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Rocco-A-Fella is a old skool street gang formed in 2002 by Ken "Rocco" Jones, Jr., soon after he was released from prison the second time at the old age of 42. The gang his a nice gang if you're nice to them. Rocco loan's money to anybody and sales firearm's and drug's.

The Start


After Rocco's father's gang ended in 1998 after his death, Rocco and his brother Gordon, sort of started the gang back then, but didn't. Then in 2002 when Rocco was released 1½ years early of a 3 year sentence, he started the gang by himself after his brother retired. Rocco called several of his old mates to join him.

Known Members


Rocco met Del Boy, Jacko and Kelly in the late '70's. He met Jacko first in 1977 through his brother Gordon Jones, then Del Boy and Kelly in 1978 trough Jacko. Rocco lost connect with all of them in 1980 when he went to jail. Then 22 years later in 2002 the four were reunited. All older with families.

Remake Of Doxie


Alot of people say that Rocco-A-Fella, is a remake of Rocco's father's gang Doxie Gang, formed and ran by Ken "Dox" Jones, Sr.. Witch was formed in 1956 and ended after Dox's death in 1998.


Rocco-A-Fella Website