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User:Shockwave643/Books/Army's Elite

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Army's Elite


SRS Research Work by Edward

Portal:United States Army
United States Army
602nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion
ABCA Armies
United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals
U.S. Army All-American Bowl
American Flag (horse)
Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory
Armed Forces Financial Network
Armed Forces Recreation Centers
Army alpha
Army Battle Command System
Army Beta
Army CHESS (Computer Hardware Enterprise Software and Solutions)
Army Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program
Military hand and arm signals
Army National Guard
Army of the United States
Army Substance Abuse Program
Articles of War
Army Ballistic Missile Agency
Battle buddy
Best Warrior
Black Jack (horse)
United States Army branch insignia
Buffalo coat
Camp Caves
Lineage and honors certificate
United States Army Center of Military History
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
Classes of supply
Coats of arms of U.S. Armor and Cavalry Regiments
Coats of arms of U.S. Armor Regiments
Coats of arms of U.S. Army units
Coats of arms of U.S. Cavalry Regiments
Combat Infantryman Badge
Combat service support (United States)
Combat support
Combat Support Hospital
Command Post of the Future
Commanding General of the United States Army
Commanding General, United States Army Europe
Commanding General, United States Army Forces Command
Commanding General, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness
Constant Hawk
Hugh Lincoln Cooper
Corps of Discovery
Arthur Crean
Date Eligible for Return from Overseas
Delta Force
United States Department of the Army
Department of the Army Historical Advisory Committee
Department of the Army Seal and Emblem
Department of the East
Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 Personnel of The United States Army
Distinctive unit insignia
Dogface (military)
Enlisted Evaluation Report
Army and Air Force Exchange Service
FCS Network
Flag of the United States Army
FM 2-22.3 Human Intelligence Collector Operations
FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation
United States Army Foreign Science and Technology Center
General Counsel of the Army
Green Ramp disaster
Grow the Army
Paul Haenle
United States Army Institute of Heraldry
History of the United States Army Special Forces
Howze Board
Individual Ready Reserve
Involuntary Foreign Service Tour Extension
Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet
Army Knowledge Online
Land navigation (military)
Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia
List of United States Army Field Manuals
Military Decision Making Process
Military Intelligence Hall of Fame
Military Police: Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees
Miscellaneous shoulder sleeve insignia of the United States Army
Morning report (United States military)
Mortuary Affairs
National Ground Intelligence Center
Night Train (test)
Nine From Aberdeen
Operations order
Organization of the Air Service of the American Expeditionary Force
Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program
Palletized load system
Philippine Scouts
Program Executive Office Command Control Communications Tactical
Project Horizon
Project Manager Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below
Project VOLAR
Public Affairs Operations Center
United States Army Rangers
Rapid Equipping Force
Regionally Aligned Forces
Saber arch
Selected Reserve
Self-development plan
Service number (United States Army)
Signal Corps Laboratories
Slogans of the United States Army
Soldier Readiness Processing
Soldier's Creed
Special designation
Standby Reserve
Strategic Army Corps
Sergeant Stubby
Swagger stick
Table of Organization and Equipment
TACPOL (programming language)
Tactical reconnaissance and counter-concealment-enabled radar
Spencer C. Tucker
U.S. Army Birthdays
U.S. Army Community Relations
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Europe District
U.S. Army Garrison Bamberg
Ulchi-Freedom Guardian
Unattended ground sensor
United States Armor Association
United States Army Accessions Command
United States Army Adjutant General School
United States Army Art Program
United States Army Audit Agency
United States Army Basic Training
United States Army Chemical Materials Agency
United States Army Hawaii
United States Army Trial Defense Service
United States Guards
United States military beret flash
Vehicle registration plates of the United States Army in Germany
List of U.S. military vehicles by supply catalog designation
Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Vietnam Combat Artists Program
Virtual Army Experience
White Buffalo (chief)
Charles Henry Wilcken
XM1219 Armed Robotic Vehicle
Yankee Division We're Back challenge coin
Army Emergency Relief
Association of the United States Army
Commendation Medal
Awards and decorations of the United States Army
Department of the Army Civilian Awards
American Revolutionary War Campaigns
Army Service Ribbon
Army Wound Ribbon
Army-Navy "E" Award
Badges of the United States Army
Blue Infantry Cord
Bronze Star Medal
Butler Medal
Cavalry Stetson
Certificate of Merit Medal
Combat Recognition Ribbon
Distinguished Service Cross (United States)
Distinguished Service Medal (US Army)
