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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Tachitsuteto (talk | contribs) at 08:32, 13 May 2005 (→‎Another Translation). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Hi Tachitsuteto, and welcome to Wikipedia.

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-- TPK 03:46, 17 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Masaoka Shiki

It was interesting to see that you put Masaoka Shiki into Category:Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame today. From reading an biography on him I knew that he was an enthusiast of baseball and had written some tanka on baseball, but I didn't know that he might be considered that important.

It is very hard for me to imagine a poet being installed into the American Baseball Hall of Fame (although according to the Wikipedia article they the do have a separate award for sports writing). BlankVerse 18:36, 12 Feb 2005 (UTC)

I can not write in English very much.Thank you for your message! [1]--Tachitsuteto 17:53, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Neoconservatism (Japan)

Thanks for your contributions to the Neoconservatism (Japan) article. I realize that it may be NPOV, because both sources I used were from korean newspapers. Perhaps you can help make the article better? thames 14:57, 25 Mar 2005 (UTC)

The Tsushima Islands is not a city, but a province of the Nagasaki prefecture. Tachitsuteto, please notify me before you change any facts, or you will make a mess of everything, I afraid.

But it is still in use today!

How about the Tsushima province article? I merged all the content because of this. Also, who did the seperation of the content between the former article Tsushima province and Tsushima Islands before I step in? As seen from here [2], the history of wikipedia stated that you did some edits there in Tsushiam province article before I merge the content. Are you satisfied with this Tsushima Islands article?

However, the term Iki Province is still in use today.

Tan 14:29, 1 April 2005 (UTC)[reply]

sorry, I should have informed it. "Tsushima province" (Tsushima no kuni) is an old name. My Englsh is mostly gone.. thank you! --Tachitsuteto 10:08, 1 Apr 2005 (UTC)

It is not in use today. They are wrong knowledge.

Iki "Province" is not in use today. thank you for your message, Mr Tan! --Tachitsuteto 06:25, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)


If Daema-do is put up, which equals to Tsushima Islands in Japanese, please do not put the bracket Tsushima and the Hiragana and Kanji in addition to the Tsushima Islands and its translation.

Please do not revert the changes again. Tsushima is the Tsushima Islands. Adding these

|- | Hepburn Romaji | Tsushima-jima (Tsushima) |- | Kanji | 対馬島 (対馬) |- | Hiragana | つしまじま (つしま) |-

will make a mess out of the whole thing, and the people will fully understand that the Tsushima Islands is Tsushima itself.

Tan 00:04, 10 April 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Can't I revert the changes again? thanks your contributions! --Tachitsuteto 10:47, 10 Apr 2005 (UTC)

On the headbox, do not add unnecessary points such as Tsushima Province (Old province of Japan), just Tsushima will do, as it tells everything, Tsushima Islands and Tsushima province alike.

No, please do not put up outdated information, as the Tsushima province no onger exists. The headerbox at the bottom states everything. It's very irritating to see you revert.

Tan 23:40, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

ok! I understood. I exchanged fotos. thanks your advice. --Tachitsuteto 09:13, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)

But [[Tsushima Province]] is a "redirect" page. [3] and this map ([[Image:Japan_prov_map_tsushima.PNG]]) is an old map. normal map; [[Image:Japan_prefectures.png]] --Tachitsuteto 12:21, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)


Can gyou please translate for me this Japanese paragraph into English, even in simple english? Thanks!

  • 魏志倭人伝には対海国という国が登場する。山が険しく、深い森が多く、道路は禽鹿の徑のようであった。また千余戸があった。良い田がなく、海の物を食べて自活し、船に乗り南北と交易した。この対海国が対馬とされる。
    • The Tsuikai country (対海国) in Japanese biography of Wei chronicles [4], a steep mountain, a dense forest and a road looked like an animal trail. There were over thousand houses. They had not good rice fields, ate marine products and supported themselves. They came and went by ship. Tsuikai country is probably Tsushima.

  • 平安・鎌倉時代阿比留氏などの在庁官人が支配。その後、大宰府少弐氏の被官宗氏が全島を統一した。
    • In Heian and Kamakura period, Tsushima was under Ahiru clan (阿比留氏 civil servant) rule. after under So clan (宗氏) of Shoni clan (少弐氏) of Dazaifu.

