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Calman Report

Scottish devolution

Tartan Tax

Barnett formula


Devolution in Scotland[edit]

What it does Will implement the final report of the Calman commission, increasing the Scottish parliament's powers over taxation and lawmaking. The bill's centrepiece will give Scotland substantial new powers over taxation – but these powers are still to be decided.

Flashpoints UK ministers are under pressure to produce the bill before next May's Scottish parliament elections, and hope to publish it this autumn. The Scottish National party, in government in Edinburgh, wants Scotland to have full fiscal autonomy, and will protest if the coalition fails to introduce new financial powers quickly. The Lib Dems' Scottish Secretary, Danny Alexander, could struggle to devise workable new tax plans by the autumn. There are much easier proposals in the bill giving Holyrood control over drink-drive limits, speed limits and air-guns, which are non-controversial. These measures may be enacted first, with the far more complex tax powers delayed.

devolved Scottish parliament