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Draft:Clement Yeung

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Clement Yeung[edit]


Clement Yeung is a Hong Kong based surrealism artist, art educator and antique collector. Founder of Hong Kong Teaching Resources Center (HKTRC) and was president of Hong Kong Arts and Craft Association. Clement’s work have been exhibited in galleries and exhibitions such as Hong Kong Graphic Prints, his work ‘Life Suite’ is currently archived in Hong Kong Museum of Art whilst some are archived in Asia Art Archive. Clement have started HKTRC in 1984 to pursue art education, he have trained various of Hong Kong’s art and music teachers and have published art and music textbooks and curriculums for schools in Hong Kong. Alongside, as an antique collector he was invited by TV programmes to share some of his collections.



Clement graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Composition Theory and minoring in Visuals Art. After graduation, he further pursue his studies in printmaking at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Throughout Clement’s career covers a lot of area. He had been invited to do guest lectures and tutors in universities and consultant of their associations and other companies.

  • Visual Arts and Music lecturer of Early Childhood Education at the Hong Kong Education University
  • Lecturer of Hong Kong Chingying Institute of Visual Arts
  • Tutor of Hong Kong Baptist University School of Continuing Education
  • Consultant of Hong Kong University and Hong Kong Baptist University’s Art Association
  • Executive Manager of Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra
  • Appointed research Fellow of Hong Kong Museum of History
  • Consultant of Oxford University Press Early Childhood Music Education Music
  • Consultant of China-Japan Friendship Calligraphy Association
  • Consultant of Museum of Ethnology
  • Art Consultant of Hong Kong Joint School Visual Arts Association
  • Consultant of Caran d’Ache Visual Arts Examination
  • Appointment of Judges for the Past Hong Kong Singing Contest on Putonghua Civic Education for Primary and Secondary Schools


  • Executive Management of HKTRC (Hong Kong Teaching Resources Center)
  • Consultant of Hong Kong Art and Crafts Association
  • Consultant of Swiss Nobleness Art Academy (Visual Art Direct Asia Pacific)
  • VATPVATP雙創大賽評審

Music Education[edit]

In terms of music education, Clement have been working with the Oxford University Press for a long time to write and publish music and art textbooks and school programmes for primary and kindergarten schools. Other than that, Clement had work as a producer under Hong Kong’s Leisure and Cultural Services Department on the TV programme ‘Introduction to Chinese and Western Musical Instruments’.

Publications and Productions[edit]

  • 唱遊100分』六冊幼兒音樂教科書及CD(牛津大學出版社)首創幼兒音樂教科書粵語填詞,改變以往歌唱與音樂拗音的問題,注中歌詞與音樂協音問題
  • 編寫『青蔥歌集3冊』、中學歌集及CD
  • 監製及編寫『小學音樂2001』一至六年級音樂欣賞CD及錄音帶
  • 編寫『全方位資源手體』<牛津親親故事樂>(牛津大學出版社)
  • 編寫『新編故事樂綜合學習套』教師手體冊<牛津大學出版社><牛津大學出版社></牛津大學出版社>
  • 編寫『牛津故事樂成長學習套』教師手冊(牛津大學出版社)
  • 創作曲詞百餘首
  • 紅封包節慶掛飾1-3冊{{}}全港市政局圖書館收藏)
  • Easy Paint圖解繪畫技巧系列

Programme Planning[edit]

Throughout the years, Clement have been planning and co-organising Art and Music certificate and qualification programmes for teaching professionals. Such as Training programmes for Primary, Early Years and SEN (Special Education Needs) in the area Arts and Music. At the same time, Clement is also committed to the promotion of arts and culture through talks, lectures and researches.

