United States Code/Title 42/Chapter 103

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United States Code
the United States Government
Title 42, Chapter 103. Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability

Superfund is the common name for the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), a United States federal law designed to clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances. See the current codification for Title 42, Chapter 103 in the Cornell Law School U.S. Code Collection.

505333United States CodeTitle 42, Chapter 103. Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability
the United States Government
Title 42 — The Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 103 — Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
§ 9601 Definitions
§ 9602 Designation of additional hazardous substances and establishment of reportable released quantities; regulations
§ 9603 Notification requirements respecting released substances
§ 9604 Response authorities
§ 9605 National contingency plan
§ 9606 Abatement actions
§ 9607 Liability
§ 9608 Financial responsibility
§ 9609 Civil penalties and awards
§ 9610 Employee protection
§ 9611 Uses of Fund
§ 9612 Claims procedure
§ 9613 Civil proceedings
§ 9614 Relationship to other law
§ 9615 Presidential delegation and assignment of duties or powers and promulgation of regulations
§ 9616 Schedules
§ 9617 Public participation
§ 9618 High priority for drinking water supplies
§ 9619 Response action contractors
§ 9620 Federal facilities
§ 9621 Cleanup standards
§ 9622 Settlements
§ 9623 Reimbursement to local governments
§ 9624 Methane recovery
§ 9625 Section 6921(b)(3)(A)(i) waste
§ 9626 Indian tribes
§ 9627 Recycling transactions
§ 9628 State response programs
Part A—Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund
§ 9631 Repealed.
§ 9632 Repealed.
§ 9633 Repealed.
Part B—Post-closure Liability Trust Fund
§ 9641 Repealed.
§ 9651 Reports and studies
§ 9652 Effective dates; savings provisions
§ 9653 Repealed.
§ 9654 Applicability of Federal water pollution control funding, etc., provisions
§ 9655 Legislative veto of rule or regulation
§ 9656 Transportation of hazardous substances; listing as hazardous material; liability for release
§ 9657 Separability; contribution
§ 9658 Actions under State law for damages from exposure to hazardous substances
§ 9659 Citizens suits
§ 9660 Research, development, and demonstration
§ 9660a Grant program
§ 9661 Love Canal property acquisition
§ 9662 Limitation on contract and borrowing authority
§ 9671 Definitions
§ 9672 State laws; scope of subchapter
§ 9673 Risk retention groups
§ 9674 Purchasing groups
§ 9675 Applicability of securities laws


Short Title
Section 1 of Pub. L. 96–510 provided:
That this Act [1] may be cited as the ``Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980´´.”

  1. The Act enacting this chapter, section 6911a of this title, and sections 4611, 4612, 4661, 4662, 4681, and 4682 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, amending section 6911 of this title, section 1364 of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, and section 11901 of Title 49, Transportation, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 6911 of this title and sections 1 and 4611 of Title 26