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Walter O. Zach[edit]

Walter O. Zach, also known as pastor Walter O. Zach is a Nigerian Gospel minister,

conference speaker, and televangelist. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of the Old Time Faith Ministries(OTFM)[1]

The (OTFM) have a program,a gospel fellowship that holds weekly in

Nnodi Street By Chief Ogbuga Off Eastern Bye Pass Ogbunabali Port Harcout, and other location across the state,Nigeria.

Early life and education[edit]

He became born again in 1980 while in school of Health Technology Aba, Abia State.

After his graduation from the school he was posted back to his Local Government as a Civil Servant,

were he started Deeper Life Bible Church in Arondizuogu where he was posted since there was none there in 1983.

In 1985, he left the church to further his education in the university of Ile-Ife. While on the campus, he held two positions under Deeper Life Campus Fellowship. They were maintenance co-ordinator and campus pastor.


He resigned from civil service and went for full time ministry.

On coming back he indicated his interest to serve the Lord on full time, which led to his promotion to District Pastor and posted to Afikpo under Deeper Life Bible Church. After some years he was made a region overseer. Few years after the new position, the Lord started dealing with him concerning this ministry (Old Time Faith Ministries).

Since he had no person to share the vision than his wife, as he feared that if he did to another person it would land him into discipline. After sharing the vision with her,(wife) we had a problem. This centered on what people would say if they heard. As a result of fear of man, it was abandoned. The Lord did not abandon it, but we were stubborn, but the Lord through his own way made us willing to obey.

Now, not wanting to care of what people will say or feel, I sent my resignation letter to Lagos and state capital. The Lord warned me not to take anybody from the church nor destroy my labour in the land and I should go with my wife alone and He will give us souls. By the grace of God, we obeyed and informed the church. As soon as the news was heard, the whole church busted into weeping. At the end I had to appear before the General superintendent with two other state Overseers who begged me to stay. But I decide to obey God rather than man.

On the 18th February, 1998, I packed my books and few of my clothes and left from Ebonyi State to Rivers State to start a fresh work. On getting to Port Harcourt, I started squatting with my brother while my wife was at Afikpo running her private nursery and primary school. Adaptation to new environment lasted till the end of the year. Old Time Faith Ministries was given birth to in March 1999 at Niger Grammar School at Igboukwu street, D\Line Port Harcourt with my wife, our two daughters and I.

It was one of the roughest periods in our lives. People who were on top before to start from nowhere. We endured it. We printed ten thousand (10,000) handbills at the end on the day only one woman attended the meeting. It seemed that the whole world would scatter. After some months at Niger grammar school, we changed venue to Orogbum Primary School which looked centralized all at D/Line. After some weeks my Wife and children went back to Afikpo to continue to run her Nursery and Primary School. When the money she borrowed from the school account (Rhema International School), People’s Bank Afikpo which she gave to me had finished coupled with the difficulties of running two homes, I told her to sell the School and join me fully. Though it was difficult but she had to sell the school and  use the money to support the work promising her that God will give it to her back when we settle down.


pastor Walter O. Zach is popular and revered by many for his in-depth understanding of the word and teachings on spiritual matters.There are many of testimonies from people to that effect. Some of his Powerful Messages are:

  • deliverance from Witchcraft and Occultism
  • repentance
  • Baptism of The Holy Ghost
  • Complete Deliverance
  • Sanctification


The Holy Spirit is giving a charge to us to make sure that the vision of the ministry as stipulated above and the tenets of faith are preserved, preached and practiced. No matter the generation, civilization, the truth of God’s word must not be tampered with. I want to bring it to the notice of all and sundry that this is a deliverance ministry given to me by the Lord and must not be turned into another thing. Furthermore, with what the ministry suffered at her early years under a witch, the Lord mandated me not to allow any witch to blossom in his house. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live (Exodus 22:18)” “and the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among his people” (Leviticus 20:6). Beloved, witchcraft, occultism, joining secret cults (Exodus 20:1-8) are all abominations before the Lord. No leader or member who practices any of these should be allowed in the church. Through sound teaching and preaching against such, they will manifest. As soon as they are discovered, they will be given the opportunity to repent and to renounce such. If they refuse to repent or if after their repentance is discovered to be false, they must be expelled from the church. (1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Timothy 1:20) Finally, holiness of life, prayerfulness and preparation for the Lord’s coming must characterize every leader and member. May the Lord depend on You in Jesus name. Amen Pastor Walter O. Zach Founder

  1. ^ "Old Time Faith Ministries". oldtimefaith.org. Retrieved 2022-05-05.