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Profile (UML)

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A profile in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a generic extension mechanism for customizing UML models for particular domains and platforms. Extension mechanisms allow refining standard semantics in strictly additive manner, so that they can't contradict standard semantics.[1]

Profiles are defined using stereotypes, tag definitions, and constraints that are applied to specific model elements, such as Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Activities. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that collectively customize UML for a particular domain (e.g., aerospace, healthcare, financial) or platform (J2EE, .NET).


The UML Profile for XML is defined by David Carlson in the book "Modeling XML Applications with UML" pp. 310 and describes a set of extensions to basic UML model elements to enable accurate modeling of XSD schemas.

SysML is an Object Management Group (OMG)-standardized profile of Unified Modeling Language that is used for system engineering applications.

My naMe's JAne (real name, Janete Serafim).. . I was born on 17th January 1991 (18 YeaRs).. . I'M tHe SigN CaPriCoRn.. . I wAs boRn iN tHe tOwn ChAvEs.. . I'm eMo (SceNe).. . I hAve A STUPID aNd COMICAL shApE aNd I ApoLoGize tO tHosE wHo doN'T LikE.. . I tRy tO be PERFECT, bUt I CaN'T.. . -.-' I LoVe mOtHer NatUre, wHiCh gAvE Me tHis LifE.. . "ThAnK U.. !" I LoVe alL thOse wHo LoVe Me mE.. . I LoVe abOve AlL mY dEar mOthEr (FlOra) aNd mY beSt fRieNd (IsaBeL).. . I hAve maNy fRieNds, bUt I aSsuRe yOu tHat mOst (if nOt alL) aRe faLse.. . I CaN't LivE witHoUt MUSIC.. . I LoVe ArTs.. . I'M aRt stUdEnt.. . LoOoL.. . I hAve aS a wAy fOrwArd, mY beLoVed aRchitEctUre (fiNalLy).. . I hAve A pEt (cAt), thE STUPID jOjo .. . I LoVe mEetinG nEw pLaCes, nEw PeopLe.. . "fiNd tHis wOrLd.. ." I'm a LittLe "ShY" aNd eMotiOnaL at tHe sAme tiMe.. . "DaMn GirL.. !" I doN't tHiNk iN tHe DANGER.. . I'M aDvEntUrOus.. . CrazY GirL.. . Eh eH.. . ^.^ I LikE GoinG oUt With fRieNds, nOt bE LoCked iN tHe ShoRt MsN.. . I'm nOt Very TeLedEpeNdEnt (tO be With tHe PhoNe aLwaYs iN thE hAnds).. . I LovE CHOCOLATE aNd sOme SweEt ThinGs.. .LikE CandY.. . ^.^ My fAvOritE hoBby iS waLkinG, pAintinG PaintinGs, dRawiNg aNd aBoVe alL, NAGGING mY sWeEt fRieNds aNd if sO, mY BorinG fAther.. . Ah aH Ah.. . I LoVe tHe LifEstYLe tHat I HaVe, as sOon as tHe hatE anD HATE.. . I doN't kNow What eLse tO SaY.. .


  • Si Alhir, Sinan (2002). Guide to applying the UML. Springer. ISBN 0387952098.
  1. ^ Si Alhir, S: Guide to applying the UML, page 350. Springer, 2002