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Members of the public paying their respects outside Mandela's Houghton home

A tribute to Nelson Rodrihiala Mandela (July 18th, 1918 - 8:05 pm, December 5th, 2013) - The first President of the Republic of South Africa (1994-1999) - and his 95-year life.

Events schedule


Memorial service: December 10th, 2013 (Johannesburg) + Lying in state : December 6th, 2013 to December 14th, 2013 (Cape Town) + Funeral: December 15th, 2013 (Qunu)

Cities of Johannesburg, Cape Town and Qunu, Republic of South Africa - December 6th, 2013 to December 15th, 2013
Nelson Mandela's body did not appear on the First National Bank Stadium, City of Johannesburg during the December 10th, 2013 memorial service.

This is also the 20th anniversary of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize awarding, which Mandela won. The service also coincided with the 2013 United Nations Human Rights Day celebrations.

Quick facts about the memorial service

  • More than 80,000 people turn in for the service, along with over 8,000 national and international VIP guests.
  • The service was the largest gathering of world leaders (outside a United Nations summit) in international and African history (surpassing the Funeral of Pope John Paul II in 2005). It was also the largest funeral in world and African history.
  • The memorial service lasts for 4 hours, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (11:00 to 15:00).
  • About 210 different states (South Africa and all of the sovereign states that this country recognizes) were represented at the service, along with 60 leaders of international organizations.
  • A majority of the heads of state and government arrived at Johannesburg before the service. After the service, some of the leaders remained in South Africa to attend the lie in state and funeral in Qunu and Cape Town between December 11th, 2013 and December 15th, 2013.
  • Most of the leaders were accompanied by their spouses.

List of dignitaries


Kings, queens and royalty guests


Presidents and vice presidents


Governor generals, prime ministers and heads of government


Leaders of international organizations


(Representatives from some other organizations such as NEPAD, Group of 77,... as well as some United Nations Human Rights Commission Members was also presented).

First ladies (partial list)


Governmental representatives and other politicians


Former heads of state and government


Non-political guests


Originally expected dignitaries & departed invited dignitaries


Had they been alive, the following guests may also attend the service :

Declined invitation


The Government of South Africa has sent invitations to all past and present former heads of state and government and leaders of international organizations. However, while many of them came to the service, lots of world leaders declined their invitations due to many different reasons. They were :

(*) : Her attendance is disputed.

(**) : Representing former President Jacques Chirac, who did not attend due to health problems.

Numbers and quotes about the attendance



8 monarchs, 3 queens, 20 princes and princesses
87 presidents, 5 governor generals
2 federal council presidents, 49 prime ministers
36 foreign ministers, 57 former leaders

“I said to the Secretary General of the United Nations (Ban Ki-Moon), if you wanted to call a General Assembly, you could do it here rather than find another venue. They are all here.” (Collins Chabane, President of the Organizing Committee for the Funeral of Nelson Mandela)

“The Mandela funeral will officially be the biggest ever in history globally” (Clayson Monyela, Spokesman of the Government of South Africa).