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Article Yukon_Beringia_Interpretive_Centre matched rule climate 2 points
Article Yukon_Beringia_Interpretive_Centre matched rule fossil 2 points
Article Yukon_Beringia_Interpretive_Centre matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 8 points

Article BaXian_AG matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Education_in_a_Box matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Modernising_Scientific_Careers matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points
Lead of the article Modernising_Scientific_Careers matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Education_for_all_charity matched rule environment 10 points
Article Education_for_all_charity matched rule waste 2 points

Total 12 points

Article Berliner_Modell matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Reginaselache matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Hippolyte_inermis matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Hippolyte_inermis matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 8 points

Article Dianopachysaurus matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Radiation_material_Science matched rule environment 10 points
Article Radiation_material_Science matched rule waste 2 points

Total 12 points

Article OpenMx matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Taabar_society matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kochani_General_Hospital matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points

Total 6 points

Article Pan_Pac_Forest_Products_Ltd matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Entropezites matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Mycetophagites matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Giwaipani matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Hannoverimpuls matched rule environment 10 points
Article Hannoverimpuls matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points
Lead of the article Hannoverimpuls matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 20 points

Total 30 points

Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule recycling 8 points
Lead of the article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule recycling 16 points

Total 16 points

Article Salburua matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Salburua matched rule conservation 4 points
Article Salburua matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Article Salburua matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 16 points

Article Doswelliidae matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Fred_Clipsham matched rule environment 10 points
Article Fred_Clipsham matched rule waste 2 points

Total 12 points

Article Octopus_bimaculatus matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Octopus_bimaculatus matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 8 points

Article Nabil_Talhouni matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Often_I_Am_Permitted_to_Return_to_a_Meadow matched rule organic 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Ethel_Proudlock_case matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article List_of_University_of_Massachusetts_Amherst_notable_faculty matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article List_of_University_of_Massachusetts_Amherst_notable_faculty matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 8 points

Article List_of_Hibbertia_species matched rule \sbiodiversity 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Iothalmate matched rule organic 2 points
Lead of the article Iothalmate matched rule organic 4 points

Total 4 points

Article List_of_Shark_Tank_(TV_series)_episodes matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Gholam_A._Peyman matched rule organic 2 points

Total 2 points

Article North_Mowich_Trail_Shelter matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article North_Mowich_Trail_Shelter matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article List_of_birds_of_New_York matched rule environment 10 points
Article List_of_birds_of_New_York matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 14 points

Article Omega_Phi_Sigma matched rule organic 2 points
Article Omega_Phi_Sigma matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 4 points

Article Meyya_Meyyappan matched rule organic 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Lead of the article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 12 points
Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Wgaia\W 8 points
Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule fossil 2 points
Lead of the article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule fossil 4 points
Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points
Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Whabitat 4 points
Lead of the article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule \Whabitat 8 points

Total 36 points

Article Dr._Hawa_Abdi matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Lead of the article Dr._Hawa_Abdi matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 12 points

Total 12 points

Article Fuego,_Nevada matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article 1999_Blayais_Nuclear_Power_Plant_flood matched rule environment 10 points
Article 1999_Blayais_Nuclear_Power_Plant_flood matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 14 points

Article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule environment 20 points
Article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule greenhouse\W*gas 4 points
Lead of the article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule greenhouse\W*gas 8 points
Article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule climate 2 points
Lead of the article Montréal_Climate_Exchange matched rule climate 4 points

Total 32 points

Article Stewarts_Point,_Nevada matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Joe_Rosenblatt matched rule pollution 5 points

Total 5 points

Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points
Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 6 points

Article Project_Crimson matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Project_Crimson matched rule conservation 8 points
Article Project_Crimson matched rule \Whabitat 4 points
Lead of the article Project_Crimson matched rule \Whabitat 8 points

Total 16 points

Article Richard_Taylor_(American_football) matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article New_Zealand_Forest_Products matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Anthony_Carone matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article George_B._Handley matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article George_B._Handley matched rule environment 20 points
Article George_B._Handley matched rule environmentalism 10 points
Lead of the article George_B._Handley matched rule environmentalism 20 points

Total 40 points

Article Participism matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Tim_Pawlenty_presidential_campaign,_2012 matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Jefferson_County_Public_Library matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Jefferson_County_Public_Library matched rule environment 20 points
Article Jefferson_County_Public_Library matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Tourism_in_Ecuador matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Tourism_in_Ecuador matched rule environment 20 points
Article Tourism_in_Ecuador matched rule climate 2 points

Total 22 points

Article Archeopelta matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule environment 10 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule pollution 5 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule greenhouse\W*gas 4 points
Lead of the article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule greenhouse\W*gas 8 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule climate 2 points
Lead of the article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule climate 4 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule fossil 2 points
Article Individual_action_on_climate_change matched rule renewable 7 points

