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User:NERR 4 Life

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NERR 4 Life 00:27, 16 November 2006 (UTC)NERR is a word that will soon be spreading like wildfire... The actual meaning of the word is yet to be discovered, because this word is Not Even Really Real.

Nerr can be used as an expression of feeling and emotion. It can be either good or bad, and can be used in almost any content. Examples:

         "What the nerr?"
         "Have you heard their new song? It's completely nerr."
         "Why are you acting all nerr today?"
         "That dress looks totally nerr on you."

Now that you've become familiar with this word, don't be afraid to use it!

For further information on this word, visit [1]

Nerr was created in San Jose, California, by a few kids who thought it would be no big deal. Little did they know how many people would soon be saying it in their every day lives. It jus kept spreading! For those who have never heard this word before, listen for it in your neighborhood!

NERR 4 Life 00:27, 16 November 2006 (UTC)KJ