Expert Infantryman Badge
Fidelity Medallion
Gillmore Medal
Good Conduct Medal (United States)
Kearny Cross
List of honors and decorations of the 75th Ranger Regiment
List of Soldier's Medal recipients
Medal of Honor
Meritorious Unit Commendation
Noble Patron of Armor Award
Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon
Order of Military Medical Merit
Order of Saint Barbara
Order of Saint Maurice
Order of St. Joan D'Arc Medallion
Order of the Spur
Overseas Service Bar
Overseas Service Ribbon
Reserve Good Conduct Medal
ROTC Medal for Heroism
Saint George Award
Sea Service Ribbon
Soldier's Medal
Superior Cadet Decoration Award
Superior Unit Award
Valorous Unit Award
Women's Army Corps Service Medal
BCT Modernization
Ground Combat Vehicle
Brigade Modernization Command
GCV Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Army Specialized Training Program
Basic Officer Leaders Course
United States Army Combined Arms Center
The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
Recruit Educational Center
United States Army Warrant Officer Career College
Warrant Officer Basic Course
Warrant Officer Candidate School (United States Army)
AAFES Depot Grünstadt
Atchison Storage Facility
Battery Chamberlin
Black Mesa Test Range
Blue Grass Army Depot
Camp Rhino
Camp War Eagle
Cantonment Clinch
Churchville Test Area
COB Speicher
Corpus Christi Army Depot
Efficient Basing-Grafenwöhr
Firebase Tinsley
FOB Carpenter
FOB MacKenzie
Fort Eustis Military Railroad
Fort Rucker, Arizona
George H. Crosman United States Army Reserve Center
Harnack House
Katterbach Kaserne
Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
Lexington Army Depot
Military Ocean Terminal
Newport Chemical Depot
Ray Barracks, Friedberg, Germany
San Francisco Armory
USS Tripoli (LPH-10)
Tysons Corner Communications Tower
United States Army Corrections Facility-Europe
Warrenton Training Center
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
25U signal support systems specialist
AIT Platoon Sergeant
Chaplain Assistant
Cavalry scout
Information Assurance Security Officer
25S Satellite Communications Systems Operator/Maintainer
Information technology specialist
List of United States Army careers
25P Microwave Systems Operator/Maintainer
United States Army Counterintelligence
Formations of the United States Army
Formations of the United States Army (current)
303rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
Army of the Northwest (United States)
Asymmetric Warfare Group
Civilian Labor Group
Future Force Unit of Action
Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
Structure of the United States Army
Transformation of the United States Army
United States Army battalion
United States Army Capabilities Integration Center
United States Camel Corps
133rd Infantry Regiment (United States)
134th Cavalry Regiment (United States)
1st Colorado Infantry
Active Guard Reserve
Alabama Army National Guard
Alabama National Guard
Alaska Army National Guard
Arizona Army National Guard
Arkansas Army National Guard
Army Mountain Warfare School
California Army National Guard
Camp Maxey
Camp Williams
Colorado Army National Guard
Delaware Army National Guard
Federal Service
Florida Army National Guard
Georgia Army National Guard
Hawaii Army National Guard
Idaho Army National Guard
Illinois Army National Guard
Indiana National Guard
Iowa Army National Guard
Kansas Army National Guard
Kentucky Army National Guard
Louisiana Army National Guard
Maine Army National Guard
Maryland Army National Guard
Michigan Army National Guard
Minnesota Army National Guard
Montana Army National Guard
National Guard of the United States
Nebraska Army National Guard
New Hampshire Army National Guard
New Mexico Army National Guard
New York Army National Guard
North Carolina Army National Guard
North Dakota Army National Guard
Oklahoma Army National Guard
One weekend a month, two weeks a year
Recruit Sustainment Program
Rhode Island Army National Guard
Sherman Bell
South Carolina Army National Guard
Tennessee Army National Guard
Texas Army National Guard
Utah Army National Guard
Virginia Army National Guard
Wyoming Army National Guard
Army Model and Simulation Executive Council
Army Model and Simulation Office
Army Modeling & Simulation Directorate
Army Modeling & Simulation Office
Army Science Board
Assistant Secretary of the Army
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Center for Army Analysis
Center for the Army Profession and Ethic
Chief of Chaplains of the United States Army
Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Department of the Army Military Operations - Modeling and Simulation
Deputy Chief of Staff G-8 Programs of The United States Army
Deputy Judge Advocate General of the United States Army
Human Terrain System
Judge Advocate General of the United States Army
List of United States Army Corps of Engineers Chiefs of Engineers
Logistics Proponency Office
Quartermaster General of the United States Army
Regular Army (United States)
U.S. Army Regimental System
United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
United States Army Provost Marshal General
United States Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center
James Abdnor
Naser Jason Abdo
Rodney Alcala
Robert Altman
Lawrence Anastasia
Charles Arthur Anderson
Stephen Hale Anderson
Walter Anderson (baseball)
Ken Andrus
Bob Andrzejczak
George Arceneaux, Jr.
