Page:A Naval Biographical Dictionary.djvu/1349

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YORKE. (Captain, 1846.)

Reginald Yorke, born 24 Nov. 1803, is son (with Philip Jas. Yorke, a Lieut.-Colonel in the Guards) of the late Rev. Philip Yorke, Prebendary of Ely, by the Hon. Anna Maria Cocks, daughter of Charles, first Lord Somers; and brother-in-law of Sir Edm. Head, Bart. His grandfather, James, Bishop of Ely, was fifth son of Philip, first Earl of Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

This officer entered the Navy 5 Feb. 1817; passed his examination in 1824; and was made Lieutenant, 2 Aug. 1826, into the Blanche 46, Capt. Wm. Bowen Mends, on the South American station; whence he returned to England in Sept. 1827. His succeeding appointments were – 19 Aug. 1828 and 4 Feb. 1830, to the Meteor bomb, Capt. David Hope, and Asia 84, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Codrington, both in the Mediterranean – 25 May, 1831 (he had left the Asia about 12 months previously), to the Donegal 78, Capts. John Dick and Arthur Fanshawe, employed, latterly under the flag of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, on particular service – and 1 May, 1833, to the San Josef 110, as Flag-Lieutenant to Sir Wm. Hargood at Plymouth. He attained the rank of Commander 20 Nov. 1833; and served in that capacity in the Albatross 16, on the North America and West India and African stations, from 12 May, 1842, until advanced, on the paying off of the latter vessel, to the rank he now holds, 30 June, 1846.

YOUEL. (Lieutenant, 1812. f-p., 34; h-p., 13.)

Edward Youel entered the Navy, 22 Feb. 1800, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Atlas 98, Capt. Theophilus Jones, attached to the blockading force off Brest. After serving for two years in the North Sea in the Amethyst frigate, Capts. Henry Rich. Glynn and Alex. Campbell, he became, in June, 1804, Midshipman, on the Channel station, of the Defender gun-brig, Lieut.-Commanders Geo. Hayes, John Geo. Hope, Geo. Plowman, and Fred. Wm. Burgoyne; the last mentioned of whom he followed, in July, 1809, into the Transit gun-brig. In her he was for 11 months employed, still in the Channel, and nearly the whole time as Second-Master. We subsequently find him proceeding from Greenwich to Plymouth in command, as Second- Master, of the Trial cutter; from Plymouth to the Isle of France (at the reduction of which he was present), and thence to Portsmouth, as Master’s Mate, in the Actaeon brig and Boadicea 38, both commanded by Lord Viscount Neville; from Portsmouth to Ceylon, in the capacity last named, in the Africaine 38, Capt. Hon. Edw. Rodney; and from Colombo to the Cape of Good Hope in the Alert government schooner, Master-Commander Wm. Young. On 17 July, 1812, he was nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Racehorse 18, Capts. Jas. De Rippe and Geo. Fred. Rich, stationed off the Isle of France; he was confirmed to that vessel 21 Nov. following; and he was employed next – from 20 Nov. 1813 until 15 Oct. 1815, in the Orestes 14, Capt. Wm. Rich. Smith, in the Channel – from 17 April, 1816, until 13 June, 1817, in the Opossum 10, Capt. Lord John Hay, on the coast of North America – from 16 Feb. 1822 until June, 1834, in the Coast Guard – from June, 1834, until June, 1837, in command of the Harpy Revenue-cruizer – and from June, 1837, until 1839, again in the Coast Guard. He has since been on half-pay.

Lieut. Youel married, in Dec. 1830, Miss Goodridge, of Devonport.

YOUNG. (Retired Commander, 1840. f-p., 28; h-p., 25.)

