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Utilica Survival


Utilica Survival is a custom game from the real-time strategy computer game Warcraft 3. The game was made to be a survival game from the game Utilica vs Omega where Utilica won the war with their rival enemy, Omega. The saga continues with "Utilica 2: Return of the Dead". Duality (band)



Utilica was on the Omegas' territory, Kolana, invading them with no remorse and brought preponderance of units to fight the war. In the end, Utilica won the battle without using a lot of pressure and they were known to be one of the strongest team to have powerful forces and weapons. One of the Omega's soldier opened an evil chest that the Omegas had found and the evil spirit resurrected every Omega's dead soldier to turn into monsters, beasts, and zombies. Omegas' evil forces attacked the Orcs capital, Zakdd, and made them to leave their town with a lot of villagers and they were no match to the evil spirits of Omega. The Utilicas somehow lost their transport to ride back home so they used a machine to transport them back home ,but they had to wait for 30 minutes, and that's where Omegas' brutal units of doom gets revenge. The orcs wanted revenge for their country so the Utilica and Orcs teamed up to fight for going home. The Orcs lost their home town, but they remain friendly with the forces of Utilica.

Return of the Dead


The return of the dead started out 15 years later when an anoymous thing happened in the sky and it was on the land of Zulo, the Utilica's home country, the Zalvorians was born. Zalvorians or Zalvors are friendly aliens from outer space and they were known as an alien, friendly alien race. Utilicas and Orcs were skeptical when they first met Zalvorians, but the Zalvorians kings had a meeting with the Orc's and Utilica's kings, they accepted that they were not invaders. When things was going great with the Zalvorians, things happened, the evil Omegas was back from the dead, for very unknown reasons. The battle started from Qop, Orc's new home country and fighting for 45 minutes with the Utilicas and Zalvors to wait Utilica's elite units from Zulo. When the battle was over, the reinforcement died with the rest from Qop, but Satan, the Omegas' leader was still alive and corrupted Qop.



There are only 3 races from Utilica Survival.



Utilicas are mostly known the race with best technology with advanced equipments. Their highlight is mostly known as "Man Eater" which is mostly known Utilicas' best unit and it's mostly known as nuke, the high damage it does. Utilicas are also known the only race with medical units for Hospital.



Orcs are always known the race that's brutal in combat with its ferocious melee units. They are known to have a lot of support units to support their powerful melee units. The Orcs are also known to sacriface a Demon Soul to summon the Demon, which is known there most fearsome unit.



Zalvors are an alien and they are known to have a mixture of everything and they can be very versatile with mixed units. They have the best siege in the game, Ballistas. Zalvorians also have heavy units like Crusher which is known as their best units and has a lot of upgrades to make this unit very buff in battle.



The gameplay may require some skills invovled depending on the difficulties. The game's basic procedure is mostly to build "hall", get a hero, go to outpost, produce units, build laboratory(or known as "tech" building), and tech to get better units and then produce more of the advance units. Strategies is definitely a big thing when it comes to this game. For example, a player can use most of their resources on towers, and another player can use most of their resources on units.



All Utilica Survival games feature four difficulties which are Cadet, Marine, Sergeant, and Amityville. Enemy units' attack and armor are usually increased as the higher of the difficulty. If the difficulty is selected on Sergeant or Amityville, all the creatures in the game have Hardened Skin.



Cadet is the basic difficulty setting for Utilica Survival. The enemies are fairly average with no upgrades.



Marine is the medium difficulty setting for Utilica Survival. Enemies get an increasement of attack and armor during the game. While playing the Marine difficulty, it's usually good to have some experienced players.



Sergeant is a difficulty for no non-experienced players. Monsters and zombies will be able to have some new abilities up and Hardened Skin.



Amityville requires all 7 players to be experienced. All the monsters and zombies in the game are fully upgraded.



The popularity of this game is really not that great when comparing popular custom games of Warcraft 3 like Dota, but it is known to be a very creative survival game.

http://www1.freewebs.com/ajizizoc/our_blizzard_maps_download.shtml :Clan End Maps:Marine Warfare (Warcraft 3)
