stroke mag

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stroke mag (plural stroke mags)

  1. (slang, vulgar) A pornographic magazine.
    • 1996 November 6, CatharinaK, “Lefty Defends Dworkin - Like thats a big surprise”, in alt.feminism[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-23:
      I agree that the lack of distinction between a stroke mag and some other work is an oversight in this ordinance, though.
    • 2001 March 28, HellPope Huey, “Why does "BoB" hate me?”, in alt.slack[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-23:
      Christ, that's like waking up and finding that dickless fuck Bob Dean's tongue in my mouth. Pleaeagh! Pleaagh!!! Will someone please hold the hose while I steam-clean my genitals, I feel so DIRTY! Sis D has an excellent excuse, she's a walking stroke mag of glistening beauty, but you? Next thing you know, iceknife will be asking for a pair of my undies to sniff while he wanks to reruns of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
    • 2001 December 23, [email protected], “Rog Reviews- YOUNG STUFF”, in rec.arts.movies.erotica[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-23:
      Gabriella is reading what could be a letter to the editor for a stroke mag as the movie opens.
    • 2002 May 5, rob.wn5, “(humor/humour) How to tell a Perv from a Real Sick Puppy”, in alt.startrek.vs.starwars[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-23:
      Perv : Buys Stroke mag along with his Paper.
      R.S.P. : Buys Animal husbandry Mags as his Stroke Mags.
    • 2002 May 7, mhirtes, “Joe Christ: Fanboy Stomper”, in alt.tasteless[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-23:
      In fact, why ANYONE is buying a stroke mag these days is beyond me, since there's an ocean of tits & clits to be had all over the erotica newsgroups for free (and the fare's a lot more interesting than the ten or eleven poses these mag photographers have been doing over and over for decades).