William L. Armstrong
Gordon Arnold
Albert E. Austin
Bradley Ayers
Tim M. Babcock
Robert D. Bailey, Jr.
John A. Baker, Jr.
Burr Baldwin
Don Balke
Thomas R. Ball
Doug Barnard, Jr.
Job Barnard
Allan C. Barnes
Andre Barnett
James Emmett Barrett
Allen Edward Barrow
Harry Bartell
Robert E. Barton
Laurie C. Battle
John V. Beamer
William Louis Beatty
Louis Charles Bechtle
Mike Beebe
Bert Bell
J. Spencer Bell
Fred Below
Miriam Ben-Shalom
Richard D. Bennett
Jason Berger
Ted Bergmann
Sid Bernstein
Samuel Rossiter Betts
James R. Beverley
Francis Biddle
Samuel Frederick Biery Jr.
Jeff Bingaman
Peter J. Biondi
Ed Bishop
Errett Bishop
Bill Bixby
Norman William Black
James Blish
Richard M. Bohart
Carl Boldt
Wayne G. Borah
Rudy Boschwitz
Dunbar Bostwick
JT Bowen
Joe Bowman (marksman)
C. Loring Brace
Mario Braggiotti
Henry Bramwell
Howard C. Bratton
Walter E. Brehm
Jean Sala Breitenstein
Stephen W. Brennan
George Platt Brett
Charles L. Brieant
David Briones
Stanley Seymour Brotman
Paul W. Brown
Reagan V. Brown
John Bruce (judge)
Tom Bruggere
Melvin T. Brunetti
Herm Brunotte
Frederick van Pelt Bryan
Robert Jensen Bryan
Nicholas John Bua
Orville Buckner
Chris Bunch
Harold P. Burke
James M. Burns (judge)
Samuel Burns
Andrew Augustine Caffrey
William W. Caldwell
Marion Jones Callister
William G. Cambridge
Lou Cameron
James T. Laney
Patrick Eugene Carr
Walter Carringer
Jay Carsey
Salvador E. Casellas
Richard C. Casey
Burnett M. Chiperfield
James Paul Churchill
Ron Clark (judge)
Bill Clay
Claude Feemster Clayton
Frank G. Clement
Bill Clements
Raymond F. Clevenger
Ty Cobb
Walt Coburn
Renford Cogle
Mitchell Harry Cohen
Sam Cohn
John Caskie Collet
Robert Frederick Collins
William A. Collins
William Robert Collinson
James August Comiskey
Marvin Comisky
Bruce Conde
Jack Conners
Julian Abele Cook Jr.
Jerry W. Cooper
John Thomas Copenhaver Jr.
Howard Francis Corcoran
Tom Corcoran (politician)
Valdemar Aguirre Cordova
David L. Cornwell
Alfred V. Covello
Harold Covington
Elijah Allen Cox
Owen DeVol Cox
Ron Cox (racing driver)
William J. Coyne
Albert M. Craig
Lawrence William Cramer
Elisha Avery Crary
Richard Crenna
Francis A. Cunningham
William P. Curlin, Jr.
Ulysses Currie
Walter L. Cutler
Jo-Ellen Darcy
Frederick Alvin Daugherty
Roy Eugene Davis
Robert T. Dawson
William Curran Dawson
Timothy D. DeGiusti
James E. DeGrange, Sr.
Tuariki Delamere
Bob DeLaney
James L. Dennis
Winfield K. Denton
Gordon S. Heddell
Shane Devine
Richard A. Dier