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This is a list of computing and IT acronyms and abbreviations.


Jeden z poniższych

  • 286—Intel 80286 processor
  • 386—Intel 80386 processor
  • 486—Intel 80486 processor


  • ABR—Available Bitrate
  • ABR—Average Bitrate
  • ACL—Access Control List
  • ADSL—Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  • AI—Artificial Intelligence
  • Ajax—Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • ALGOL—Algorithmic Language
  • ALSA—Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
  • ANSI—American National Standards Institute
  • API—Application Programming Interface
  • ARIN—American Registry for Internet Numbers
  • ARPA—Advanced Research Projects Agency
  • ARPANET—Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  • ASP—Active Server Pages
  • AVC—Advanced Video Coding


  • B2B—Business-to-Business
  • B2C—Business-to-Consumer
  • Bash—Bourne-again shell
  • BASIC—Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • bin—binary
  • BIND—Berkeley Internet Name Domain
  • BIOS—Basic Input Output System
  • bps—bits per second
  • BSD—Berkeley Software Distribution
  • BSoD—Blue Screen of Death
  • BT—BitTorrent
  • BT—Bluetooth
  • BW—Bandwidth


  • CA—Certificate Authority
  • cc—C Compiler
  • CDE—Common Desktop Environment
  • CD-R—CD-Recordable
  • CD-ROM—CD Read-Only Memory*
  • CD-RW—CD-Rewritable
  • CGI—Common Gateway Interface
  • CN—Canonical Name
  • CPU—Central Processing Unit
  • CR—Carriage Return
  • CSS—Cascading Style Sheets
  • CSS—Content-Scrambling System
  • CSS—Closed Source Software
  • CSS—Cross-Site Scripting


  • DDoS—Distributed Denial of Service
  • DDR—Double Data Rate
  • DFS—Distributed File System
  • DIN—Deutsches Institut für Normung
  • DNS—Domain Name System
  • DoS—Denial of Service
  • DOS—Disk Operating System
  • DPI—Dots Per Inch
  • DRAM—Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • DSL—Digital Subscriber Line
  • DSL—Domain-Specific Language
  • DVD—Digital Versatile Disc
  • DVD—Digital Video Disc
  • DVD-R—DVD-Recordable
  • DVD-ROM—DVD-Read Only Memory
  • DVD-RW—DVD-Rewritable


  • EIDE—Enhanced IDE
  • EISA—Extended Industry Standard Architecture
  • ELF—Extremely Low Frequency
  • ELF—Executable and Linkable Format
  • EOF—End of File
  • EOL—End of Line


  • FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions
  • FIFO—First In First Out
  • FS—File System


  • Gb—Gigabit
  • GB—Gigabyte
  • GCC—GNU Compiler Collection
  • GIGO—Garbage In, Garbage Out
  • GIMP—GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • GPG—GNU Privacy Guard
  • GRUB—Grand Unified Boot-Loader
  • GSM—Global System for Mobile Communications
  • GTK+—GIMP Toolkit
  • GUI—Graphical User Interface


  • HD—High Density
  • HDD—Hard Disk Drive
  • HCL—Hardware Compatibility List
  • HD DVD—High Definition DVD
  • HTML—Hypertext Markup Language
  • HTTP—Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPd—Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon
  • Hz—Hertz


  • IANA—Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  • ICANN—Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
  • IDE—Integrated Drive Electronics
  • IEEE—Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • IETF—Internet Engineering Task Force
  • IM—Instant Messaging
  • IMAP—Internet Message Access Protocol
  • I/O—Input/Output
  • IP—Internet Protocol
  • IRC—Internet Relay Chat
  • IrDA—Infrared Data Association
  • IRQ—Interrupt Request
  • ISDN—Integrated Services Digital Network
  • ISO—International Organization for Standardization
  • IT—Information Technology


  • JPEG—Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • JS—JavaScript


  • K&R—Kernighan and Ritchie
  • Kb—Kilobit
  • KB—Kilobyte
  • kHz—Kilohertz


  • LAN—Local Area Network
  • LDAP—Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • LPT— Line Print Terminal


  • MAC—Media Access Control
  • MAN—Metropolitan Area Network
  • Mb—Megabit
  • MB—Megabyte
  • MBR—Master Boot Record
  • MHz—Megahertz
  • MMX—Multi-Media Extensions
  • MoBo—Motherboard
  • MUA—Mail User Agent


  • NAS—Network-Attached Storage
  • NAT—Network Address Translation
  • NetBIOS—Network Basic Input/Output System
  • NFS—Network File System
  • NIST—National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • OS—Operating System


  • P2P—Peer-To-Peer
  • PATA—Parallel ATA
  • PC—Personal Computer
  • PCIe—PCI Express
  • PDF—Portable Document Format
  • PERL—Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
  • PIC—Programmable Interrupt Controller


  • RAD—Rapid Application Development
  • RAID—Redundant Array of Independent Disks
  • RAID—Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
  • RAM—Random Access Memory
  • regex—Regular Expression
  • regexp—Regular Expression
  • RFC—Request For Comments
  • RGB—Red, Green, Blue
  • RIAA—Recording Industry Association of America


  • SATA—Serial ATA
  • SFTP—Secure FTP
  • SFTP—Simple File Transfer Protocol
  • SFTP—SSH File Transfer Protocol
  • SGML—Standard Generalized Markup Language
  • SHA—Secure Hash Algorithm
  • SMBIOS—System Management BIOS
  • SNTP—Simple Network Time Protocol
  • SPARC—Scalable Processor Architecture
  • SQL—Structured Query Language


  • TCP—Transmission Control Protocol
  • TCP/IP—Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • TFT—Thin Film Transistor


  • UAC—User Account Control


  • VCPI—Virtual Control Program Interface
  • VM—Virtual Machine
  • VM—Virtual Memory
  • VNC—Virtual Network Computing
  • VPU—Visual Processing Unit


  • W3C—World Wide Web Consortium
  • WAN—Wide Area Network
  • WAP—Wireless Access Point
  • WAP—Wireless Application Protocol


  • XAG—XML Accessibility Guidelines
  • XCBL—XML Common Business Library
  • XHTML—eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language


  • Y2K—Year Two Thousand


See also[edit]


  • "Computing Acronyms and Abbreviations". All Acronyms. Retrieved 2008-07-12.

External links[edit]