  • 1019年、女真族(満州族)と見られる一団が高麗沿岸を襲い、さらに対馬にも現れた。一通り略奪を繰り返した後北九州に移り、そこで藤原隆家によって鎮圧された。
    • In 1019, Jurchens group attacked the coast of Goryeo and Tsushima. After plundered, They moved to Kita Kyushu. They were quelled by Fujiwara no Takaie (藤原隆家).

  • 1274年と1281年の二度に渡って元寇の襲来を受け、住民の男達は虐殺され、女達は手に穴を開けられ紐を通して繋がれ連れ去られた。
    • In 1274 and 1281, Tsushima were attacked by Yuan Dynasty. Men were massacred, Women were made holes to hands, and String threaded on their hands.

  • 室町・戦国・安土桃山時代 13世紀頃、少弐氏が大内氏によって大宰府を追われると、宗貞盛は九州に出兵して大内氏と戦った。しかし、少弐氏が滅亡したので対馬に戻った。
    • About 13th century, Shoni clan was ousted from Dazaifu (大宰府) by Ohuchi clan (大内氏). So Sadamori (宗貞盛) dispatched troops to Kyushu, and fighted with Ouchi clan. but Shoni clan was fall, So troops returned to Tsushima.

  • 倭寇の主要根拠地の一つとされ、この制圧を名目として李氏朝鮮軍が1419年(応永26年)に大規模な侵攻を行い、宗氏との1ヶ月にわたる戦闘の後撤退した(応永の外寇)。その後、宗氏は1443年に朝鮮と嘉吉条約を結んで、以後日朝間の窓口となった。
    • In 1419, Tsushima was attacked by Joseon Dynasty because Tsushima was a base of Wokou. A month later, Joseon Dynasty withdrew. In 1443, So clan and Korea concluded the Kakitsu treaty.

  • しかし、1510年には朝鮮で三浦の乱が発生。宗氏は反乱を支援したものの鎮圧され、在留日本人は追放。対馬と朝鮮の関係も1512年まで途絶する。
    • But in 1510, Sampo rebellion happened in Korea, So clan supported the rebellion. But the rebellion was quelled, Residence Japanese were expulsioned. Tsushima-Korean relation was extinction until 1512.

  • 1592年、豊臣秀吉が朝鮮出兵を行った。貿易収入が失われることを恐れた宗氏は戦争回避のため奔走した。開戦後は釜山と名護屋城との中継地となった。
    • In 1592, Toyotomi Hideyoshi dispatched troops to Korea. So clan was afraid of lost trade surplus, So So clan was bustling about avoiding war. After opening of hostilities, Tsushima became a relay point between Busan and Nagoya castle.

  • 関ヶ原の戦いでは西軍に付いたものの、領土を安堵された。
    • At the war of Sekigahara, Tsushima was west side, but territory was peace.

  • 江戸時代宗氏を藩主とする対馬藩(10万石格)が幕末まで支配した。
    • In Edo period, Tsushima was under Tsushima Han rule (100,000koku) . The lord of a domain was So clan.

  • 対馬藩は幕府と李氏朝鮮との関係を保つため、しばしば双方の国書を改竄した。それを有力家臣の柳川氏が告発、柳川事件に発展した。
    • Tsushima Han wanted to keep relation both Japan and Joseon Dynasty, So Tsushima Han was often falsifying both country's letters. but Yanagawa clan (柳川氏) indicted it, led the Yanagawa incident (柳川事件).


主要年表 - Chronology (Tsushima Fuchu Han 対馬府中藩)

