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User:Lord Gøn/Gilbert Twigg

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Gilbert Twigg
Gilbert A. Twigg

(1867-12-00)December 0, 1867 invalid month invalid day
Died(1903-08-13)August 13, 1903
Cause of deathSuicide
DateAugust 13, 1903
Location(s)Winfield, Kansas, United States
WeaponsDouble barreled shotgun (12 gauge)

Gilbert A. Twigg was an American mass murderer who killed nine people and wounded 25 others when shooting into a crowd listening to a concert in Winfield, Kansas on August 13, 1903. He then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.




  • Dawson Billiter, 33
  • Will R. Bowman
  • Otis Carter, 23
  • Roy Davis, 15
  • Elmer E. Farnsworth
  • Sterling Race
  • Port Smith, 19
  • Charles Thomas, 31


"Winfield, Kansas, August 1903.

"I would like to say to those who have interested themselves so much in my welfare (that seems to be the public in general), that I do not and most likely never will know the real cause of being treated in the manner in which I have been treated. I do know that I have never killed any person, that I have never stolen anything, and that I have always been honest, and never violated any laws of our country to my knowledge. These things I know to be true. Now the question arises in my mind as to the real cause of the trouble. Can it be that I have been followed up since I was suspected of something in Winfield over four years ago, or can it be because of something I might have said about having been shadowed, or is it because of my girl affaire here some eight or nine years ago? I am inclined to believe that it is the latter, and if so, it is certainly very unjust. If I was sure that it came from the girl affair, I would go into details and tell everything, but as I am not sure and have no way to find out, I will keep it for her sake, what I have not already told to a friend of mine. Now, there is one thing that I have to regret, and that is because I did not settle this thing with Lieutenant Myron C. Bowdish and Contract surgeon O. W. Woods while I was a patient, at the Banate, in the Phillippines. Then I could have gotten what was due me, and this thing would have been over long ago. I would have settled these things then and there, but lived in the hopes that there would be some end to the thing some time, but it seems not. At least, there is no end in sight yet, and have no way of knowing that there ever will be. The past few years have been a long, long time to me. Of course, you people who have been deeply interested know the way you have treated me. You know you have `doped' me until I was forced to give up about a $100 a month position. You know that you drove me from place to place in the same manner and forced me to give up a neat little sum of my hard earned money to railroad companies money that I went through the danger of war and diseases, both in Cuba and in the Phillippines to get. You also know that you watched my mail and after finding out my friends and correspondents, you told them some kind of a story about me that caused everyone of them to drop me and turn me down cold.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, knowing this as you do, and as I do, do you think I will give up and sit down in a corner someplace and hold my hands and do nothing? Nay, nay, Pauline, not I. I have given up positions, I have taken your dope, I have taken your insults, and I have done nothing. But you will find me then delivering the goods in the end. You should let this be a lesson to you in the future, and when you are about to make big things out of little ones you should cough this up and look at it on both sides and be sure you are right before you go ahead. You may think your theory is all right, but if common sense does not teach you, experience will. Your brain may be all right in quality, but there may be a chance for them to be lacking in quantity. I believe this as all I have to say, so, `Adios.'"

Signed / Gilbert.

Great Falls, Montana.

September 1, 1902

"My Friend Chance;

"I have been thinking of writing to you ever since I have been here, but have neglected it until now on account of being very busy. On Sunday and Fourth of July is the only time I have had to myself up to the present time. This being Labor Day of course gives me a day off. In the past I have been working twelve and fourteen hours every day, so you see that gave me but little time to write letters. Sunday is not observed here like it is through the eastern states. We have run the mill all day several Sundays since I have been here, in fact we have been running day and night all the time and the flour goes out as fast as we make it. My old friend Sutherland is head miller and I am working second under him at $3.00 per day. Sutherland is a fine business man and an excellent miller. I like the work and the place here very much and would like to stay here. This is a beautiful town of about 14,000 population with all the advantages of an eastern town. The town is located on the banks of the Missouri river and there are three of the largest and prettiest water falls in the river here I ever saw, and in fact I believer they are the largest we have outside of Niagara Falls: Only one of the falls, however is being utilized for power at the present time, bit I think it is only a matter of a short time now hen the other two will be utilized for the same purpose, and when it is, it will run an unlimited amount of machinery. These improvements are almost certain to come to Great Falls, for the irrigation bill has passed congress. A new land office has been opened here, and government lands throughout the state are rapidly being taken up and the irrigation work will soon commence; when this is completed the country will naturally improve and I think it is only a matter of a few years when Great Falls will be a great city.

"Well, Chance, I often think of the old days gone by when we use to have so much fun together in our little crowd. Those were the happiest days in my life, and it would have been much better for me if I had gotten married and settled down as you have doneI have no doubt but what you are very happy, while I am not."

Very sincerely your friend, S/ Gilbert A. Twigg.


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