Total 46 points

Article Building_Preservation_and_Conservation_Trusts_in_the_UK matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Building_Preservation_and_Conservation_Trusts_in_the_UK matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article The_Pipers matched rule Category:[^\]]*Environment 20 points
Article The_Pipers matched rule environment 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Deaf_Bibliography matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Deaf_Bibliography matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Architecture-Studio matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article List_of_economic_communities matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article 0.1_Organic_Vodka matched rule organic 2 points
Lead of the article 0.1_Organic_Vodka matched rule organic 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Rutgers_University_Debate_Union matched rule environment 10 points
Article Rutgers_University_Debate_Union matched rule climate 2 points
Article Rutgers_University_Debate_Union matched rule renewable 7 points

Total 19 points

Article Nagoya_Protocol matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points
Lead of the article Nagoya_Protocol matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 20 points
Article Nagoya_Protocol matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Nagoya_Protocol matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 28 points

Article Middleton_Island_Air_Force_Station matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Tolman_electronic_parameter matched rule organic 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Wide_Area_Multilateration_(WAM) matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article University_of_Washington_College_of_Engineering matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Halls_of_residence_at_the_University_College_London matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Distribution_of_Hindus_in_Guyana matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Anaerobic_Digestion_and_Biogas_Association matched rule environment 10 points
Article Anaerobic_Digestion_and_Biogas_Association matched rule organic 2 points
Article Anaerobic_Digestion_and_Biogas_Association matched rule renewable 7 points
Article Anaerobic_Digestion_and_Biogas_Association matched rule recycling 8 points

Total 27 points

Article History_of_electricity_sector_in_Canada matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Editor_for_Chrome matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Channel_marketing matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Tan_Haur matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Gasteruption_jaculator matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Underground_farming matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Leskean_Cabinet matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Campanelli_Elementary_School matched rule environment 10 points
Article Campanelli_Elementary_School matched rule climate 2 points

Total 12 points

Article Aldrin_Elementary_School matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article VGP_JSC matched rule environment 10 points
Article VGP_JSC matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article VGP_JSC matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 18 points

Article DisKover matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Payday_loans_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Knowledge_Now_Limited matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Pterostylis_valida matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 4 points

Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule environment 10 points
Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule organic 2 points
Article List_of_Hot_Wheels_Battle_Force_5_characters matched rule climate 2 points

Total 14 points

Article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article English_Club_TV_Channel matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article English_Club_TV matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article English_Club_TV matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Cosmopterix_pulchrimella matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Cosmopterix_pulchrimella matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Baso_Sangqu matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Sir_Thomas_Mainwaring,_1st_Baronet matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Schrankia_bilineata matched rule \Whabitat 4 points
Lead of the article Schrankia_bilineata matched rule \Whabitat 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Cromeria matched rule \sbiodiversity 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Zohal matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Scaevola_albida matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Polymers_and_biohazard_bags matched rule waste 2 points
Article Polymers_and_biohazard_bags matched rule organic 2 points

Total 4 points

Article Great_Little_War_Game matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Great_Little_War_Game matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Holy_angel_school_hissar matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Holy_angel_school_hissar matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Chong_Chi_Tat matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Inspektor_Kesihatan matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Inspektor_Kesihatan matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule environment 10 points
Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 18 points

Article David_E._Oprava matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Zinc_cerium_redox_flow_battery matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Michel_Roux-Spitz matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Worth_Leavin'_Home_For_Tour matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points
Lead of the article Worth_Leavin'_Home_For_Tour matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Dior_Lowhorn matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Unrechtsstaat matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Arizona_Sun_Corridor matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Arizona_Sun_Corridor matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Morchella_rufobrunnea matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Morchella_rufobrunnea matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 8 points

Article Barcelona_Moon_Team matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Southern_Andean_steppe matched rule climate 2 points
Article Southern_Andean_steppe matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Southern_Andean_steppe matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points
Article Southern_Andean_steppe matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 10 points

Article Trichopherophyton matched rule environment 10 points
Article Trichopherophyton matched rule fossil 2 points
Lead of the article Trichopherophyton matched rule fossil 4 points

Total 14 points

Article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule conservation 8 points
Article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points
Article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 22 points

Article Totem_Bight_State_Historical_Park matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Ventarura matched rule environment 10 points
Article Ventarura matched rule fossil 2 points
Lead of the article Ventarura matched rule fossil 4 points

Total 14 points

Article Torrella_(gastropod) matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule conservation 4 points
Article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points
Article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 18 points

Article GAIN_-_Global_Appraisal_of_Individual_Needs matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Chernobyl:_Consequences_of_the_Catastrophe_for_People_and_the_Environment matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Chernobyl:_Consequences_of_the_Catastrophe_for_People_and_the_Environment matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Nine-Mile_Island_(Mississippi_River) matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Stannon_stone_circle matched rule Category:[^\]]*Environment 20 points
Article Stannon_stone_circle matched rule environment 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Abid_Surti matched rule Category:[^\]]*Environment 20 points
Article Abid_Surti matched rule environment 10 points
Article Abid_Surti matched rule waste 2 points
Article Abid_Surti matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 36 points

Article Glenford_Myers matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule conservation 4 points
Article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 12 points

Article Ministry_of_Environment,Forests_and_Water_Administration_(Albania) matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Ministry_of_Environment,Forests_and_Water_Administration_(Albania) matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article DaruDar matched rule recycling 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Luftkurort matched rule climate 2 points
Lead of the article Luftkurort matched rule climate 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule environment 10 points
Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule climate 2 points
Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 18 points

Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article The_works_of_Michael_Gorman matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Phoenix,_E-Cell_of_D._Y._Patil_College_of_Engineering,Akurdi matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Pyeongchang_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article First_Raid_on_Banu_Thalabah matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Aussiedraco matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Amrit_Science_College matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Canopus_EDIUS_Pro matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Werakata_National_Park matched rule environment 10 points
Article Werakata_National_Park matched rule climate 2 points
Article Werakata_National_Park matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 16 points

Article Wave_disk_engine matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Wandering_the_swamps_of_Vietnam matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Manfred_Milinski matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Manfred_Milinski matched rule climate 2 points
Article Manfred_Milinski matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 10 points

Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule environment 10 points
Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule pollution 5 points
Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 27 points

Article The_Ending_of_This_Play_Hasn't_Been_Written_Yet matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Ecodistrict matched rule Category:[^\]]*Environment 20 points
Article Ecodistrict matched rule Category:[^\]]*Sustainability 20 points
Article Ecodistrict matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Ecodistrict matched rule environment 20 points
Article Ecodistrict matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 10 points
Lead of the article Ecodistrict matched rule sustainab(ility|le) 20 points
Article Ecodistrict matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Lead of the article Ecodistrict matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 12 points
Article Ecodistrict matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Ecodistrict matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points

Total 96 points

Article La_viuda_joven matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule climate 2 points
Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 10 points

Article Christine_Frederick matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Amiga_programming_languages matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule waste 2 points
Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule climate 2 points

Total 4 points

Article Psyko_Punkz matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Hibbertia_longifolia matched rule \sbiodiversity 10 points
Lead of the article Hibbertia_longifolia matched rule \sbiodiversity 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Louise_Brigham matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule climate 2 points
Article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule conservation 8 points
Article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points
Article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule \Whabitat 4 points
Lead of the article Eriogonum_gypsophilum matched rule \Whabitat 8 points

Total 22 points

Article Ki'ola,_Hawaii matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Rubha_Mòr matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points
Lead of the article Rubha_Mòr matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Sommerville/Petitt_House matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Sommerville/Petitt_House matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Queen's_Blade_Rebellion matched rule waste 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Pokeware matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Pokeware matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Blae_Loch,_Beith matched rule \Whabitat 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule environment 10 points
Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule waste 2 points
Article Appleseed_XIII matched rule \Wgaia\W 8 points

Total 20 points

Article List_of_Acts_of_the_Western_Cape_Provincial_Parliament matched rule environment 10 points
Article List_of_Acts_of_the_Western_Cape_Provincial_Parliament matched rule waste\W*management 8 points
Article List_of_Acts_of_the_Western_Cape_Provincial_Parliament matched rule waste 2 points
Article List_of_Acts_of_the_Western_Cape_Provincial_Parliament matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 24 points

Article Social_peer-to-peer_processes matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Winfried_Kretschmann matched rule environment 10 points
Article Winfried_Kretschmann matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 4 points
Lead of the article Winfried_Kretschmann matched rule \Wgreen(s|\Wparty) 8 points

Total 18 points

Article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule environment 20 points
Article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 6 points
Lead of the article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule ecolog(y|ical) 12 points
Article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule climate 2 points
Article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Communalism_(Political_Philosophy) matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points

Total 38 points

Article Japan_Nuclear_Cycle_Development_Institute matched rule waste\W*management 8 points
Lead of the article Japan_Nuclear_Cycle_Development_Institute matched rule waste\W*management 16 points
Article Japan_Nuclear_Cycle_Development_Institute matched rule waste 2 points
Lead of the article Japan_Nuclear_Cycle_Development_Institute matched rule waste 4 points

Total 20 points

Article James_Pollock_(artist) matched rule conservation 4 points

Total 4 points

Article APOS_Systems_Inc. matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Craddock_Moor_stone_circle matched rule Category:[^\]]*Environment 20 points
Article Craddock_Moor_stone_circle matched rule environment 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Back_River_(Buzzards_Bay) matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Snake_River_(Massachusetts) matched rule environment 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Conférence_des_directeurs_des_écoles_françaises_d'ingénieurs_(CDEFI) matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Bullying_in_teaching matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Bullying_in_teaching matched rule environment 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Canadian_Water_Network matched rule \Weco[^n] 2 points
Lead of the article Canadian_Water_Network matched rule \Weco[^n] 4 points

Total 4 points

Article Rudolf_Arnold_Nieberding matched rule climate 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Area_of_Critical_Environmental_Concern_(Massachusetts) matched rule environment 10 points
Lead of the article Area_of_Critical_Environmental_Concern_(Massachusetts) matched rule environment 20 points
Article Area_of_Critical_Environmental_Concern_(Massachusetts) matched rule conservation 4 points
Lead of the article Area_of_Critical_Environmental_Concern_(Massachusetts) matched rule conservation 8 points

Total 28 points

Article Baurioidea matched rule fossil 2 points

Total 2 points

Article Queen_Street_Mill matched rule pollution 5 points

Total 5 points