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Blend of Muslim +‎ pajeet.



mujeet (plural mujeets)

  1. (India, derogatory, offensive) A Muslim from South Asia.
    • 2024 May 3, @desi_diva1, Twitter[1]:
      Meanwhile in “mujeet land”
    • 2024 May 5, @RadekSpeaks, Twitter[2]:
      Funny how Egyptian mujeet is worried about Israel but their own government is Not opening the Rafah border for the people of Gaza
    • 2024 May 8, Arjun Vaid (@arjunvaid077), Twitter[3]:
      Mujeet dolts need to know difference between a battle and a war. For 1965, here's your then foreign minister Bhutto crying in UN to save Paikhanaistan's ass form India