmoud Ahmadinejad still spews the same venom pioneered by the mufti as do Islamic hate preachers around the world.

Muslim Judeophobia is not—as is commonly claimed—a reaction to the Mideast conflict but one of its main "root causes." It has been fueling Arab rejection of a Jewish state long before Israel's creation.




Arab Muslim leader the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini [of 'Palestine'] heads the Nazi Islamic brutal brigade, the SS division in (former) Yugoslavia, compiled of Muslim Bosnians and carries out atrocities against Serb Christians and against Jews. Muslim Albanians were slso recruited in Nazi divisions.

In speaking to potential recruits, al-Husseini stressed the connections they had to the Muslim nation fighting the British throughout the world.

There were three divisions of Muslim soldiers: The Waffen SS 13th Handschar ("Knife"), the 23rd Kama ("Dagger") and the 21st Skenderbeg. The Skenderbeg was an Albanian unit of around 4,000 men, and the Kama was composed of Muslims from Bosnia, containing 3,793 men at its peak. The Handschar was the largest unit, around 20,000 Bosnian Muslim volunteers. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust states "These Muslim volunteer units, called Handschar, were put in Waffen SS units, fought Yugoslav partisans in Bosnia and carried out police and security duties in Hungary. They participated in the massacre of civilians in Bosnia and volunteered to join in the hunt for Jews in Croatia." Part of the division also escorted Hungarian Jews from the forced labor in mine in Bor on their way back to Hungary. "The division was also employed against Serbs, who as Orthodox Christians were seen by the Bosnian Muslims as enemies." All in all, there were at least 70,000 Bosnian Muslims captured by the British. Some of these Muslim ex-soldiers participated in aiding Arabs in the anti Israel war of 1948.[136]

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  14. ^ The Cambridge History of India, Vol. IV, Mughal India, ed. Lt. Col. Sir W.Haig, Sir R.Burn, S,Chand & Co., Delhi, 1963, pp. 71-73, pp. 97-99
  15. ^ The Builders of The Mogul Empire, By M.Prawdin, Barnes & Noble Inc, New York, 1965, pp. 127-28, pp. 137-38
  16. ^ An Advanced History of India, by R.C.Majumdar, H.C.Raychoudhury, K.Datta, MacMillen & Co., London, 2nd Ed, 1965, pp. 448-450
  17. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.21, 1967, p.65
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  25. ^ From time immemorial: the origins of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine, Joan Peters, JKAP Publications 1985, p. 178 [8]
  26. ^ Holy war for the promised land: Israel's struggle to survive, David P. Dolan, T. Nelson 1991, p. 60
  27. ^ a b Those Origins, Those Claims, p. 49 S. merry 2009, [9] Cite error: The named reference "MERRY" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
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  39. ^ a b The Jews of Islam, Bernard Lewis - 1984, p. 168 [18]
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  45. ^ Women and war: a historical encyclopedia from antiquity to the present - Bernard A. Cook - 2006 - History - p. 91 [20]
  46. ^ The evolution of evil by Gaymon Bennett, Ted Peters, Martinez J. Hewlett, Robert John Russell - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008, p. 323 [21]
  47. ^ The establishment of the Balkan national states, 1804-1920 by Charles Jelavich, Barbara Jelavich, 1804-1920 - University of Washington Press, 1986, p. 139 [22]
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Barrasita (talk) 23:19, 8 September 2010 (UTC)Reply