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Historians major in East Asiatic History estimated the late-Ming's population was around 200 millions at AD.1600(the 28th year of Ming emperor Wanli). By AD.1650(the sixth year of Shunzhi), the estimated population was between 40-100 millions. Historians have concluded that, between AD. 1600-1650, the total population loss was between 40 millions and 100 millions(mainly Han Chinese plus other ethnicity), the direct result of many genocides and mass murders conducted by Manchu Qing barbarians.[1][2]

Genocides and Atrocities committed by Manchu Qing


Liadong massacre


There are many historical records on the Manchu's mass murders of ethnic Han Chinese in Liaodong before they entered Shanhaiguan, and the estimated murdered victims may be as high as 3 millions.

On the first month of the ninth year of Nurhachi(Chinese:天命九年正月), nine royal decrees were issued to eliminate 'poor people'(Chinese:無穀之人, translation: people who possessed no grains). Specific orders were issued:

  1. All Eight Banners soldiers were to treat 'poor people' as enemies.
  2. Arrest them and sent them to me(Nurhachi)
  1. Kill all the arrested 'poor people'(Han Chinese)

Yangzhou massacre


The Yangzhou massacre is a massacre of mainly Han Chinese during Manchu Qing dynasty in 1645 when Manchu conquerers led by Prince Dodo conducted mass killings of the residents of Yangzhou. The atrocity lasted for ten days and the alleged number of victims was close to 800,000 (though some scholars doubt its accuracy).

The alleged reasons for the massacre were:

  1. To punish the residents because of resistance efforts led by Ming official Shi Kefa.
  2. To warn the rest of the population of the consequences of resisting the invaders.

Jiading massacre


When Manchu soldiers invaded Jiading city estimated 50,000 Han Chinese were killed by the Manchu.

Taiping Rebellion


The Taiping Rebellion was a large-scale revolt conducted from 1850 to 1864 by an army led by heterodox Christian convert Hong Xiuquan. Rebel troops were nicknamed the Long hair (Chinese:長毛 pinyin: cháng máo) as they sported a different hair style to the Manchu. Manchu referred to them as "hair rebels".

The rebellion caused an estimated death toll of between 20 and 30 million due to warfare and famine: the war ranks as one of the bloodiest conflicts in history (see List of wars and disasters by death toll).

Dungan revolt




1862年,由於漢回之間的民族衝突,加上官府的腐敗和欺壓,在陝西的回民趁太平天國和捻軍進入陝西的機會揭竿而起。其初期的主要領導人有赫明堂、馬生彥、馬振和、白彥虎等。同時在寧夏也爆發了大面積的回民民變,其主要領導人有馬兆元和馬化龍Ma Hualong




這場戰爭極大地改變了陝甘兩省的民族分佈。在戰爭中,回民對陝西、甘肅兩省的漢人進行屠殺,據《中國人口史》一書的統計,回民起義前的咸豐十一年 (1861年),甘肅人口為1945.9萬人,戰後的光緒六年(1880年)人口僅存495.5萬人,人口損失達1455.5萬人。

西北回民對漢人的屠殺,可見甘肅各縣的縣誌。甘肅鎮原縣誌記載:「四鄉堡寨攻陷無遺,而縣城獨全,蓋四鄉之人逃出虎口者,生後入城避難。是月初九 日……(回民軍入城)……,全城糜爛,死者不知其數。」據《中國人口史》第五卷統計,回民屠城前鎮原縣人口26.9萬,戰爭損失23.4萬,損失比例為 87%。宣統《甘肅新通志》卷47記載同治二年(1863年)八月,回民軍隊「陷平涼城府官……員死節者百余,士民死者十數萬。」《中國人口史》記載,甘 肅涇州四縣,在咸豐十一年(1861年)時有人口92.8萬,戰爭中人口死亡82.2萬,損失88.6%。據該書推算,同治年間平涼府(包括華亭,隆德, 平遠,海城,固原)人口損失249.1萬,占戰前人口的88.6%。左宗棠入甘肅時,形容「遠近城邑寨堡,慘遭殺掠.民靡孑遺。平、慶、涇、固間.千里荒 蕪,彌望白骨黃茅,炊煙斷絕,被禍之慘,實為天下所無」。近代統計,西北各省漢人在同治回亂中被屠殺者,超2000萬有餘。



Jiangyin massacre


The siege of the Jiangyin city lasted 81 days, estimated loss of life(mainly Han Chinese) was about 170,000; and only 53 persons were found to be alive at the end of the siege.

Chaozhou massacre


Over 100,000 Han Chinese were killed after Manchu soldiers invaded Chaozhou city. Monks were collecting corpses to burn before the spread of diseases.

