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This is a template for rendering simple family trees consisting of boxes and connecting lines based on an ASCII art-like syntax. The trees are displayed as HTML tables using CSS attributes, and may contain arbitrary wiki markup within the boxes.

Example usage[edit]

This code:

{{familytree/start |summary=I have a brother Joe and a little sister: my mom married my dad, and my dad's parents were Grandma and Grandpa; they had another child, Aunt Daisy.}}
{{familytree | | | | GMa |~|y|~| GPa | | GMa=Gladys|GPa=Sydney}}
{{familytree | | | | | | | |)|-|-|-|.| }}
{{familytree | | | MOM |y| DAD | |DAISY| MOM=Mom|DAD=Dad|DAISY=[[Aunt Daisy]]}}
{{familytree | |,|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|.| | | }}
{{familytree | JOE | | ME  | | SIS | | | JOE=My brother Joe|ME='''Me!'''|SIS=My little sister}}

Produces this:

MomDadAunt Daisy
My brother JoeMe!My little sister


The |summary=text parameter of the {{familytree/start}} template should be used to describe the overall layout of the tree. This summary is for accessibility: it is read aloud to visually impaired readers who use screen readers, and is invisible to sighted readers.

The {{familytree}} template produces one row in a family tree table. The template accepts up to 80 unnamed parameters describing the contents of the table. Each parameter specifies a tile or a box.

  • Tiles are line drawing symbols consisting of horizontal and vertical lines and various corners and crossings thereof. Tiles are specified using single-character symbols that more or less approximate the shape of the tile in appearance. A special case of a tile is the empty tile, specified by a single space character. A table of supported tiles is given below.
Solid lines:
Dashed lines:
Mixed (1):
Mixed (2):

  • Boxes can contain arbitrary wiki markup. The contents of boxes are specified using additional named parameters appended to the template call. Each box is three tiles wide and normally has a 2 pixels wide black border. Boxes can have any name that is a valid template parameter name, although single character names should be avoided to prevent conflicts with tile symbols.

Style attributes[edit]

The appearance of the boxes may be controlled by the optional template parameters border and boxstyle. The former sets the width of the box border in pixels, while the latter can be used to append arbitrary CSS declarations directly to the box style attributes. For example, the following code:

{{familytree/start |summary=Box 1 married to Box 2, with children Box 3 and Box 4}}
{{familytree|border=0|boxstyle=background:#dfd;| | FOO |y| BAR | |FOO=Box 1|BAR=Box 2}}
{{familytree|border=0|boxstyle=background:#dfd;| | |,|-|^|-|.| | }}
{{familytree|border=0|boxstyle=background:#dfd;| | FOO | | BAR | |FOO=Box 3|BAR=Box 4}}

produces a result like this:

Box 1Box 2
Box 3Box 4

Style attributes can even be set for individual boxes, as in the example below:

{{familytree/start |White box with three children Red box, Green box, Blue box, all married to each other}}
{{familytree| | | | |WHITE| | | | |WHITE=White box}}
{{familytree| |,|-|-|'|!|`|-|-|.| }}
{{familytree|RED  |~|GREEN|~|BLUE |RED=Red box|GREEN=Green box|BLUE=Blue box
|boxstyle_RED  =background-color: #faa;
|boxstyle_GREEN=background-color: #afa;
|boxstyle_BLUE =background-color: #aaf;

which produces the output:

White box
Red boxGreen boxBlue box

NOTE: When specifying style attributes for individual named boxes, make sure the box names are aligned to the left side of area reserved for them in the template call (as in "|RED  |" instead of "| RED |" in the example above). Otherwise the template will end up looking for a style parameter with spaces in its name.

The {{familytree/start}} template also accepts an optional style parameter that can be used to set CSS styles for the entire table.


Philip III of France
r. 1270-1285
Philip IV of France
r. 1285-1314
Charles of Valois
d. 1325
Louis X of France
r. 1314-1316
Philip V of France
r. 1316-1322
Charles IV of France
r. 1322-1328
Isabella of FranceEdward II of EnglandPhilip VI of France
r. 1328-1350
Joan II of Navarre
b. 1312
Joan III, Countess of Burgundy
b. 1308
Edward III of England
b. 1312
Charles of Évreux
b. 1332
Philip of Burgundy
b. 1323

