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Anglicanism | Animism | Bahá'í Faith | Baptist | Bogomilism | Buddhism | Candomblé | Catharism | Catholicism | Chinese folk religion | Christianity | Deobandi | Druze | Hanafi | Hanbali | Hinduism | Islam | Ismaili | Jainism | Judaism | Mahāyāna | Maliki | Manichaeism | Methodism | Mormon | Protestantism | Salafism | Santería | Shafi`i | Shia Islam | Shinto | Sikhism | Spiritualism | Sufism | Sunni Islam | Syncretism | Theravāda | Umbanda | Voodoo | Wahhabism | Yazidi | Yoruba religion | Zaidiyyah | Zoroastrianism



Arabian mythology | Aztec mythology | Buddhist mythology | Celtic mythology | Chinese mythology | Egyptian mythology | Germanic mythology | Greek mythology | Hindu mythology | Inca mythology | Japanese mythology | Jewish mythology | Mesopotamian mythology | Persian mythology | Roman mythology | Slavic mythology | Turkic mythology

Mysticisme et magie


Albertus Magnus | Alchemy | Aleister Crowley | Angel | Astral body | Christian Rosenkreuz | Church of Satan | Demonology | Druid | Edward Kelley | Esotericism | Fulcanelli | Gnosis | Gnosticism | Golem | Hermes Trismegistus | Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn | Hermeticism | Holy Grail | Homunculus | Isaac Newton's occult studies | Johann Georg Faust | Johannes Trithemius | John Dee | Kabbalah | Karma | Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path | Magic (paranormal) | Nazi occultism | Necromancy | New Age | Nicolas Flamel | Orisha | Ouroboros | Paganism | Paracelsus | Pentagram | Philosopher's stone | Reincarnation | Roger Bacon | Rosicrucianism | Santería | Satanic ritual abuse | Satanism | Sephirot | Sex magic | Shamanism | Simon Magus | Spiritism | Tantra | Theosophy | Wicca | Witchcraft |

Mythologies et légendes


Créatures fantastiques


Almas | Beast of Gévaudan | Behemoth | Bigfoot | Black dog (ghost) | Centaur | Cerberus | Chimera | Chinese dragon | Chupacabra | Cryptozoology | Cyclops | Dragon | Dwarf | Elf | European dragon | Fairy | Garuda | Ghost | Giant | Goblin | Griffin | Hecatonchires | Jersey Devil | Kraken | Leprechaun | Lernaean Hydra | Leviathan | Loch Ness Monster | Manticore | Mermaid | Minotaur | Mokele-mbembe | Monkey-man of New Delhi | Mothman | Ogre | Pegasus | Phoenix | Quetzalcoatl | Roc | Sea serpent | Shadow people | Sphinx | Spring Heeled Jack | Strix | Succubus | Undead | Unicorn | Vampire | Werewolf | Yeti | White Lady | Winged cat | Zombie

Lieux légendaires


Agartha | Atlantis | Avalon | Camelot | El Dorado | Heaven | Hell | Hollow Earth | Hyperborea | Lemuria | Lost city | Mu | Phantom island | Quivira and Cíbola | Shambhala | Sodom and Gomorrah | Thule | Ys





1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident | 1976 Tehran UFO incident | Abduction phenomenon | Ancient astronaut theories | Antonio Villas Boas | Area 51 | Battle of Los Angeles | Betty and Barney Hill abduction | Cattle mutilation | Crop circle | Dropa | Exopolitics | Extraterrestrial hypothesis | Flatwoods monster | Foo fighter | Greys | Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter | Little green men | Lonnie Zamora | Majestic 12 | Men in Black | Nordic aliens | Pascagoula Abduction | Reptilian humanoid | Roswell UFO incident | UFO conspiracy theory | Ufology | Ummo | Unidentified flying object | Unidentified submerged object | Varginha UFO incident | Xenoarchaeology | Zoo hypothesis

Pouvoirs et expériences paranormaux


Animal magnetism | Astrology | Bilocation | Chanelling | Charles Fort | Clairvoyance | Divination | Dowsing | Extra-sensory perception | Metaphysical levitation | Near-death experience | Out-of-body experience | Parallel universe | Paranormal | Parapsychology | Precognition | Psychic surgery | Spontaneous human combustion | Telepathy | Teleportation

Enigmes et complots


Sociétés secrètes et théorie de la conspiration


9/11 conspiracy theories | Bilderberg Group | Bohemian Grove | Chemtrail conspiracy theory | Conspiracy theory | Freemasonry | Global warming conspiracy theory | Illuminati | Jonestown conspiracy theory | Kennedy assassination theories | Ku Klux Klan | Mind control | New World Order (conspiracy) | October surprise conspiracy | ODESSA | Philadelphia Experiment | Pope John Paul I conspiracy theories | Rosicrucian Fellowship | Scroll and Key | Skull and Bones | The Protocols of the Elders of Zion | Thuggee | Thule Society | Trilateral Commission | Vril

Enigmes historiques


Acambaro figures | Antikythera mechanism | Baghdad Battery | Bermuda Triangle | Count of St Germain | Crystal skull | Flying Dutchman | Grigori Rasputin | Jack the Ripper | Kaspar Hauser | Knights Templar | Knights Templar legends | Ley lines | Man in the Iron Mask | Out-of-place artifact | Piri Reis map | Polynesian navigation | Pope Joan | Pyramidology | Queen of Sheba | Rennes-le-Château | Ten Lost Tribes | Unexplained disappearances | Voynich manuscript | Zodiac Killer |