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Template:POTD part doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This template is part of series of templates, which are used as building blocks of Wikipedia:Picture of the day display templates. They are used to indirectly extract information from parameters, which are saved in subpages of Template:POTD.

Information extracted from Template:POTD/2024-07-03
Template Via parameter Value Description
{{POTD image}} |image= Ectophasia crassipennis male - Keila.jpg Filename of the picture.
{{POTD size}} |size= 300 Preferred size of the picture. It is 300 by default.
{{POTD title}} |title= Ectophasia crassipennis A short text, describing the picture, often a wikilink.
{{POTD texttitle}} |texttitle= Ectophasia crassipennis A short text, describing the picture without wikilinks.
{{POTD caption}} |caption= Ectophasia crassipennis is a species of fly in the family Tachinidae and the subfamily Phasiinae. It is present in southern Europe and warmer parts of central Europe. Adults can reach a length of about 5 to 9 millimetres (0.20 to 0.35 inches). Their large compound eyes are red, while the body varies between black and orange-brown, with large wings featuring wide brown or grey dots. The broad abdomen is flattened and sternite 7 is ventrally folded. This male E. crassipennis fly was photographed in Keila, Estonia. A long text, describing the picture. Usually it is a blurb from the linked Wikipedia article.
{{POTD credit}} |credit= Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus Credit for the picture.
{{POTD thumb}} |thumb= None Thumbnail for the picture. Used for animations.

See also