Louis XIII, King of France
Louis XIV, King of FrancePhilippe I, Duke of Orleans
Louis, Dauphin of FrancePhilippe II, Duke of Orleans
Philip V, King of SpainLouis I, Duke of Orleans
Charles III, King of SpainPhilip I, Duke of ParmaLouis Philippe I, Duke of Orleans
Charles IV, King of SpainFerdinand I, King of Two SiciliesFerdinand I, Duke of ParmaLouis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans
Francisco de Paula, Duke of CádizFrancis I, King of Two SiciliesLouis, King of EtruriaLouis Philippe I, King of the French
Francisco de Asis, Duke of CadizEnrique, Duke of SevilleFerdinand II, King of Two SiciliesCharles II, Duke of ParmaFerdinand, Duke of OrleansLouis, Duke of NemoursAntoine, Duke of Montpensier
Alfonso XII, King of SpainFrancisco de Paula de Borbón y CastellvíAlberto Enrique, Duke of Santa ElenaAlfonso, Count of CasertaCharles III, Duke of ParmaRobert, Duke of ChartresGaston, Count of EuAntonio, Duke of Galliera
Alfonso XIII, King of SpainAlberto Maria, Duke of Santa ElenaRobert I, Duke of ParmaJean, Duke of GuisePedro de Alcântara, Prince of Grão-ParáLuíz de Orléans e BragançaAlfonso, Duke of Galliera
Jaime, Duke of SegoviaJuan, Count of BarcelonaAlfonso, Marquess of Santa Fe de GuardiolaHenri, Count of ParisPedro Henrique de Orléans e BragançaAlvaro, Duke of Galliera
Alfonso, Duke of Cadiz
BourbonSpainSevilleSanta ElenaTwo SiciliesParmaOrleansPetropolisVassourasGalliera

Tables and colors[edit]

Edward III of England Henry III of Navarre
Royal Title King of England King of Navarre
Peerage of France Duke of Guyenne Duke of Vendome
Most recent royal ancestor Philip IV of France Louis IX of France
Generations 2 10
Descent Distaff Agnatic
Dynasty Plantagenet (Angevin) Bourbon (Capetian)
Sovereign Sovereign
Color Code
UP Maroon #7B1113
Crimson Red #990000
Rosso Corsa #D40000
Pumpkin #FF7518
Amber (SAE/ECE) #FF7E00
Orange peel #FF9F00
Amber #FFBF00
Citrine #E4D00A
Aureolin #FDEE00
Daffodil #FFFF31
UP Forest green #014421
Harlequin #3FFF00
Neon Green #39FF14
Bright Green #66FF00
Chartreuse (web) #7FFF00
Chartreuse (traditional) #DFFF00
Navy Blue #000080
Duke Blue #00009C
Zaffre #0014A8
Medium Blue #0000CD
Royal azure #0038A8
Aqua #00FFFF
Purple (HTML/CSS) #800080
Byzantium #702963
Color Code
Mid Red #F88379
Mid Orange #FFB347
Mid Yellow #FBEC5D
Mid Green #98FF98
Mid Blue #96DED1
Mid Violet #CB99C9
Color Code
Light Pink #FFCCCC
Light Red #FFBB99
Light Yellow #FFFFCC
Light Green #BBFFCC
Blue #66EEFF
Bluex #66CCFF
Light Blue #77DDFF
Bluex #44AAFF
Light Cyan #99FFEE
Color Code
Light Red #FFAAAA
Light Green #AAFFAA
Light Blue #AAAAFF
Red #FF0000
Green #00FF00
Blue #0000FF
Dark Red #770000
Dark Green #007700
Dark Blue #000077
Cyan #77FFFF
Magenta #FF77FF
Yellow #FFFF77
Blue #0077FF
Green #00FF77
Violet #7700FF
Apple Green #77FF00
Magenta #FF0077
Orange #FF7700
Experiment Yellow #FFFF55
Experiment Yellow #FFFF33
Experiment Yellow #FFFFCC

Maps of France[edit]

[[1]] File:Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-fr.svg|thumb|right|250px|The Kingdom of France at the time of Hugh Capet. French royal domain in blue. File:Map France 1030-fr.svg|thumb|right|250px|The Kingdom of France at the time of Robert II (1030). French royal domain in blue. Image:France 1154 Eng.jpg|thumb|right|250px|The Kingdom of France at the time of Louis VII (1154). French royal domain in dark green. File:Map_France_1180-fr.svg|thumb|right|250px|The Kingdom of France at the time of Philip Augustus (1180). French royal domain in blue. Image:Conquetes Philippe Auguste.gif|thumb|right|250px|Territorial expansion of the royal domain under Philip Augustus, 1180 to 1223; blue: royal domain, red: Plantagenet/English held lands, yellow: church held lands, green: other French lands. Image:Map- France at the Treaty of Bretigny.jpg|thumbnail|250px|right|France after 1360 (John II) Image:Apanages.svg|thumb|350px|France at the truce of 1389: a mosaic of feudal territories (Charles VI) Image:Hundred years war.gif|thumb|300px|Hundred Years' War evolution. French territory: yellow; English: grey; Burgundian: dark grey. Image:Map France 1477-en.svg|thumb|right|250px|The Kingdom of France at the time of Louis XI (1477). French royal domain in light blue.


Reigen Talk
Reigen Talk

To do[edit]

Genealogy http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armorial_des_Pairies_de_France_sous_l%27Ancien_R%C3%A9gime http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_bourbon http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_France http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armorial_du_royaume_de_France

Images and Files[edit]

File:Grand Royal Coat of Arms of France.svg |thumb|left|180px|Arms of France Image:Grand Royal Coat of Arms of France.svg |thumb|left|180px|Arms of France

New section[edit]