Page:A Naval Biographical Dictionary.djvu/527

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He married, first, Anne, daughter of the late Rev. Jas. Worsley, of Gatcombe, in the Isle of Wight; and secondly, Caroline, daughter of the late Joseph Bettesworth, Esq., of Ryde, in the same island. He has issue, with four daughters, six sons, all of whom are in the service of their country – the eldest, Henry Worsley, a Commander, and the youngest, Edward, a Lieutenant, R.N. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.

HILL. (Lieutenant, 1825. f-p., 24; h-p., 17.)

Henry Joseph Hill, born 3 Sept. 1780, is eldest son of the late Thos. Hill, Esq., of Gough Square, Fleet Street, London.

This officer (who had previously been in the Hon. E. I. co.’s service) entered the Navy, 8 July, 1806, as Midshipman, on board the Speedwell 14, Lieut.Commander Wm. Robertson, on the Home station, where, on 24 of the following Dec, having been appointed Prize-Master of a Danish brig, he was captured by a French privateer and sent to Calais. He did not in consequence regain his liberty until the peace of 1814, when he returned to England and joined the guard-ship at Plymouth. He was soon afterwards removed into the Resolute 12, Lieut.-Commander Wm. Pringle Green; while serving with whom he passed his examination, 2 Nov. in the same year. From Jan. 1815 until Feb. 1818, Mr. Hill served at Liverpool, Gibraltar, and Portsmouth, a great part of the time as Admiralty Midshipman, in the Princess, Capt. Wm. Simpson, Serapis store-ship, Capt. Wm. Lloyd, Queen Charlotte 108, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Thornbrough, and Rochfort 80, Capt. Sir Archibald Collingwood Dickson; and he was next for upwards of seven years employed, as Chief Mate, in the Hawke Revenue cruizer, Lieut.-Commander Rich. Ward. He at length attained his present rank 27 May, 1825, and, after three years and four months’ servitude in the Coast Guard, was appointed, 26 Nov. 1830, to the Coast Blockade, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Hyperion 42, Capt. Wm. Jas. Mingaye. He was paid off in March, 1831, and has not been since able to procure employment. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.

HILL. (Commander, 1841.)

Henry Worsley Hill is eldest son of Vice-Admiral Henry Hill.

This officer entered the Navy 24 March, 1810; obtained his first commission 13 July, 1824; and was afterwards appointed – 20 Dec. 1825, and 31 March, 1826, to the Superb 78, and Melville 74, both commanded by his father – 18 Jan. 1828, to the Tribune 42, Capts. John Wilson and John Alex. Duntze, employed on the South American station, whence he returned to England and was paid off 16 Dec. 1831 – 21 Sept. 1833, as First, to the Andromache 28, Capts. Bernard Yeoman and Henry Ducie Chads, in which vessel he sailed for the East Indies – 1 Dec. 1834, to the Melville 74, bearing the flag of Sir John Gore, with whom he came home and was put out of commission in July, 1835 – and 14 April, 1837, to the command of the Saracen 10, on the coast of Africa, where he served until a few months after his promotion to the rank he now holds, which took place 15 March, 1841.

Commander Hill, since 6 March, 1843, has filled the office of Lieut.-Governor of Her Majesty’s Forts and Settlements on the Gold Coast. He married, 1 July, 1845, Amelia Jane, eldest daughter of Henry Pytches Boyce, Esq., and the late Lady Amelia Sophia Boyce, daughter of George third Duke of Marlborough. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.

HILL, Kt. (Captain, 1815. f-p., 51; h-p., 15.)

Sir John Hill entered the Navy, 25 Sept. 1781, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Infernal bomb, Capt. Jas. Alms, on the books of which vessel he was borne until March, 1783. On 20 April, 1788, he joined the Nautilus sloop, Capt. Thos. Boulden Thompson, stationed at Newfoundland; and he next, between 1789 and his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 28 July, 1794, served in the Channel and West Indies, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, on board the Goliath and Bedford 74’s, Capts. Archibald Dickson and Robt. Mann, and Porcupine 24, Capt. Jas. Alms. In the course of the latter, and the following year, he was successively appointed to the Invincible 74, and Juste 80, both commanded by Capt. Hon. Thos. Pakenham, on the Channel station, where, for a few months in 1797, he again served with Capt. Alms, in the Repulse 64. He then joined the Princess Royal 98, bearing the flag in the Mediterranean of Sir John Orde, with whom he remained until transferred, in May, 1798, to the Minotaur 74, Capt. Thos. Louis, part of the victor-fleet at the ensuing battle of the Nile; for his conduct as Senior Lieutenant on which occasion, he was advanced to the rank of Commander by commission dated 8 Oct. in the same year. From 2 Feb. 1800, to 6 March, 1802, and from 31 March, 1804, until 27 Oct. 1808, we next find Capt. Hill commanding the Heroine, and Humber, in the Mediterranean and Channel. On 24 March, 1813, he was appointed to an Agency for Transports – the duties of which post he continued to discharge, in the Baltic, and on the coasts of Holland and France, for a period of nearly six years. Having attained Post-rank 28 Oct. 1815, he was subsequently, from 1820 until 1838, employed as Captain-Superintendent of Deptford Victualling Yard. He was appointed, on 9 March in the latter year. Superintendent of the Dockyard at Sheerness; and, since 11 Dec. 1841, be has been again officiating in a similar capacity at Deptford.

The honour of Knighthood was conferred on Capt. Hill 31 Aug. 1831. His only son is a Captain in the Army; and one of his daughters, now deceased, was the wife of the present Capt. W. L. Castle, R.N.

HILL. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 26; h-p., 23.)

John Hill (a) entered the Navy, 6 March, 1798, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Europa 50, Capt. Jas. Stevenson, under whom he attained the rating of Midshipman 1 Jan. 1799, and continued to serve, in the same ship, and in L’Egyptienne 50, and L’Africaine 38, on the Channel and Mediterranean stations, until Feb. 1802. Attending, during that period, the expedition of 1801 to Egypt, he served in a launch with a carronade, and had two men wounded, while engaged, on 8 March, in covering the debarkation of the troops; and he was afterwards for six months employed on shore with the army. In May, 1803, he re-embarked on board the Leyden 64, Capt. John Seater, lying in the river Thames, whence, however, he soon sailed for the West Indies, with Capt. John Ayscough, in the Camel store-ship. In the course of 1804-5 Mr. Hill there accompanied the same Captain in the Reynard, Shark, and Goelan sloops; in the first and last mentioned of which we find him frequently coming into contact with the enemy’s privateers. From the Goelan, which during the last two years and four months had been commanded by Capts. Arth. Lysaght, Benj. Clement, and Fred. Hoffman, he removed, in June, 1808, to the Hebe frigate, Capt. John Fyffe. On 4 April, 1809, he became Acting-Lieutenant of the Pelican 18, Capt. Edw. Henry A’Court, also attached to the force in the West Indies, where, being confirmed to that vessel by commission dated 4 May, 1810, he continued to serve for a further period of 17 months. During nearly the whole of 1811 Mr. Hill was employed off North Cape in the Trinculo sloop, Capt. Alex. Rennie. His subsequent appointments were, to the command – 26 Aug. 1812, of the Landrail 10, in which vessel he performed a service of some importance connected with the restoration of Louis XVIII. – in June, 1814, of the Pioneer 10, on the Newfoundland and Downs stations – 18 May, 1816, after a few months of half-pay, of the Surly 10, employed, until paid off in Sept. 1818, on Home duty – 2 March, 1829, of the Rinaldo Falmouth packet, which he