Guangzhou massacre

  • Guangzhou city religious record(Chinese:广州市宗教志):On the seven year of Shunzhi Emperor (AD:1650), Manchu soldiers invaded Guangzhou city, causing the death of 700,000 of Guangzhou inhabitants. A monk had hired workers to collect corpses and remaining body parts for bury. A stone tablet monument was elected to commemorate his deed.[3]
However other sources claimed 700,000 is an too exaggerated estimate and has no evidence. Europeans asked the locals at Guangzhou claimed 100,000 is most likely an accurate number. Siege Warfare: The fortress in the early modern world, 1494-1660 By Christopher Duff.[4] "They took Canton in 1650 after an eught month sieger, cutting down 100,000 of the citizens in the process" Warfare and armed conflicts: a statistical reference to casualty and other figures, 1500-2000. [5]"In 1650, Manchus carried an great massacred against ming defenders. In the siege of eight months upward of 100000 people died in Canton."

Sichuan massacre


From the Ming historical book:(Chinese:明會要): On AD 1578(the sixth year of Ming Wanli reign), Sichuan province had 262,694 families and population of 3,102,073.
From the historical book:(Chinese:四川道志):
On AD 1685(the 24th year of emperor Kangxi), the Sichuan population was a low 18,000. The whole of Chengdu city had less than 20 families.

Jinan massacre


When Jinan city was invaded by the Manchu, 130,000 Han Chinese were killed, and all the women that were left over were taken away.

Datong massacre




滿清檔案:順治六年十一月二十一日宣大巡按金志遠題本《明清檔案》第十一冊,A11- 20中,更是由於“城破盡屠”,只好請求釋放剩下的5個“無憑究擬”的犯人。《朔州志》也承認:“城破,悉遭屠戮”。

Kunshan massacre



, 「總計城中人被屠戮者十之四,沉河墮井投繯者十之二,被俘者十之二,以逸者十之一,藏匿倖免者十之一。」(《昆新兩縣續修合志》卷五一兵紀),「殺戮一 空,其逃出城門踐溺死者,婦女、嬰孩無算。昆山頂上僧寮中,匿婦女千人,小兒一聲,搜戮殆盡,血流奔瀉,如澗水暴下」!((研堂見聞雜記))

Panthay rebellion


Nanchang massacre



南昌大屠殺,“婦女各旗分取之,同營者迭嬲無晝夜。三伏溽炎,或旬月不得一盥拭。除所殺及道死、水死、自經死,而在營者亦十余萬,所食牛豕皆沸湯微集而 已。飽食濕臥,自願在營而死者,亦十七八。而先至之兵已各私載鹵獲連軻而下,所掠男女一併斤賣。其初有不願死者,望城破或勝,庶幾生還;至是知見掠轉賣, 長與鄉里辭也,莫不悲號動天,奮身決赴。浮屍蔽江,天為厲霾。”(徐世溥《江變紀略》)

Changshu Massacre


常熟大屠殺 “通衢小巷,橋畔河幹,敗屋眢井,皆積屍累累,通記不下五千餘人,而男女之被擄去者不計焉。”“沿塘樹木,人頭懸累累,皆全發鄉民也。”(《海角遺編》)

Xiangtan massacre



Nanxiong massacre



Slaves keeping and slaves killing


崇禎十一年冬至十二年春,清軍在畿輔、山東一帶掠去漢民四十六萬二千三百餘人,崇禎十五年冬至十六年夏,清軍又「俘獲人民三十六萬九千名口」。(《清太宗實錄》)&(滿清入關後,繼續劫掠人口。 順治二年八月辛巳日諭兵部「俘獲人口,照例給賞登城被傷之人。」(《清世祖實錄》)
滿清統治者為了制止逃往,強化其1626年頒布的《逃人法》,順治皇帝,「有隱匿逃人者斬,其鄰佑及十家長、百家長不行舉首,地方官不能覺察者,俱為連 坐」。順治六年又改為「隱匿逃人者免死,流徙」、「再行申飭,自此諭頒發之日為始,凡章奏中再有干涉逃人者,定置重罪,決不輕恕」(《清世祖實錄》)

See Also



  1. ^ Barbarism and Civilization - Mongols And Manchu Emperors
  2. ^ Failure, Nationalism, and Literature By Jing Tsu.
  3. ^ (in Chinese:至顺治七年(1650年)十一月初二,方攻陷广州,屠城七日)
  4. ^ Siege Warfare: The fortress in the early modern world, 1494-1660 By Christopher Duffy.[1]
  5. ^ Warfare and armed conflicts: a statistical reference to casualty and other figures, 1500-2000[2]
  • Voices from the Ming-Qing Cataclysm: China in Tigers' Jaws, Struve, Lynn A. Publisher:Yale University Press, 1998 ISBN 0300075537, 9780300075533 312 pages