Alexander Young is brother of Retired Commander Geo. Young, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 26 Aug. 1794, as A.B., on board the Bristol, Lieut.-Commander Hutchinson, lying at Chatham; where, in Dec. 1798, nearly eight months after he had been discharged from the latter vessel, he was rated Midshipman of the Vryheid prison-ship, Lieut.-Commander John Maston. In April, 1800, he removed to the America 64, bearing the flag of Sir Wm. Parker at first at Halifax and next in the West Indies. In Dec. of the same year, the America having struck on a rock and been rendered unfit for further service, he was received as a Supernumerary on board the Hind 28, Capt. Joseph Larcom. He afterwards served in the Channel, in the West Indies, and again in the Channel, in the Brunswick 74, Capt. Geo. Hopewell Stephens, Port Mahon 18, Capts. Walter Grosett and Neville, and Impétueux 74, Capt. Thos. Byam Martin; and on 5 Sept. 1805 he was nominated Acting-Lieutenant in the East Indies of the Hindostan 50, Capt. Alex. Eraser. He was confirmed, 30 Aug. 1806, into the St. George 98, Capt. Thos. Bertie, on the Channel station; was employed next, in the Baltic, from June, 1808, until Dec. 1809, as Flag-Lieutenant, in the Vanguard 74 and Stately 64, to the officer last mentioned, who had been promoted to the rank of Rear-Admiral; and was appointed afterwards – 26 March, 1810, and 6 Feb. 1812, to the Ardent 64 and Helder 36, Capts. Robt. Honyman and John Serrell, both in the Baltic – 17 May, 1813, for nine months (he had left the Helder in the preceding Jan.) to the Bellona 74, Capt. Geo. M‘Kinley, stationed off Cherbourg and Rochefort – 25 Aug. 1814, to the Beaver 10, Capt. Edw. O’Brien Drury, employed in escorting convoys to the Baltic – 11 Jan. and 26 Aug. 1815, to the Namur and Bulwark 74’s, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Rowley in the river Medway, where he remained, we believe, until 1818 – and in 1827 (after many applications for employment) to the Transport Service, wherein he continued, as Agent Afloat, until wrecked in 1833, in the Wanderer, at the back of the island of Barbadoes. He accepted the rank of Commander on the Retired List 9 July, 1840.

YOUNG. (Lieut., 1842. f-p., 18; h-p., 2.)

Alfred Young, born in 1811, at Verdun, in France, is son of Retired Commander Matthew Young, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 13 Jan. 1827, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Prince Regent 120, Capt. Constantine Rich. Moorsom, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Moorsom at Chatham. From the following July until Oct. 1830 he served in the Musquito 10, Capts. Geo. Bohun Martin[1] and Chas. Bentham, in the Mediterranean; he then became Midshipman, in the Channel, of the Wellesley 74, Capt. Sam. Campbell Rowley; and from July, 1832 (six months after he had left the Wellesley), until Aug. 1834, he was employed in that capacity in the Dispatch 16, Capt. Geo. Daniell, and Sapphire 28, Capt. Hon. Geo. Rolle Walpole Trefusis. Having, in the course of the month last mentioned, passed his examination, he was in succession appointed Mate – 10 July and 4 Aug. 1835 and 28 Dec. 1838, of the Portland 52, Capt. David Price, Barham 50, Capt. Armar Lowry Corry, and Blazer steam-vessel, Lieut.-Commander John Middleton Waugh, all in the Mediterranean – 10 July, 1840, of the Tartar Revenue-cruizer, Lieut.-Commander Robt. Butcher – and 8 Jan. 1842, of the St. Vincent 120, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Codrington at Portsmouth. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 7 March, 1842; and was afterwards, from 26 May in the same year until 7 Dec. 1843, and from 13 Sept. 1844 until 1849, employed in the Pacific and East Indies in the Satellite 18, Capt. Robt. Fitzgerald Gambier, and Espiègle 12, Capts. Thos. Pickering Thompson and Fred. Arch. Campbell. Agent – J. Hinxman.

YOUNG. (One of the Junior Lieutenants.)

Brook Young, born 16 Aug. 1813, is third son of the late Sir Wm. Lawrence Young, Bart., of Marlow Park, co. Bucks, by Anna Louisa, the sister of John Jolliffe Tufnell, Esq., of Langleys, co. Essex and uncle of the present Sir Wm. Norris Young,

  1. He was present, under Capt. Martin, at the battle of Navarin, 20 Oct. 1827.