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Ed Abbaticchio
Fred Abbott
Bill Abstein
Doc Adkins
Whitey Alperman
Red Ames
John Anderson (outfielder)
Frank Arellanes
Harry Arndt
Jake Atz
Home Run Baker
Neal Ball
Jap Barbeau
Cy Barger
Jack Barry (baseball)
Shad Barry
Emil Batch
Johnny Bates (baseball)
Harry Bay
Ginger Beaumont
Fred Beck
Beals Becker
Jake Beckley
George Bell (pitcher)
Chief Bender
Bill Bergen
Heinie Berger
Bill Bernhard
Bob Bescher
Joe Birmingham
Lena Blackburne
Jack Bliss
Frank Bowerman
Bill Bradley (baseball)
Dave Brain
Kitty Bransfield
Roy Brashear
Ted Breitenstein
Roger Bresnahan
Al Bridwell
George Browne (baseball)
Mordecai Brown
Al Burch
Fred Burchell (baseball)
Jimmy Burke (baseball)
Bill Burns (baseball)
Donie Bush
John Butler (baseball)
Bobby Byrne (baseball)
Howie Camnitz
Billy Campbell (baseball)
Scoops Carey (baseball)
Charlie Carr
Bill Carrigan
Doc Casey
Pete Cassidy
Frank Chance
Bill Chappelle
Chappy Charles
Hal Chase
Jack Chesbro
Eddie Cicotte
Bill Clancy
Fred Clarke
Bill Clymer
Ty Cobb
Cad Coles
Eddie Collins
Jimmy Collins
Bunk Congalton
Wid Conroy
Harry Coveleski
Doc Crandall
Gavvy Cravath
Sam Crawford
Birdie Cree
Lou Criger
Dode Criss
Monte Cross
Bill Dahlen
George Davis (baseball)
Frank Delahanty
Jim Delahanty
Ray Demmitt
Rube Dessau
Art Devlin (baseball)
Josh Devore
Bill Dinneen
Mike Donlin
Jiggs Donahue
Bill Donovan
Red Dooin
Mickey Doolan
Gus Dorner
Patsy Dougherty
Tom Downey
Red Downs
Slow Joe Doyle
Larry Doyle (baseball)
Jean Dubuc
Hugh Duffy
Jack Dunn (baseball)
Joe Dunn (baseball)
Bull Durham (pitcher)
Jimmy Dygert
Ted Easterly
Dick Egan (infielder)
Kid Elberfeld
Roy Ellam (baseball)
Clyde Engle
Steve Evans (baseball)
Johnny Evers
Bob Ewing
Cecil Ferguson
Hobe Ferris
Lou Fiene
Steamer Flanagan
Art Fletcher
Elmer Flick
Russ Ford
Ed Foster (baseball)
Jerry Freeman
John Frill
Charlie Fritz
Art Fromme
Chick Gandil
Bob Ganley
John Ganzel
Harry Gaspar
Rube Geyer
George Gibson (baseball)
Billy Gilbert (baseball)
Wilbur Good
Peaches Graham
Dolly Gray
Ed Gremminger
Clark Griffith
Myron Grimshaw
Bob Groom
Ed Hahn
Bob Hall (outfielder)
Bill Hallman (second baseman)
Jack Hannifin
Bill Hart (pitcher)
Topsy Hartsel
Jack Hayden (baseball)
Charlie Hemphill
Buck Herzog
Bill Hinchman
Harry Hinchman
Dick Hoblitzel
Danny Hoffman
Izzy Hoffman
Solly Hofman
Del Howard
Harry Howell (baseball)
Miller Huggins
Rudy Hulswitt
John Hummel
George Hunter (baseball)
Frank Isbell
Fred Jacklitsch
Jim Jackson (baseball)
Hughie Jennings
Walter Johnson
Fielder Jones
Davy Jones (baseball)
Tom Jones (baseball)
Dutch Jordan
Tim Jordan (baseball)
Addie Joss