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Jordan K. Seymore
Possibly the greatest thing ever conceived!
Background information
Birth nameJordan K. Seymore
Also known asDJ Raging Bull.

A bit about me


Well, as my name states, my name is Jordan Seymore. I'm from south Georgia, U.S.A. There isn't much interesting about me, really. I enjoy writing in my spare time, although I don't usually finish projects that I start. I've been working on a particular book for a while now called "Red Haze". It feels as though I've been working on it for over 9000 years, although I have not. Aside from writing I also enjoy studying the effects, properties, and general characteristics of psychoactive substances. Some fine examples are below. Besides reading, writing, and the oh-so-broad field of linguistics itself (as well as psychoactive substances), I also enjoy the study of physics as well as astrophysics. A goal that I have: I would like to learn the Sentinelese language (though it is seemingly impossible). ALSO: I am currently in the process of creating a language. It is currently called "Pavashta". I might drop some information on it here as it moves along, although I'm not sure at this point. Here's an exemplary character from Pavashta. Linguistics page

SI multiples


SI prefixes are commonly used to measure time less than a second, but rarely for multiples of a second. Instead, the non-SI units minutes, hours, days, Julian years, Julian centuries, and Julian millennia are used.

SI multiples of second (s)
Submultiples Multiples
Value SI symbol Name Value SI symbol Name
10−1 s ds decisecond 101 s das decasecond
10−2 s cs centisecond 102 s hs hectosecond
10−3 s ms millisecond 103 s ks kilosecond
10−6 s μs microsecond 106 s Ms megasecond
10−9 s ns nanosecond 109 s Gs gigasecond
10−12 s ps picosecond 1012 s Ts terasecond
10−15 s fs femtosecond 1015 s Ps petasecond
10−18 s as attosecond 1018 s Es exasecond
10−21 s zs zeptosecond 1021 s Zs zettasecond
10−24 s ys yoctosecond 1024 s Ys yottasecond
10−27 s rs rontosecond 1027 s Rs ronnasecond
10−30 s qs quectosecond 1030 s Qs quettasecond
Common prefixes are in bold

Base 10 v. Base 16 (Hexadecimal) v. Tonal

Base 16 Number Tonal Name Base 10 Equivalent
10 ton 16
100 san 256
1000 mill 4,096
1,0000 bong 65,536
10,0000 tonbong 1,048,576
100,0000 sanbong 16,777,216
1000,0000 millbong 268,435,456
1,0000,0000 tam 4,294,967,296
1,0000,0000,0000,0000 tran ≈ 1.845 x (10^16)

I believe Base 10 has won.

Temperature conversion chart

JordanSeymore temperature conversion formulae
from JordanSeymore to JordanSeymore
Celsius x K ≘ (x − 273.15) °C x °C ≘ (x + 273.15) K
Fahrenheit x K ≘ (x × 9/5 − 459.67) °F x °F ≘ (x + 459.67) × 5/9 K
Rankine x K ≘ x × 9/5 °R x °R ≘ x × 5/9 K
For temperature intervals rather than specific temperatures,
1 K = 1 °C = 9/5 °F = 9/5 °R
Conversion between temperature scales

I am placing this here simply as a resource whenever I need the conversion formulæ for any of these various temperature systems. Being a native user of the Fahrenheit scale, I find this chart to be very useful at times.

This user is interested in philosophy.
XThis user is an Atheist, and doesn't have a religion.
This user is an advanced mathematician.
This user loves astronomical cosmology.
This user values reason
over faith
~(p&~p)This user studies the concept of logic.
Þþ ÐðÐis user þinks ðat ðere should be a spelling reform of ðe English language using ðe letters "þ" and "ð" to replace ðe digraph "th".
This user believes that communism is an ideal system of government
—in theory.
C++This user can program in C++.
dnbThis user likes Drum & Bass.
This user loves DUBSTEP.
This user thinks Iranian rock is cool!
This user is a drummer.
Ą ąThis user loves the Ogonek
...This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
This user has a basic understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.
This user has a basic understanding of the Traditional Chinese characters.
This user has a basic understanding of the Simplified Chinese characters.
This user has a basic understanding of the Thai script.