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Rick Krementz

Past President, American Gem Trade Association, based in Dallas TX see agta.org [1]
Member, International Colored Gem Association, known as ICA. see gemstone.org [2]
Member, ICA Nomenclature Committee
Member, GILC (Gemstone Industry and Lab Conference)
Former Director, Jewelers Vigilance Committee see jvclegal.org [3]
Former Director, American Gem Society see ags.org [4]
Chairman, Tanzanite Committee, and President, Tanzanite Task Force

Past President, Richard Krementz Gemstones since 1866, see rkg1866.com [5]
President, GemClear LP

Gemological Institute of America, Graduate Gemologist (GG) see gia.edu [6]
Gemmological Association of Great Britain, Fellow (FGA) see gem-a.info [7]
Harvard Business School, Masters in Business Administration (MBA) see hbs.edu [8]
American Gem Society, Certified Gemologist (CG) see ags.org [9]

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