All's Well That Ends Well

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All impediments in fancy’s course
Are motives of more fancy.

All's Well That Ends Well is a play by William Shakespeare. It is often considered one of his problem plays, not easily classifiable as a comedy or tragedy. It was probably written in the later middle part of Shakespeare's career, between 1601 and 1608.

Act I

  • Be thou blest, Bertram; and succeed thy father
    In manners, as in shape! thy blood and virtue
    Contend for empire in thee; and thy goodness
    Share with thy birthright! Love all, trust a few,
    Do wrong to none
    : be able for thine enemy
    Rather in power than use, and keep thy friend
    Under thy own life’s key: be check’d for silence,
    But never tax’d for speech. What heaven more will
    That thee may furnish, and my prayers pluck down,
    Fall on thy head!
    • Countess Of Rousillon, Act I, Scene i

  • 'T were all one
    That I should love a bright particular star,
    And think to wed it.
    • Helena, scene i

  • The hind, that would be mated by the lion,
    Must die for love.
    • Helena, scene i

  • Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie,
    Which we ascribe to Heaven.
    • Helena, scene i

  • His good remembrance, sir,
    Lies richer in your thoughts, than on his tomb;
    So in approof lives not his epitaph,
    As in your royal speech.
    • Bertram, scene ii

  • Service is no heritage.
    • Clown, scene iii

  • He must needs go, that the devil drives.
    • Clown, scene iii

  • Even so it was with me, when I was young:
    If we are nature’s, these are ours; this thorn
    Doth to our rose of youth rightly belong:
    Our blood to us, this to our blood is born;
    It is the show and seal of nature’s truth,
    Where love’s strong passion is impress’d in youth:
    By our remembrances of days foregone,
    Such were our faults; — or then we thought them none.
    Her eye is sick on’t: I observe her now.
    • Countess of Rousillon, scene iii

  • My friends were poor, but honest.
    • Helena, scene iii

Act II

  • Great floods have flown
    From simple sources; and great seas have dried,
    When miracles have by the greatest been denied.
    Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
    Where most it promises.
    • Helena, scene i

  • I will show myself highly fed, and lowly taught.
    • Clown, scene ii

  • They say, miracles are past.
    • Lafeu, scene iii

  • All the learned and authentic fellows.
    • Lafeu, scene iii

  • From lowest place when virtuous things proceed,
    The place is dignified by the doer’s deed.
    • King of France, scene iii

  • A young man, married, is a man that ’s marr’d.
    • Parolles, scene iii

  • Make the coming hour o’erflow with joy,
    And pleasure drown the brim.
    • Parolles, scene iv


  • No legacy is so rich as honesty.
    • Mariana, scene v

Act IV

  • The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together.
    • 1st Lord, scene iii

  • Simply the thing I am
    Shall make me live.
    • Parolles, scene iii

  • All's well that ends well still: the fine's the crown;
    Whate'er the course, the end is the renown.
    • Helena, scene iv

Act V

  • Whose words all ears took captive.
    • Lafeu, scene iii

  • Praising what is lost,
    Makes the remembrance dear.
    • King of France, scene iii

  • For we are old, and on our quick'st decrees
    The inaudible and noiseless foot of time
    Steals, ere we can effect them.
    • King of France, scene iii

  • All impediments in fancy’s course
    Are motives of more fancy.
    • Bertram, scene iii

  • 'T is but the shadow of a wife you see,
    The name and not the thing.
    • Helena, scene iii

  • The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.
    • King of France, scene iii
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