Partner Organisation[edit]

*Caran Dache
*Asia Art Hong Kong
*Kingston University
*Hong Kong Museum of Art
*Hong Kong Music Office
*Hong Kong Art Library
*Hong Kong Museum of History
*Chinese Cultural Center of Canada
*Summer Palace
*Hong Kong Public Library
*Hong Kong Professionals Teaching Union
*Swiss Nobleness Art Academy


  • Co-ordinated the "Census of Local Culture Project Study" for the Hong Kong Museum of History
  • Produced the "City Shadows and Craftsmanship" video catalogue and interviews on Hong Kong's micro-industries, as well as assisted in the production of an exhibition and booklet of the same name.
  • Coordinated a programme on local folk culture for the Hong Kong Museum of History, exploring the history and customs of the four major ethnic groups in Hong Kong.
  • Organised a music study tour to Kingston University
  • Organised the Swiss Art Exchange Camp East met West
  • "Discovery Tour - Kiln Fire Tour (Fabrication of FOE at Nam Fung Ancient Stove, Shek Wan) and Nature Exploration Tour (Aerospace Technology Magnifying Glass for Animals and Plants)" (『發現之旅-窰火之旅(石灣南風古灶揑土樂)及大自然探索之旅(動植物航天科技放大鏡)』) 2-day-1-night education programme
  • Talk on "Living Arts in Hong Kong" (活藝香江) organised by the Hong Kong Arts Festival for the School Sector
  • Talk on "Discovering Creativity in Life" (從生活中發掘創意發展空間) and "New Customs and Traditions" (趣談新習俗與傳統) for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Art Catalogue[edit]



Publishing Companies: Hold Ery Publishing Enterprises Ltd. (獲益出版社), Kendy Publishing Company Ltd.(啟思出版社)、A&A出版社、銀星製作公司

Children illustrations[edit]

  • 儍獅子遊中國
  • 儍獅子遊日本
  • 蜈蚣的煩惱
  • 小魚兒
  • 哈囉再見
  • 尋找螢火蟲的日子
  • 跳跳蹦蹦的日子
  • 快活傳真機

Art Exhibitions[edit]

  • Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition (Provisional Urban Council)
  • 現代版畫邀請展
  • 匯藝師生展由2006至2019年,及2022年(共十四次)(香港文化中心)及多個聯展(誠品書店)
  • Animitta Itinerant Exhibition (Hong Kong City Hall, Swiss Consulate Beijing, Swiss Centre Shanghai, Lusophone Museum in Macau)
  • Solo Exhibition (Beijing Cloud Art Space/(Beijing Kailanti Gallery/ Pastel and Enamel Exhibition (Corner II Gallery))
  • Trio Printmaking Exhibition (Société Générale)
  • 1987 Pastels & Printings by Marco Szeto & Clement Yeung (ASIA ART ARCHIVE)
  • 香港鋒美術會廿周年展《生命組曲》

Antique Exhibitions[edit]

In addition to Clements art work, he is also a collector of artefacts and has worked with various large organisations in their shopping malls to promote culture. He is a collector of about 1,000 pieces of artefacts from different eras and countries. The collection consists of about 1,000 pieces of artefacts from different eras and countries, such as the Emperor's Dragon Robe and Phoenix Crown of the Qing Dynasty of China, insect specimens, traditional mooncake tins, ancient ukiyo-e paintings, parchment, concentric locks, coins, and other artefacts.


Archive, A.A. (no date a) Pastels & Printings by Marco Szeto & Clement Yeung - Invitation, Search | Pastels & Printings by Marco Szeto & Clement Yeung - Invitation | Asia Art Archive. Available at: https://aaa.org.hk/en/collections/search/archive/ha-bik-chuen-archive-1987-16665/object/pastels-printings-by-marco-szeto-clement-yeung-invitation.

Archive, A.A. (no date b) Printings & enamels by Clement Yeung Kwong Ho - Invitation, 搜尋 | Printings & Enamels by Clement Yeung Kwong Ho - Invitation | 亞洲藝術文獻庫. Available at: https://aaa.org.hk/tc/collections/search/archive/ha-bik-chuen-archive-1988-printings-enamels-by-clement-yeung-kwong-ho/object/printings-enamels-by-clement-yeung-kwong-ho-invitation.

【多圖】帶你回到半世紀前的中秋 窺探上世紀四、五十年代月餅包裝如何化身記載香港文化的時間囊 (2021) 明周文化. Available at: https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/cu0003/%e6%9c%88%e9%a4%85%e7%9b%92-%e6%b8%af%e5%bc%8f%e6%87%b7%e8%88%8a-%e6%9c%88%e9%a4%85%e6%9c%83-185599

楊廣顥攜收藏精品來港展出 (2011) 大公報. Available at: https://dw-media.tkww.hk/epaper/tkp/20091111/C6_Screen.pdf

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