  • 1600年
    • 関が原の戦いに西軍側で参戦、許される。 - entered the Battle of Sekigahara as west side, and excused.
    • 宗義智、朝鮮の役後初めて朝鮮へ修好の使を派遣。帰国せず。 - The lord of a domain, So Yoshitoshi dispatched a team of friendship first time since Seven-Year War. but They didn't return.
  • 1603年 朝鮮の捕虜数百人を朝鮮に返還 - returned Korean POWs to Korea.
  • 1604年 朝鮮使、対馬来島。宗義智、これを伴って京都に赴く - a Korean mission came to Tsushima, So Yoshitoshi went to Kyoto with them.
  • 1605年 徳川家康、伏見城で朝鮮使を引見 - Tokugawa Ieyasu saw a Korean mission in Fushimi castle.
  • 1607年 朝鮮の回答兼刷還使(第1回通信使)来島、江戸で徳川秀忠に拝謁 - Korean mission came to island, They saw Tokugawa Hidetada in Edo.
  • 1609年 朝鮮と己酉条約締結、国交回復。釜山の倭館再開 - Kiyu agreement with Korea, restored diplomatic relations. Waegwan of Busan reopened.
  • 1615年 宗義智卒し、義成封を襲ぐ。大阪の陣に参戦 - So Yoshitoshi died, So Yoshinari succeeded, and entered the siege of Osaka.
  • 1617年 朝鮮の回答兼刷還使(第2回通信使)来島 - Korean mission came to island. (2nd)
  • 1624年 朝鮮の回答兼刷還使(第3回通信使)来島 - Korean mission came to island. (3rd)
  • 1635年 柳川事件、家老・柳川調興は津軽藩、僧・玄方は南部藩に配流 - Yanagawa incident, a chief retainer, Yanagawa Shigeoki (柳川調興) exiled to Tsugaru Han (津軽藩), a priest, Genbo (玄方) exiled to Nanbu Han (南部藩 or Morioka Han 盛岡藩).
  • 1636年 朝鮮通信使(第4回通信使)来島 - Korean mission came to island. (4th)
  • 1672年 大船越の掘切完成 - Ohfunakoshi(大船越)'s horikiri (堀切) was finished.
  • 1678年 釜山の新倭館関係 - relation of new Waegwan of Busan.
  • 1732年 府中大火 - Fuchu had a big fire.
  • 1733年 府中また大火 - Fuchu had a big fire again.
  • 1755年 朝鮮貿易不振 - Trading with Korea was a slump.
  • 1813年 伊能忠敬の測量隊来島 Ino Tadataka came to island to measure.
  • 1847年 異国船出没 - A strange land's ship appeared.
  • 1857年 英国軍艦、尾崎浦に来泊、湾内を測量 - British warship came to Osakiura, and measured the Bay.
  • 1861年 ロシア軍艦、尾崎浦に来泊、芋崎を占領して租借を要求。8月退去 - Russian warship came to Osakiura, and occupated Imosaki, demanded to lease. In August Russian left.
  • 1862年 対長同盟 - Tsushima-Choshu alliance
  • 1864年 甲子の変、勝井五八郎、尊攘派の家士百余命を殺す - Itsugoro Katsui(? 勝井五八郎) killed about one hundred vassal of Sonno joi group.
  • 1865年 勝井五八郎誅殺 - Itsugoro Katsui(?) was assassinated.
  • 1868年 宗義達、藩兵を率いて東上 - The lord of a domain, So Yoshiakira (宗義達) lead Han army (藩兵), and went east.
  • 1869年 版籍奉還。府中を厳原と改名 - Daimyos' return of their domains and the people living in them to the Emperor (版籍奉還); Fuchu was renamed "Izuhara".
  • 1871年 廃藩置県 - Abolition of the Han system

Tan 14:07, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Article about Osaka

The article 'Osaka' has been vandalised about two days ago. I have taken note that you were the last person to edit the page before the vandal took place therefore, I'd like to request that you take a look at the article again and see as to whether my revisions are as per your esteemed views.

Regards, Arthur Oon 21:13, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)

ok, I confirmed. Tachitsuteto 06:43, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)

こんにちは。Aphaiaです。 お時間がありましたらWP:JCOTWの投票にご参加くださいませ(化けて編集画面で読みにくいので英語でも書いときます) If you have an interest, pleaee visit WP:JCOTW and vote, thanks. --Aphaea* 04:45, 7 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Another Translation

Thanks for the translation last time!

If you please, I would like you to translate the names of a few people from the Japanese wikipedia into English pronouncation or Romaji.

  1. 釜萢正 and ティーブ・釜萢 from [5]

Tan 16:41, 12 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ティーブ・釜萢 = Tib Kamayatsu, 釜萢正 = Masashi(?) Kamayatsu (real name)

Tachitsuteto 08:32, 13 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]