File talk:Kievan-rus-1015-1113-(en).png

This Map should go about 30 years further


if 30 more years is added on the map there can be a colorcoded number for when important cities get founded such as Moscow if there founded in the period from 1000 to 1150 now i think moscow is located in the Suzdal ethnic homeland but might be smolensk but its founding should be on there with the year it was first know on the maps in the mid 1100's and the color for the year of founding should be Pink casue it was started by the russians. unless of course suzdal is still its own group of people in the mid 1100's (talk) 12:29, 15 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

this map is missing some major tribes that were around circa 1000


its missing the galicians ,and Saksiny ,has torki but its missing the Torki tribes movement they live north of Sarkel and lie directly in the path of the Cumans and are part of the nomadic group. on this map they are found just south of Kiev also i find out that the cumans are also called Polovtsy also this map needs to include another major element and thats the Svyyatoslav campaigns against the cumans theres two of them the first that got them rattled up then the second to try exspel them. the first was from 964 to 971 two major city battles were Sarkel in 965 and Bolgar (bulgar) in 966 which went though Burtas nation with a brach heading south going though Saksiny nation and taking several years from sort of like guerrila tacticts though caucasian mountains and ending in Tmutarakan ending in 970 with no battle as cumans were not in that city but on the way did pass though Alans the second campaign was two hundred years later and that that is Prince Igor Svyatoslav's campaign against the polovtsy (cumans) which took place in 1185 but it was a faulure as no cumans were located in the area tho fight so no battle site they were in the area but could not be found. in 1200 the cumans were in western Ukraine. and preparing to strike Moldavia and romania ,and the federal capital ,Kiev (talk) 20:21, 15 April 2010 (UTC)Reply